<<@KatyYoder-cq1kc says : Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️>> <<@Dude-zz9om says : Ja mensen. Deze situatie met de f16 is en was te verwachten. Het was te verwachten dat het vliegveld of start en landingsbaan aangepast moesten worden, simpelweg omdat die vliegtuigen daar eerder niet waren. En het was inderdaad enigszins te verwachten dat de Russische Federatie de luchtverdediging daarop tijdig zou aanpassen. Het betekend dat de f16 waarschijnlijk het beste strikt defensief ingezet zou moeten worden. Overigens geldt voor andere wapens en/of eenheden soms een zelfde soort principe. Het is een opbouw van militaire krachten aan beide zijden van de frontlinie. Daarmee geeft het eigenlijk ook meer reden te zoeken naar een middenweg, en die ligt ergens langs de frontlinie.>> <<@hankhaney3785 says : "Trickle, trickle military aid" to Ukraine, because our dem party is "with Vlad" ...right "Big Guy" !>> <<@agh6250 says : Ukrainian war experts 🧐>> <<@bansheep1 says : It's not enough but Ukraine just might be able to win... If they would step up recruitment of soldiers..>> <<@AlexxxDE says : Your commentary is really good, all of you. It's much easier to say "A tack ems" for the ATACMS missiles. It's sorta a play on words because it sounds like "attack them" You are saying " atta cams" , which is probably how the acronym is supposed to be said, but It's better said "A tack ems" :) Continue with the good commentary. Slava Ukraine, Victory Ukraine.>> <<@bobthompson-ec4zr says : Ukraine lost 60 tanks. Half USA and half German. How many other items have been lost? No Utubers ever mentioned those losses. The USA tanks cost 10 million each. Russia uses drones to kill tanks just like Ukraine does.>> <<@prismpyre7653 says : I'm no pilot or expert but just from the perspective of an aviation geek I can tell you it's no joke or excuse when they say that hosting F-series fighter jets requires all-new infrastructure and logistics and training for *everyone* not just the pilots but the ground crews etc-- they use a very rarified high-octane fuel that has to be handled with extra caution and procedures, for example and needs it's own dedicated equipment. What the young woman says is correct that Ukraine has often found very clever ways to 'wed' soviet and western technologies that weren't designed to be compatible, but in this case the problem isn't incompatible technologies so much as it is the infrastructure requirements for F-16s are just beyond the physical limits of soviet-constructed air bases and gear. As you know the USSR and USA had very different design philoophies- in the west it was a "spare no expense" attitude while in the russian/soviet sphere the directive was to do as much as possible with as little as possible and try to keep things simple and easy. Each of these approaches has 'pros' and 'cons' as we say (for example, ask any militia force fighting in jungle or desert or other harsh conditions, and they will tell you they prefer a soviet rifle to a western one, because the soviet rifle is simpler to maintain and will last longer, while the western counterpart is more complex and has more points of failure in harsh conditions). So, now Ukraine is experiencing the down-side of that, but hopefully it will be worth the wait. It is true that the air-defense systems you are facing were designed against the F-16--- but remember the F-16 did not freeze in time in 1990; it continued to be advanced and upgraded until the beginning of the current century... of courses losses are unavoidable but I think you will do well with them.>> <<@tixien says : Hi. Definitely a nice format. You might want to go for a lighter background though, the dark one brings some feeling of intimacy but is also a bit creepy. You’d also greatly improve such pieces with a bit more scripting of the points you want to elaborate on, as it sounds a bit messy at times. Now to the substance, just a few points to feed the discussion onward: - E. Macron never ever said he would send French troops to Ukraine. Not once. He said nothing should be ruled out. His point was to keep the discussion going between nato allies about self-imposed “red lines” and reduce the “comfort zone” such redlines created for Russia. Exactly as he did when breaking the taboo on western tanks (remember the AMX-10 episode?) or with the French-British decision to allow use of Scalp-StormShadow missiles onto Russian territory. - Countries have very different approaches when it comes to communication about aid, military support or weapon transfers. The US and the U.K. are usually very talkative about it, they put a lot of spin on it and try to rip as many communication benefits as they can. France, Sweden (and a few others) have a “less talk more action” mindset and keep their communication at an appropriate minimum. When they come out, things have already been done or are well on their way. When France spoke about transferring western tanks, AMX-10 were already waiting at the Ukrainian border. When they announced that would be ok to strike Russia with Scalp-StormShadows, these missiles had already been used for weeks for such purpose. And when E. Macron talked about Mirage, Ukrainian pilots had been training on french air bases for months before. - A modern aircraft pilot (f16, Rafale, Gripen…) needs around 5-6 years to be trained; a squad leader needs around 10 years. It’s not just sitting in a cockpit and pushing buttons, it’s about defining strategies, mission planning, managing a small army of specialised mechanics and ground support and integrating into a wider, complex military network including intelligence, satellite communication, coordination with naval and ground assets, etc. It is, almost literally, rocket science. And, at this point of time, the main problem is not plane availability but pilots availability. Even if every single Ukrainian pilot currently in training was miraculously made ready for combat tomorrow, there still wouldn’t be enough of them to smoothly operate the incoming F16 fleet. Just saying. Anyway, keep up the good work, cheers😉>> <<@drreaganeliedithphd6526 says : Maidan 2014 russie orcs ont commencé aggression en 2014>> <<@drreaganeliedithphd6526 says : La guerre finira quand orcs vont chez eux>> <<@drreaganeliedithphd6526 says : Je crois présidente Macron enverra le Mirage>> <<@1drummer172 says : I have been very supportive of Ukraine and your channel; always mindful of my posts. Why are my comments being deleted?>> <<@jondoe1622 says : No. You need to make your own.>> <<@unsalbulent says : Zelensky says not to buy oil from Russia, but from which country did Ukraine buy oil in the last 30 years? If the war ends, from which country will Ukraine buy oil? In 2010, in exchange for oil debts and cheap oil (about 40 billion dollars), Ukraine made an agreement with Russia for the Russian navy to stay in Crimea, which belonged to Russia before 1991, until 2042. In other words, Ukraine can buy cheap or even free oil from Russia, but other countries cannot buy oil from Russia.>> <<@DrakonlordEreshkihal-vf5o says : ​​пејте>> <<@DrakonlordEreshkihal-vf5o says : ​​ја претворив украина во единствената европска земја и нејзината наречена висока азија која е европа сега е и така украинците се високи азијци кои се големи азијци ако сме мали азијци и ниски азијци>> <<@DrakonlordEreshkihal-vf5o says : ​​ги претворам сите надвор Од Јапонија тајланд И Украина во Вампири и сега сум нивен родоначалник па чекав да се претворат во вампири бидејќи иа веќе знаеше дека се>>