<<@retinalcircus says : 🙄 What is he even going on about?>> <<@retinalcircus says : This metaphor is objectively weird.. This man is thick>> <<@mauricealbertdj says : Trump was confused he meant asylum of the sheep, and have the sheep for dinner. Follow for more. 😜>> <<@Yahdish says : Who does Trump think he is. His blood line are immigrants too. He and his kind were never welcomed in the past when they landed on the boat in this country. He is afraid a new breed of immigrants are going to replace him. Trump was never my President. Hellboy!>> <<@stephanielockhart2489 says : Mass deportation>> <<@cdorman11 says : The Breckenridge press of 1860 enjoyed a flurry of circulation thanks to its fear-mongering, but escalated tensions into a Frankenstein's monster. As a modern-day example of how the sale of false narratives is getting out of the creators' control, immigration across the southern border had fallen under Obama to only 25% of its historic peak, perhaps because his approach was more draconian than he could advertise without alienating his base. Trump inherited that downward trend through his first year. But then in 2018, 200 migrants from Honduras entered Guatemala. Nothing unusual. But Fox reported it as if it were. Trump believed it and flipped out. Fox reported the President’s reaction. Would-be immigrants learned of the 200 from the free advertising that Fox and Trump were giving it and joined in to benefit from safety in numbers and figuring they knew how to get in. Fox reported the growing “caravan.” Trump watched Fox and reacted. Fox reported the reaction--more free advertising. More migrants joined in. Fox started calling the caravan an “invasion,” and so on.* The P.T. Barnum quality to Trump that got him elected also escalated typical, down-trending migration into atypical, up-trending migration, and his inverse Meidas touch ruined one more good thing he inherited from Obama.** If he’d kept his mouth shut in public (and maybe had a little talk with co-owners Rupert and Mohammed bin Bonesaw), he wouldn’t have reversed Obama’s downward trend. And he says Don Jr. “has the worst (redacted) judgment of anyone I have ever met.” He should consider the source. And not talk about his son as if he weren't in the room. *Even Moscow Margie didn't want the train leaving without her, and amplified the free advertising herself with calls for her imaginary Israeli space lasers to shoot down migrants. As she said in her maiden speech on the House floor, "I was ALLOWED to believe things that were not true." **but then he had so much practice doing the same with Fred>> <<@go818win says : Don't forget the incident on the ‘Strip’ in 2022 where a poor showgirl was killed by an illegal immigrant. Unfortunately destroyed a livelihood, and ended up considered iconic novelties that graced Las Vegas.>> <<@garymiller3131 says : Go get Trump>> <<@tremurder2743 says : I AGREE WITH TRUMP 100%🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@XerxezsX says : Nayib Bukele exposed and destroyed 😂>> <<@themustar601 says : So stupid>> <<@juliewatson4314 says : MAGOA!!!!❤>> <<@MrBokashi says : same chaos in Germany. Knife attacks every day. It's a shame>> <<@ronsmith1429 says : Let's set the. record straight: 1) Trump' fired the U.S. pandemic team Obama had put them in place to protect us in the event of a pandemic in 2018.. 2) Trump admitted he purposely lied about the risks of Covid because he was afraid his stocks would go down. 3) Then Trump delayed testing for Covid. 3) Then Trump gave billions of Covid money to his friends.4) Trump touted a drug to cure Covid from a company he had a financial interest in which actually killed people. His supporters say, "we love you Trump" and "God Bless You"' " Jesus loves you" "Trump is the best President ever" THEY ARE DELUSIONAL BECAUSE TRUMP VIOLATED EVERY ONE OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS ********************************************************************************************* There is a strong likelihood that we are going to have another Pandemic (Avian Flu). You don't want to lose your life because Trump a mentally sick psychopath, is in charge.>> <<@1223steffen says : Racist bigoted man.>> <<@tstuff89 says : Bidens UN peacekeepers coming across the border will takedown America from within New China created purging Americans>> <<@reconjeeper0321 says : Trump!!! Well said!!!!>> <<@Maxmaidiac says : DEMS = SELLOUT OF THE SHEPARDS. PUPPETS OF THE WOLVES = DEMOCRATS.😮😮😮>> <<@troylafcen4634 says : Deport all migrants 👽👽👽👽👽 Donald Trump 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@i_am_nature22 says : Project 2025=> Trump Dictator of USA. This is not a joke folks. Our democracy is in grave peril if Don the Con becomes POTUS. VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO, EVEN IF IT'S A PIG!>> <<@firojmnalam6121 says : गणपति बप्पा मोरया 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : A unique comparison, indeed.>> <<@tommcgeethree says : 10% for Biden and the corrupt democrats. Those are the facts. It's also treason. So be ready. You've been advised.>> <<@jaysonj9327 says : The Walking Dead is more apt.>> <<@dennisferguson9129 says : Half the world 🌎 would come here but we can't take 4 billion people>> <<@Kyle-xd4ep says : Well whatever it is it's taking down American it's pathetic>> <<@wheelmanstan says : trump trolling with hannibal lector, haha love it>> <<@mjgonzalez8293 says : This harms US All and our Future 0:32>> <<@IWannatalkpodcast says : What is he talking about 😂 😂 😂>> <<@portiawilcox3120 says : Joe should be charged with committing a premeditated ASSAULT on OUR country,by reversing Trump’s amazing border policies!!!💯>> <<@commonsensebeliever7 says : What a weird couple of things to say. I think our team needs a better captain, we don’t have to settle for this mediocre guy.>> <<@user-bg4fd8qb2o says : GOP cannot win on Policy. GOP cannot win telling the Truth. GOP trots out Convicted Criminals as Prophets. GOP soils the Honorable then Themselves. GOP whiffs on the World Stage, then gets laughed off. GOP embraces Weak Dictators and Cheats on Allies. GOP sleeps in their own bedpan. Dump Grump 202x.>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : Obama built Detention centers, use them>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : What do Americans think the next 20 years are going to be like? Biden just let in the Dregs of humanity.>> <<@thomaswilson7441 says : Like the Cuban migration, the great bold inflection with Cuba drug dealers all the criminals and all the mental patients on boats and send them over here to America, back in the 1980s why we still have a drug problem in this country one reason>> <<@thomaswilson7441 says : 🥰🥰🥰🥰 President Carter built detention center concentration camps to hold several million 77810 million people, President Johnson started it in anticipation of what we're suffering through right now>> <<@elilammers3645 says : Hahaha i love this guy very ruthless!>> <<@lewiswinthorpethe3rd657 says : Ya can say what you want about trump but he’s spot on , my country England is destroyed and they’re uncontrollable cause of weak politicians if you don’t listen to him then in years to come you will regret it I promise you, they’re rioting everyday everywhere,I wish my slimy snivelling worm of a so called leader starmer had trumps, Putins , xi pings backbone then we wouldn’t be in the position we are, listen to the man or you’ll regret it,GOD bless and GOD bless trump and his family>> <<@technoverse101 says : Trump is right, again>> <<@uncleogrimacy says : So much for "Unity"😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@EllieMaes-Grandad says : Systematic nationwide response is essential, to avoid the otherwise anarchical collapse of USA. Trump promises deportations - and no doubt will deliver on his promise. It won’t be cheap, it won’t be easy and it won’t be quick. It must be done; there is no alternative.>> <<@EllieMaes-Grandad says : . . . . but not from Europe . . . !>> <<@MKMK-xo9lo says : Let’s hope he is not going to pile on another 8 Trillion in debt like last time! If he does we will all be toast 😢>> <<@WalkiTalki says : And Al Gore's WEF and Bill Clinton's Foundation openly brag that this is their goal. They can't conquer the world while America is number one. Biden, Gore, Clinton, and even Mayorkas have been a close knit group since the early 90s and Obama since the late 90s. Voters don't take five minutes to look up these two groups and then act shocked and ask why is Obama still relevant or why Hillary. This is why. Google WEF and remember that Blinken has publically met with WEF three times in the last year. They don't even try to hide it because they know the voters won't take any action for what they are doing.>> <<@norahcruz5427 says : PRESIDENT TRUMP SEND THEM BACK TO THEIR COUNTRY ...😂>> <<@jeremiahsantos1489 says : 🤔 # For a Safe America for all free American's we the American people won't and need Trump back for president in November 5th 2024🇺🇸🙏🇮🇱.>> <<@champie3368 says : I laughed out loud when he said *I'd like to have you for dinner* 😂 I'm a big Silence of The Lamb fan.>> <<@MrJonathanSmith says : I love Trump but this was a weird part of the speech lol>> <<@Gabi_Garcia_is_the_GOAT says : It’s just so sad in nyc they are suffering>> <<@oldmantex374 says : Trump often goes off the rails and says things that make no sense so this is no surprise.>>