<<@timkasten343 says : Democracy, U.N. Membership>> <<@fvhitman4hire says : Ukraine will try to siphon as much money as possible from the idiotic Democrat administration.>> <<@jeffd3660 says : Screw tube is garbage 🗑 ... they are censoring the comments>> <<@petershaver5006 says : Khazarians>> <<@eddysgaming9868 says : Did this guy mention "the name that shall not be spoken aloud?" And his involvement in Ukraine?>> <<@carlrichards5207 says : 👍>> <<@chad_8313 says : Russia's victory is a wakeup call to NATO. 1) NATO needs more unified systems. Sharing ammo is crucial, but every member wants their own tank, IFV, artillery, etc. Outside of the US, no NATO member has any equipment or parts in significant inventory. For Ukraine, they're spending so much time and effort operating so many different pieces of equipment. 2) Cold War Era main battle tanks are obsolete. They're too big, too slow, too vulnerable to drones, and too expensive. The US should ditch the Abrams X project and rework the Booker light tank to add an autoloader and reduce the crew size and weight as a result. 3) NATO lacks infrastructure. Russia is still producing more shells and missiles than NATO. How in the hell does that happen 2.5+ years into the war, with NATO's massive budget and workforce?>> <<@richarddean2532 says : OMG I cannot believe I found this lol. Youtube doesn't like this channel .>>