<<@tznwyvuk471 says : And what if deal is struck on hamas terms and Israel withdrew from Gaza?!? All those soldiers who fought and died would have died for nothing, terrorists will celebrate it as a victory and regroup in more strength and again attack Israel which will be only looser. For what price? Call mr Sinwar to release the hostsges not Israel.>> <<@Rafsangani says : Is Iran getting us for Halloween or is 500?>> <<@avivacohen8785 says : What a brave daughter. May get father cime home safely>> <<@avivacohen8785 says : My heart goes out to you!! Terrible.May all the hostages be released unconditionally now.>> <<@Janet31690 says : We are praying everyday for all of them to come back home soon. And THEY WILL COME BACK SOON. AMEN❤❤❤>> <<@wastedmalice says : She's 22?! I thought she was like 16. Her skin is like porcelain; like a doll. I hope she gets her father home soon. <3>> <<@Sunshine-do3yv says : ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🤲🤲🤲🫂 MAKE THE DEAL NOW..... BRING THIS FAMILY THEIR BELOVED FATHER BACK HOME 🎗️🎗️🎗️ 🎗️ We pray 🙏🙏❤️🇮🇱 for ALL FAMILIES OF ISRAEL 🇮🇱🇺🇸🌎🌎🌍>> <<@shvsing-tb9ym says : Money, power and land is the problem!>> <<@flavioperrella7508 says : @gaya, I hope everything will be fine for you and your family soon.>> <<@rahatjaved6286 says : Natanyahu's son has not gone to war,>> <<@דניאל-ב7כ says : 😭>> <<@birgittanachmann2775 says : Wonderful daughter! ❤>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Intifada Is The Global Islamination Campaign From A Internasional Moeslim-Radical Brotherhood Like *"Ikhwanul Muslimin"* Philosopher's To Invading The Jewish HollyLand Soil Into A Extrimist Islamist Chalipate Ideology ( ISIS ) Because They're The Truly Dangerous Religous Gangster Activist's From A 6 BC Dark Ages Century When The Mister Mohammad Prophet Up-Rising In The Middle--East Peninsula 🕋🕌🗿🌍🌙💫 Where The UN Assembly & ICC To Can't Also Condemnt About A Racist Violence Activity In The Moeslim Population Country Like A Bangladesh Largest Riots Event When The Hindu Minority Group Who Killed By A Local Islamist-Radical Gangster ☠️👆 If A Iran Proxy Government To Want Making The Total Scale-Regional War's Then Possibly This A Teheran Dictator Regime To Having The Big Trouble Crisis Like A Iraq Tragic Case By The Saddam Hussein Ruler In 1991 When The Iraqi National Guard Army To Invading A Quwait Neighbor Country To Result The Iraq Damage Destruction Inside On A Gulf Wars Conflict By The Dessert Storm Opperation of A Largest Coalition Strike! 🤖🌍🔫 ISMAEL-HANIYEH Is Death By A Time Bomb Detonation From The Iran Military-Building Complex In A Their Secret Location Nearby The Islamic Revolutioner National Guard Base With A Intensive Plan's Design For Along Time On The Internal Behind Agenda From Them Selves Versions ✍️📓📐🧾 Stand & Pray For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protecting A Israel Nation People's With The Fighting Spirit Never Give-Up Forever On A Lion-Heart Warrior Anytime , Shalom Aleichem God Bless To All of You For The Peace-Harmony Every Where ! 🕊 The Origin of Anti-Semitsm Ideology By A Iraqi Moeslim Ruler ( IMAM ALI MUHFTI ) As The Brutality Nazi-Germany Leader { ADOLF HITLER } Partnership Alliance To Want Destroy A Western Democracy State Such As The British Empire & A France Government In The Middle-East Peninsula After A Turkey Ottoman Collapse On The World Wars 2 1911-18 ! 😈👺🕌 Mean While The Iran Syiah Regime To Want Helped By A Putin Dictator Tyrant To Will Destroy The Western Coalition Alliance Like America , European-NATO & Israel Government , Okay Go Head If A Teheran Islamist Chaliphate To Making The Global Scale Conflicts Tobe A World-Wars 3 And Then Ali-Khameini Leader To Probably Death Like Ossama Bin Laden or Mr. Sadam Hussein 😆👏 Maaf Saja Buat Ormas2Islam & Parpol2Muslim Antum Jangan Sok2an Merasa Pintar Dlm Sejarah Bhw Yg Pertama Kali Agama Pelopor Monotaisme ( Ketuhanan Yg Maha Esa / Tunggal Satu2nya Pencipta Alam Semesta ) Adl Judaisme / Yahudi Abad 1 BC Oleh Nabi Mussa-Mosses Dgn Kitabnya Taurat-Torag { The Ten Commandments : Sepuluh Perintah Tuhan } Berlanjut Terus Ke Jesus/Jesua Dgn Al-Kitab Injil \ Bibble , Aliran Jainisme-Sinkrinisme & Budha Sidarta-Gautama [ Kitab Werdha ] Sedangkan Islam Baru Muncul Abad Ke 6-7 Mula2nya Adl Ajaran Kepercayaan Pagan : Dewa-Bulan Hubbal ( Huballoh - Hillohi - Allahu - Allah ) Lebih Menyerupai Agama Hindu-Konghucu-Shinto + Dewa-Dewi Yunani-Romawi Kuno | Mesir-Persia Kuno Terlebih Dahulu Nongol Abad Ke 4-5 SM __ Lihat Kanal SATRIA-NUSANTARA YouTube Official Account __ Ayo Debat Terbuka Di Forum Internasional Biar Tahu Siapa Yg Sebenarnya Tuhan Itu 🌠👉💫 NB : Padahal Penggunaan JILBAB & CADAR Tsb Aslinya Dlm Riwayat Hadist Muslim Itu Ketika Istrinya Nabi-Muhammad SAW Itu Lagi Mau BAB/BOKER Di Tengah-Malam Padang-Pasir Tiba2 Kepergok Sahabatnya Nabi Tsb Melihat Tdk Sengaja Istri Baginda Rasulullah ( Siti Khadijah ) Lagi Buang Hajat Tanpa Penutup Kepala Ketahuan Wajahnya Hingga Turunlah Dalil-Ayat Agar Wanita Muslim Menutup Aurat Terutama Muka Ketika Lagi *"Menerima Panggilan Alam"* Hanya Saja Umat Islam Kini Salah-Paham Arti Juga Sejarah Busana Hijab Tsb 🙈🙉🙊>> <<@AmyLLevi says : Ahevet achoti! 🇺🇸🇮🇱🥹>> <<@misbahullahsadiqi6889 says : Stupid Zionist>> <<@LeahFriedman-gj9qo says : Deal now>>