<<@MAGAGI_Burundi says : Bamenyeshamakuru bacu cane cane abokubuhinga bwivyuma amakuru yokuri le 21 na 22/08/2024 murazosubira inyumamwumvirize namwe ndaziko muzoca musaba imbabazi abakurikirana RTNB y'igihugu cacu dukunda.>> <<@KennyIracaniye says : Hera aha 1:17>> <<@gastonmodestkaziri2566 says : The Intamba Murugamba chief Coach seems to be a Rwandese coaching Burundi National Team! This is very significant and tells us how it is impossible to separate same people! Politicians such as H.E President Paul Kagame inclined to the "Tutsinization" agenda will have no place in the Burundi-Rwanda politics not more than a decade to come! Hutus of Rwanda are the same as Hutus of Burundi as Tutsis of Rwanda are the same as Tutsis of Burundi. In Rwanda Tutsis want all Hutus disappeared while in Burundi, Hutus and Tutsis live side by side and have since two decades ago buried their differences! The only problem is the Rwandese Tutsis who deliberately preach hate and cheat some few disgruntled Tutsis in Burundi to hate their fellow Burundians of Hutu origins! This will be impossible because many Burundian Tutsis understand well the benefit of living in peace! They participate in all government affairs without discrimination which is not the same case in Rwanda for Hutus! The Vice President of Burundi Hon. Prosper Bazombaza is of Tutsi origin! However, you can't hear him talking negative things about his Boss, H.E President Maj. Gen. Evariste Ndayishimiye who is a Hutu. The Vice President loves his country and his people both Tutsis and Hutus! Believe me if you follow his meetings within the country he enjoys massive support and ululation from all Burundians! Even when he speaks outside Burundi, he represents the country as a Statesman not as a Tutsi as Rwandese would like him to do! Rwandese Tutsi leadership must change, they must be inclusive not to hunt Hutus like a He-goat in the desert! And this explains the Rwandese backed Red-TABARA trying to sabotage peace and security in Burundi to no avail! Similarly the M-23 backed by Rwanda fighting in DRC! Both groups majority of them are made up of Tutsis who have day dreams of Tutsi rule across the East African region! Rubbish thinking indeed!>> <<@DondivinNishimwe-s9t says : Nukuri muriko muratumaramaza>> <<@EricIrakoze-s7b says : Kumashusho muratibesha muduha namakuru adakwiye>>