<<@Jacko1165 says : Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦🙏>> <<@stevejohnson170 says : Modi’s support of Russia has facilitated these deaths. It’s disgusting to watch. Shameful. If you care, stop buying the oil. Stop buying the weapons. Support the side which got invaded and have suffered extensive war crimes. Doing nothing = complicit. 😢>> <<@josephdigiorgio says : How many of those bombs were paid with Indian purchases of Russian oil?>> <<@khanindustries says : Just remember, India wouldn't even vote to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Great work Ukraine show Modi the crimes his mate Putin has carried out!>> <<@davidgallagher7344 says : Slava Ukraini>> <<@zaramarkaryan4369 says : Слава и низкий поклон создавшим этот мемориал! Слава народу Украины, народу- герою !!! 💙💛🌻>> <<@Roberto-o4o8v says : Can Modi be trusted?>> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : There is an alley in Donetsk "the alley of the angels" children killed by shellings all their photos are there to commemortate a pay tribute>> <<@felitaturco123rempojo3 says : 🇵🇭🇺🇦❤🙏>> <<@carsten9168-hs4gs says : In hid heart, Modi knows all along that Chekist Putin is a war criminal and hugely corrupt dictator with his Nazi ideas and to resurrect the USSR ! It is only the need for Russian oil that made him soften his relations with Russia.>> <<@DANIELWAGNER-tr1vh says : UA😎💙💛✊💪✌👍💖💯>> <<@brianmccabe2430 says : Rest In Peace, little angels. They were the first victims of war. Salva Ukraine.>> <<@blairmarshall544 says : India really is straddling that fence. Cuddles for Puting last week now sucking up to Ukraine! The fucking nerve of this guy.>> <<@LMB237 says : And what was his reaction after seeing all the grief caused by Putin and his mob . .? Buy more Russian oil and gas? And provide more high tech parts for arms of destruction like rockets 🚀 and drones?>> <<@martinvidenovic5767 says : Afterwards, he should go to the breakaway republic and pay homage to the killed children, that is, the killed children by Ukraine, who did it for several years.>> <<@2gointruth says : “The disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?’ He called a child, set him in front of them, and said, ‘I tell you this: unless you turn round and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Let a man humble himself till he is like this child, and he will be the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me. But if a man is a cause of stumbling to one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung round his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea. Alas for the world that such causes of stumbling arise! Come they must, but woe betide the man through whom they come!’” – (at Matthew 18: 1-7) –>> <<@agrimensor6406 says : I'm so amazed how RazzzzPutin makes it appears that they are the victims in that war..... sadly, some Western leaders believe that tyrant which is the reason for limited military assistance to Ukraine....>> <<@garyfilmer382 says : Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦🔱>> <<@kentalanlee says : There is a tendency for those who follow politics, to become jaded and hardened to the realities which face political animals such as Modi and Zelenskyy. Many of the comments I have seen here are critical, and label this event as theatre. My take is slightly different though. Regardless of the lens we hold up to those who organized this event, the public's eye is drawn to it, and will be forced to confront the reality of an enemy who consciously targets civilians, in their residences, and even in a children's hospital. They will have to remember, if even for a moment, what a monstrous machine that Russia has become. That Modi and Zelenskyy agreed to have this media event, is progress. That Modi is seeing what Ukraine is enduring will have an effect. If this event creates a desire for India to help Ukraine more, and facilitate ties with Russia less, then it is a good thing. Let it be what it is: an opportunity to open eyes. And maybe make peace happen sooner.>> <<@Lift_Eachother_Up says : ❤ The world needs to see more media like this. Although Modi has his own agenda I do believe he has empathy for the children. No matter the horrendous actions he has taken and will take. Media that shows we are all human and even if we dont agree or understand someones opinions we can respect them. Respect, show kindness, put out love towards other humans. Not media that focuses on dividing to conquer selfish interests for people of greed and power. Use power to promote kindness and empathy see what world we can make for generations to come. Our next generations.>> <<@ursinecanine9657 says : No. You invited Modi to engage in some theatre. If he gave a dam about this he would not call Putin "friend".>> <<@vitalijstasiuk6601 says : God protect Ukraine.>> <<@ForOurGood says : Modi has proactively funding Putler since the start of the war, and has never once criticised Putler's for his unprovoked imperialistic and murderous war. It is easy to confirm this as fact: - No direct criticism published - Imports from Russia to India have skyrocketed since the start of the war, filling Russia's war coffers. Modi and India is fully complicit in causing all the continuing death and destruction caused by Putler's imperialistic war. That includes sharing clear responsibility for the death of so many innocent Ukrainian babies. Modi is shameless and unrepentant, and we saw by the loving kissing and hugging of Putler's just weeks ago. Some make the excuse that I India is trying to balance a middle path, but this is completely a false narrative given the clear economic and diplomatic support to Russia, that has aggressively ramped up since the start of the war. This is not a middle path, this is participation on the side of an imperialistic dictator. Modi is a hypocrite that has no shame. To be honest, I am sick of everyone dancing around the issue.>> <<@rikkafe6050 says : No matter how you dress up the machinations of politics and diplomacy it all boils down to one simple fact, putin is a slayer of children and he revels in this accomplishment. What a sad little twisted specimen he is. My heart bleeds at seeing this scene. Somebody, somehow have to give them back their dreams, time for Modi to lead with heart and not his pocket.>> <<@mirola73 says : Modi playing both sides. Hypocrite.>> <<@davidreynolds3082 says : Modi has helped pay for some of the very same missiles, shells and bombs that have killed thousands of innocent civilians, by buying up loads of Russian oil and gas!!! How two-faced is that? Has Modi no shame???>> <<@dayforit1750 says : M-orc-di*>> <<@luisritanogueira says : Modi what an hypocrite and opportunist>> <<@nicktechnubyte1184 says : Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦>> <<@lucdebeuf8444 says : Modi...hypocrite 🙄>> <<@jasonteem9917 says : Modi embraced the war criminal, Putin, who is responsible for the deaths of these Ukrainian children. India supports Russia by buying its oil. India has not even condemned the Russian invasion. Modi has blood on his hands! Shame!>> <<@siddharthkumar5677 says : Joker mODI actor>> <<@eddiegoodman9267 says : Beautiful>> <<@ankitsinghvishen1000 says : What can do modi for Ukraine no can do this because not for any profit he went there for peace. Now this is the greatest politician in the world.... Great story may be creat..... Love Ukraine 🎉🎉🎉🎉 from India 🇮🇳 India is always with humanity... Anybody don't tell about Oil imports from Russia because Ukraine friend USA and 99% europian countries taking natural gas from Russia...>> <<@eddiegoodman9267 says : Thanks for the update and views 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Oklahoma USA 🇺🇦🇺🇲 Prayers 🙏🙏🙏>>