<<@FireballProductions911 says : Which ones? No names of course>> <<@ff-cq5hh says : DAN BONGINO>> <<@barrymarsh4236 says : Hey got caught>> <<@greymedic333 says : Why bring back Juan Williams? He avoids anything intellectual>> <<@Mike-ou7xg says : Thank god for the women getting the job...right need more diversity..bs>> <<@ChristianFitterling-vv5zl says : I remove God, the angels, the Jedi Teachers, the Americans and the Hosts of Heaven and the inhabitants of the Earth from the altar from the Ark of the Covenants. For Eternity. I do not know you. I never knew you. Goodbye.>> <<@mjgonzalez8293 says : So they cannot be questioned by Congress>> <<@Just-Fauna says : That's too bad. They did the right thing IMO.>> <<@brianherrera4256 says : That's fishy AF. Why did none of the secret service agents have ear pieces on?>> <<@MyMail-d3n says : I don't get how the little short women are really making things any better.>> <<@nomadmarauder-dw9re says : Advice for agents on leave... don't fly. Stay away from windows.>> <<@markwillett1617 says : THE STRINGS"" ARE MANIPULATED FROM ASPEN!>> <<@markwillett1617 says : A- PERSONNEL"" ISSUE??? POOR-PETALS! YOU ALL NEED----------HELP!>> <<@MichaelKing-vj3sj says : Disgraceful>> <<@alansnow1129 says : They said the one in charge and one of them who surrounded him is suspended. Must be the woman that hid behind him who couldn’t holster her weapon that was suspended. I bet 2 of them were ones who left their post were too. Maybe also the one who left home early?>> <<@grammadee94 says : The Democrats DON'T care!>> <<@karlmahlmann says : The Feds have stonewalled the public on this. All the evidence points to their involvement.>> <<@THEROOTMATTERS says : SO PUT ON VACATION, THEN, DOES LEAVE MEAN THEY HAVE TO LEAVE TOWN OR COUNTRY?>> <<@madcrabber1113 says : Bait and switch.>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : A serious matter, indeed.>> <<@jamesshepherd8565 says : Most local channels have turned off the comments on this story. This country is unrecognizable.>> <<@steveberdie7745 says : Norma here, So what’s the point of putting them on leave with pay? If they were so incompetent, or if they did anything purposely to allow Trump to be shot, they need to be fired and held accountable. Any pay given while on leave needs to be taken back.>> <<@andrepizzo8550 says : So they got paid to PHUCK up , Now get paid to do Nothing at all stay at home and play with themselves. Oh it's under investigation RIGHT Gotcha. To anyone entering the workforce get a government job and just jerk off til you retire. Pathetic is the perfect word to describe our three letter entities.>> <<@torreyvent9429 says : It's called on the job retired,>> <<@ryanbesco8067 says : You know who else got shot in the ear and survived during an assassination attempt? Tony Soprano.>> <<@CarolCannava says : Not sure this man was after Trump like they said he has a long record Allegedly>> <<@douglashoward-t8o says : The secret service was created to prevent counterfieting the money supply. Since 1913 they have been working for the counterfieters. Since they failed. They were given the responsibility to protect the president.>> <<@douglashoward-t8o says : Well yea. It looked like they were on on it>> <<@billridarelli5691 says : To make it look like they are doing something. We need the big guys.they dont want them to talk.>> <<@SeaSaltSandSerendipity says : Vacation Leave>> <<@WesW3187 says : Scapegoats?>> <<@larry2281 says : The ground/on field agents who rushed the stage to get Trump out of there and cover him did their job. Cheatle needed to be fired.>> <<@amarreder6241 says : Shalom alekhem>> <<@angelamwanapabo4997 says : Paid leave?What a joke!>> <<@seandoherty4236 says : In this case "leave" means working at a lower-level task. While still earning their previous high-level pay. E.g., not working on a higher-level VIP security detail; instead the SSA is working at a desk job, or non-VIP security detail. This is multiple levels BELOW a slap on the wrist. Its just a temporary "wait till this blows over" administrative re-shuffling.>> <<@charlesmascari8197 says : Don't blame Iran. The threat is a lot closer to home.*>> <<@TheGuitarded1 says : Back to the kitchen they go ☕️>> <<@jameshilton3668 says : I wonder if the protective detail one put on leave was the "I can't put my gun away" chick? Or if it was the spinning in circles "what are we doing, what are we doing" chick? Has to be one or the other, unless they scapegoat some poor schmuck...😮>> <<@Kristina-ut1rx says : I’m not responsible for someone that doesn’t listen to me>> <<@TABUK_SHAKUR says : Another psyop 🥱>> <<@mikek8377 says : He said the right thing at a high level for sure, but no doubt he has since seen their complete incompetence as actual individual agents (some). When you're watching a short overweight thing, trying to holster her gun!!!! That's a complete joke!!!>> <<@mikek8377 says : In the very beginning, the one female that was jumping up and down and she still was way too short!! Crazy, how do they hire and pick some young girl who looks new and is a foot shorter than the one she is protecting??? Top it off, and she didn't have a clue how to handle her weapon!!!>> <<@robtrout5183 says : The secret service looked like keystone cops , they were a joke, so give me a break lady 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💪>> <<@gordmarsden says : they shot the 20 yr old witness they paid in advance>> <<@antoniosantiago9794 says : KAMALA IS PLAYING THE RACE CARD YET AGAIN! IT'S 2024! !!! SHE IS FORCING YOUNG VOTERS TO VOTE FOR HER! GUILT!?!?!?>> <<@robtrout5183 says : FBI has come up with nothing, they are corrupt to the core and we will never have a believable answer, what is taking so long ? 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💪>> <<@TheCowboylogic says : Leave? They need fired.>> <<@FRANCOISPOOLMAN says : ANOTHER JFK STORY! I BET!😢😢😢>> <<@FRANCOISPOOLMAN says : 😂😂😂😢😢WHY!?>> <<@arlenedawson2510 says : They found what everyone knew, they were in on the attempt, I feel was brought about by the Democrat elites. Don't think Bidens were the only ones selling out our country, is a Marxist give in DC. Traitors to our country and construction>>