says :
Does the Brazilian constitution actually allow the head of the STF to take an executive action like this and shutdown a social media platform? Doesn’t Brazil have a better system of due process than this? If Alexandre de Moraes can take an executive action like this and just shut down a social media platform, what is to stop him from shutting down WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube? Remember, if the Brazilian government can shutdown X, they can shut down your YouTube channel or whatever outlet you have.
says :
I'm brazilian, and I can tell that the orders were unlawful, therefore X cannot comply with them per US law that forbids a US based company of committing a crime in a foreign country. The order were unlawful in several aspects, but the most blatant is the fact that brazilian law forbids preemptive censorship, meaning it forbids profile removal, only contents (posts) can be removed through a court order, the law is very clear about that (refer to internet civil act). Also, brazilian congressmen have immunity against any type of censorship (refer to brazilian constitution), and the laws ordered the removal of profiles of brazilian congressmen. There are several other laws broken in this whole mess, but those are the most important in my view and most experts. Moraes' is acting outside the law, as criminal, and has the support of almost all supreme court ministers, and he and the court has been acting like that since 2016 at Dilma's (Lula's successor) impeachment. The brazilian supreme court has a closed inquiry (meaning a hidden prosecution that nobody has access to) that is completely illegal as the court cannot open an inquiry that does not treat crimes that happened inside the court, that it uses to censor and jail political opponents, people have been killed in jail without even knowing why they were there because they or their defense has no access to the process, including a journalist, this inquiry is called 'inquérito do fim do mundo' or 'inquiry of the end of the world'.
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Very good! Please, guys, make a video about the situation in Belo Horizonte.
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I had no idea that Western countries like France and Brazil arrest more citizens for speech violations than Russia. Holy cow. The UK and Canada too. This explains a lot.
says :
literal buzzwords and leftisit talking points - you are sellouts