<<@NewwWorldOrder says : newsom is scum one worst>> <<@jamesdriver8131 says : Another useless uninteresting panel>> <<@kneelathisthrone9191 says : Biggest threat of our lifetime...Kamalalalalalalala>> <<@TheEqualizer-3.2.1. says : MESSAGE TO NEWSOM: When you use our Tax money to put illegal immigrants' needs before the U.S. citizens needs, you have effectively become a traitor to the citizens. 📣 California advances 0 down, no payment home 'loans' for undocumented immigrants.' Source: Ken Schrupp. The Center Square Wed, Aug 21, 2024. 📣 Assembly Bill 2586 provides state government jobs at taxpayers’ expense for illegal immigrants. Specifically, it mandates that illegal immigrants with no U.S. work authorization should be given access to apply for and take jobs provided through taxpayer-funded universities (UC & CSU) run by the state government. California Dems have fast tracked passage of AB 2586. It passed the Assembly by a 59-4 vote and now heads to the State Senate. Source: Reform California *CA, contact your senator to stop this from passing.>> <<@mprice8851 says : The importance of putting DonOld out to pasture trumps and nominating process Dems may have skipped.>> <<@bait3027 says : Kamala talked with RFK, credentials weren’t adequate for cabinet position, and so he went to trump and got hired. What’s the issue maga?>> <<@fawnybby says : You hate minorities but spray-tan in an attempt to get our skin color. 😂🎉>> <<@KhiryAdams says : Shame I’m not a American but a true patriot TRUMP 2024.>> <<@oxoxox3695 says : END THE 30,000 LIES VOTE HARRIS 2024>> <<@andrespalomino1280 says : HARRIS/WALZ2024 Let the blue wave crash the division and hate that Maga and Fox promote>> <<@phyllisclement4176 says : His name is Newscum. Get it right!>> <<@Rev.jefferyrol says : What about the LULAC IN TEXAS.>> <<@allensantee1591 says : What is this a gathering of Clowns>> <<@lincolnsghost7328 says : The only thing I find unsettling about Gavin Newsom is that he was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle back in the early 2000s. Yikes! But al least he remarried and now has a normal relationship with four children. Don Trump Jr can have Kim.>> <<@lincolnsghost7328 says : Trump thinks that politics should be like a game of golf at Bedminster - where he gets to choose his opponent and set the rules. The fact is, Biden dropped out of the race before the DNC convention and endorsed Kamala Harris. Why would it be any surprise that the sitting vice president would be the next presumptive nominee? Trump is just jealous that Joe and Kamala still have a normal relationship - unlike Pence who (correctly) claims that Trump tried to have him killed. Why are Republicans so WEIRD ?>> <<@Marbles-w8g says : It doesn't deserve a snicker>> <<@johnduggan1437 says : King Gavin speaks 🎉 😅😅😅>> <<@allanbarrett6488 says : What a joke ! It was as a coup like a 3rd world>> <<@CaptainBathsaltyCornbread says : Israel First 🤑🇮🇱 Americans Last 🇺🇸>> <<@shannoncleveland5904 says : What's HER🥰🌹💋 name @Fox?! I don't care for lame men reporters 💯 my database CAN'T process ANYTHING men say TBH😎👑👌👁️🙏>> <<@PaulSchaney says : Newsome should laugh: the process and the choice are both JOKES!!>> <<@robbarr7155 says : LIAR!!!!>> <<@TimzShine says : Evil Skamala 🤥>> <<@coleentooley5528 says : LOL A BAIT AN SWITCH. BIDEN EARNED THE VOTES HARRIS DIDNT>> <<@hula62 says : I know many Democrats who wanted to vote for RFK Jr. I glad he can came on over to our side.>> <<@CaringDisneyfan says : Ha ha haaa ha . Not funny really. You laugh at all Americans. Sad little revolting garbage man.>> <<@zavierdesine4405 says : An open nomination process 🤣😂>> <<@VincentHilliard-o7o says : Hillary, Harris, Newsome, Laugh off miss doing like little kids in the back seat. Time to pull the car over Trump 2024 👍🇺🇲 U-Tube moderator! What's wrong with this post?>> <<@pamelagibson6860 says : VOTE TRUMP!🇺🇲 2024!>> <<@DeniseHash-i7x says : People are paying attention to this illegal process>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : Newsom's laughter reveals much, indeed.>> <<@randycochran6795 says : What's the deal with the guy in the gray suit hair>> <<@joelcampbell1491 says : He's scummy but Kamel toe is just as scummy .Her little honeymoon phase is over>> <<@DenisCharette-k5w says : The Senate and the House: how come almost equal? That tells me one side has been cheating, and we know which one, don`t we?>> <<@Alien_isolationist says : Imagine if Bush was elected this way & we just went along with it....>> <<@CSaenz3 says : That is not true you guys are twisting the story>> <<@barbarawinter1861 says : NOT FUNNY! HArris has not been chosen by the people. The democratic politicians chose her. They are the corrupt ones that have covered up and supported the corrupt Biden admministration. Trump was put through hell by them for no reason. It is not funny!>> <<@stevencraven4897 says : They went through a very open anti-democratic process.>> <<@JerryIsrre says : Newsom is going to get his in the end, how long will people vote for this scum...>> <<@vickiepatterson1809 says : Newsom has trashed California! The most beautiful state and this creep is in charge.>> <<@tigerrram9 says : The democRATS is not the party of democracy. They are the party of communism.>> <<@nickyc829 says : D no energy ,look Biden Kamala , they needed leader but they not lead anything Nobody can briefting school lecture>> <<@artvaughnjr says : What I find interesting is that not one democrat is complaining about “the switch”.>> <<@domingoalmada8202 says : I know it's hard for some folks to admit this, Donald Trump is a complete and total idiot. He is definitely the dumbest President in American history, by far! The world thought America had a brain fart in 2016. They laughed, oh boy did they laugh. The World and our allies are watching. We can't afford to muck this up. Americans vote Harris.>> <<@recurvearcher6542 says : AMERICANS Making America Trumpless Again.>> <<@georgialyons1363 says : Why does matter to republicans who is running for democrats?>> <<@recurvearcher6542 says : Thank you, Fox. Fabulous groundbreaking journalism. The scrambling is becoming more desperate, next segment sock colours, hair styles, matching ties. No matter what you say and do your Republican number one pick is a rapist, convicted felon, business fraudster, liar and with poll numbers disappearing into a giant crevasse. Even your boss Mr Murdoch has abandoned Mr Trump. One positive Fox you have 70 days before you hit the ice to change direction. Sadly, you're on the defeat mode and can't change that.>> <<@georgialyons1363 says : Every time I watch Fox they make me sick. They try to make Trump like an innocent victim. He is not he has caused his own situations. I still don’t know why at his rallies he says Don’t vote I don’t need your votes I am ahead. Ok people don’t vote for him vote blue.>> <<@AyeCarumba221 says : Whine whine whine. Complain complain complain. Snowflakes. Grippers. Today’s “manly” republicans.>> <<@brandonsmith9660 says : RFK jr, no IQ just artificial intelligence>>