<<@mafrugal says : Notice Cavuto calls Trump.. chump... he's a democrat through and through...>> <<@user-jj3dn1xh4c says : It's unbelievable how easy it is for them to lie. American citizens need to stop believing anything and everything that comes from DC! I don't believe a thing that comes from our government.>> <<@jamesclay6011 says : Trump 2024>> <<@Trafficeanalysis says : Fox News! Do you know that thousands and thousands of people are saying on youtube and tic tok that they've applied to hundreds and many "thousands" of jobs this entire past year, that seem to be false jobs? Barely an interview takes place Rejection Rejection Or worse, dead silence. Hurting people genuine job seekers weekly! People are almost on their face out here! Almost on their knees! Something is very wrong out here. Also, A.I., in the last 11 month's has been integrated into all heavily used software. Late on mortgage? Brake your car too hard? File claims? Narcs, A.I., narcs All your Auto insurance, hiking rates! Real Estate, hiking rates! Most office based software And yes, EMPLOYMENT Humans arent reading these resumes like before. The said 18 month's ago, A.I., is going to be a problem soon. They said society isnt ready yet. Well guess what? 11 Months here Its hell now! Help us Report this Look into this Something is really, really, really bad going on now. We are barely learning others are going through the same! Now we know its a major rigged issue A.I., and false job postings and bots reading our resumes, etc. Is killing us! Its feeling like a depression not a recession. Please help us Fox News! 🇺🇸>> <<@KBilitsky says : When Pres Trump came in he raised the jobs 15 million plus pre covid. All the jobs Biden brought in was just bringing back job loss from covid. The only thing the Biden/Harris administration will be learning about #'s is how to cheat at them better>> <<@LeechyKun says : Oof. Trump's job revision downward adjustment to March 2019 total nonfarm employment of -501,000 (-0.3 percent). *MASSIVE SCANDAL by the Trump administration*>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : Grateful for your insights, Mr. Ross.>> <<@igotcha1345 says : They lied all year then before they lose all the BS comes out! That old dude needs to retire. We have enough elderly running with country down!>> <<@LectronCircuits says : Rounding errors can happen to anybody at any time. Let's be careful out there! Audience wishes hapless victims all the best. Cheers!>> <<@ItsSquallyWally says : Why is anyonenlistening to this guy about jobs?>> <<@pattycakes2007 says : 818 thousand is more than a lil bit>> <<@hunterhunt7204 says : Traitor Joe, Kamala lie everyday, everywhere, everything and to everyone. Lock them up.>> <<@Scrooks1 says : Cavuto should be fired, he’s part of the deep state propaganda machine.>> <<@calvinjohnstone2664 says : An over reliance on single mothers did he say?>> <<@calvinjohnstone2664 says : The break down of those numbers is interesting, business,retail, manufacturing and leisure and hospitality. Where does government jobs fit? Or were they spot on.>> <<@Fyi24-s8x says : Trump hater cavuto just called Trump a chump. Closet Trump hater.>> <<@arnoldlinder8736 says : The great white abandonment.>> <<@CraigCharley says : VOTE CUSTER TRUMPS IMMIGRATION HEALTHCARE REFORM TAX CUTS>> <<@CraigCharley says : Trump's immigration Healthcare reform is trying to bankrupt Americans economic growth>> <<@markmccreadie6212 says : This administration did not create jobs in the least. The economy was shut down under Covid. It just went back to normal>> <<@roctechproductions says : An accounting error gave an extra 6 Billion to Ukraine.. this is an administration of Errors>> <<@amanacatandhisdog8836 says : They want the adjustment now so the reserve will lower rates right before the election.>> <<@robinjohnson9915 says : Trimmed a little vit Cavuto? What a dolt!>> <<@joelwilson8867 says : 800,000 rounded a little bit? Listen to me lie.>> <<@davidmichaels4285 says : Will the American people know that the biden-harris administration along with Democrats have only lied to the American people they've only lied MY LIFE IS NOT BETTER OFF THAN IT WAS 4 YEARS AGO BIDENOMICS SUCKS>> <<@davidmichaels4285 says : Come on Harris has been there the whole time she hasn't done nothing yet she won't do nothing in the next 4 years TRUMP'S NOT A CAREER POLITICIAN AND HE CARES FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE'S WAY OF LIFE>> <<@michaelWells-ef9bx says : All doom and gloom party …..wait till the fed cuts the rates in September…..the stock market will go through the roof>> <<@i_am_nature22 says : We are one of the richest countries on Earth. So WHY are ordinary Americans not making ends meet?? We can thank the GOP (Greedy Old Psychopaths) for that! Dirty Donald and GOP’s 2017 huge $$$ Tax Cuts for Billionaires and CEOs $$$ shafted American Workers. But this is hardly new! For decades (at least since Ronald Reagan), the GOP has been Stealing from the poor, workers, and the middle class to give government $$$ Welfare for the Rich and CEOs $$$. Enough is enough! Vote for American Workers! Vote for Freedom Not Fascism in the USA! Vote BLUE!!!>> <<@CarlosBayon-NO.1 says : Trump's lack of judgment is Monumental. During the Pandemic he gave $3K to 100K Federal Prisoners from Taxpayers Stimulus Money they used for drugs, Gambling and cell phones. Not with my Vote Cuca.>> <<@i_am_nature22 says : Stay focused folks: Dirty Donald’s huge $$$ Tax Cuts for the Rich and CEOs $$$ and Tariffs on Foreign Goods will make everything MORE EXPENSIVE for Working Americans.>> <<@Gnomelandsecurity1883 says : How is that ancient looking turtle still around giving financial advice.>> <<@reefratsclark5404 says : Its not a adjustment Its a hoax as typical Make the democrats look better>> <<@larrylucero8077 says : Everyone knows the Biden administration has been lying about everything. Why must you continue to repeat the same exaggerated lies while nothing is being done about it. Are they going to go after the Biden administration no are they going to blame Kamala? No are they gonna blame Trump? Of course, if the Democrats had their way they would blame Trump for the beginning of time , for every hurricane for every tsunami for the famines and Africa get real people. The Democrats are members of a communist regime now is that who you want controlling America? If not vote for Trump in 2024 at least he still believes in our constitution>> <<@suebryant-q7o says : All Democrats do is lie and cheat>> <<@katherineozbirn6395 says : I have to watch what I say because YouTube will erase my records. However, a lie is a lie. My students lie when they don't have the talent or skills to do well in class. Everything isn't their fault; they have a tough background; their three grandmothers died that semester, etc. Padding the truth begins with a pathology that starts young. Most Dems, I have found, are emotionally challenged and deflect information or responsibility. I.E. Kam-La-La's "laugh" Lying about the jobs count is criminal; so those ghost employed persons is a slam in the face of those who need jobs.>> <<@mrctzn4557 says : It's just the Democrat Left trying to fool the Nation like they are trying to fool US about Kamala Harris!>> <<@bubsmp says : This administration lied? Say it ain’t so.>> <<@robbiegunkel2356 says : This is an every day occurence. Demorats lie and decieve everytime they open their mouths!!! They have always manipulated the numbers to look good while what they say is so far from the truth!!>> <<@gregblum7484 says : What is the figure without covid bounce back?>> <<@ronmiller7248 says : Dems are shocked! Just like when they replaced steak with hamburger in the cpi numbers because and i quote "they are the same thing".>> <<@The00Dude says : 81m Patriots is not a rounding error, Trump lost! Why do MAGA clowns hate America?>> <<@user-df5dr4yl3p says : Trust the data always trust the data>> <<@LouLiberatore-m3x says : Lies lies lies yeah>> <<@pascalouellette8516 says : Harris Bide Admin misleading America with fake data...>> <<@hckykd39 says : They literally cannot do anything without lying. Not one single thing.>> <<@joemasse4568 says : You notice that they 😢never under estimate? Just lies, to make Biden look good, they are so corrupt, lying criminals!>> <<@kevinnordin8484 says : Since 2009 who was President and VP ohhhh Obummer and Brain dead Biden learned from the best>> <<@MissTEO1 says : Why is Cavuto working so hard to paint lipstick on this>> <<@Sandyhook409 says : If the government says it falsified 818,000 jobs, add the government fudge factor that is almost always double!>> <<@ericeric9208 says : As much as I recognize the economy and employment numbers are shot-to-hell, the "blabber" about numbers like this is meaningless. Everybody should make themselves aware of the difference between "U-3" numbers and "U-6" numbers. U-3 numbers are based on unemployment filings/claims and fall-offs after the allowable number of weeks of payments. "U-6" numbers are basically "what percentage of working age citizens who would LIKE to be working are employed" and aren't tainted by the fact that some people just fell off the unemployment allowable weeks of payments and just "gave up" and retired or moved into mom's basement or became a stay at home mom or took a part time job. When democrats are in office, they only talk about "U-3" numbers because it makes them look a bit better. When republicans are in office the dems/media only talk about "U-6" numbers because it makes the republicans look worse (until the economy gets better and actual hiring starts to increase).>>