<<@jamesmorris9816 says : Thank you Tony.>> <<@BernadetteSwartley says : WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN?>> <<@LAStars-sratS says : Listen to the reverse speech on Tony Robbins. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.>> <<@lynb4638 says : This is why we have to vote for senators, congressmen and a president that actually cares. Cares by “doing something” rather than just talking about doing something, but has done Nothing the last 31/2 years!! We cannot vote for a border czar that has done absolutely nothing to stop this insanity!!>> <<@Silvester-i6z says : One thing they need to look in to is the embassy and Consul office of the country doing the trafficking, and the country receiving. Some people say strange things going on in some of those governments offices .>> <<@daniellea391 says : This is a worldwide problem. Not a political Republican or Democratic issue. It's global. It's a topic that needs to be discussed and addressed. Let's work together on a solution!>> <<@sassyknitter5418 says : Why people don't realize that slavery is worse now then before the civil war is beyond me.>> <<@connorluka7149 says : STOP. Children’s need future. NOW.>> <<@gwaccola says : Did everyone forget Sound of Freedom?>> <<@remaflorencecanare9720 says : It’s so sad if our own government involved to the this heinous crimes towards innocent children for the shake of money. What it is scary if these children use for harvesting organs to be sold in the black market or killed them for all these purposes, and our own government have to do all these things/crimes. I won’t pass these or surprise if our own government have something to do with all the these children. Corruption and greed was all over in the face and the hands of government here and across the world 🌎>> <<@ninamasfina says : Congratulations!! Hi There, El Monte Sewing 🪡 Factory 🏭..??>> <<@clscurlock says : Thank you for continuing to shed light on this, Fox News, Tony Robbins and Mo Ramchandani. Why did anyone think our awful border situation (that was created, on purpose) wouldn't exacerbate this? We, the People, have to remember that WE are in charge. Until we, who believe in this country's constitution, start becoming more active those on the LEFT who are happy to go march will continue to be the main ones heard.>> <<@LicaSunheart says : >> <<@sovereignruler says : I guess that means that he's not supporting the Harris Walz ticket.>> <<@jaymmycolon7465 says : Yes, politicians following U.N. orders. They do not close the border to avoid getting fined by millions a day by the! U.N. We, the people, did not vote for these evil globalists>> <<@LindaMartin-v8l says : Only Biden & Harris are responsible for this. I think there are government officials getting paid to turn a blind eye to the evil reality. Bet on it>> <<@SwitchPowerOn says : They are heavily fighting it in a way you can not imagine.>> <<@junebug5883 says : Where do we sign up! We all as men of Christ need to rise up, protect these kids! 💪🙏>> <<@anubis13131313 says : This should be front page news, not an op-ed buried inside of a media source. And it should be constant reporting of missing children and children who were saved. This should be in peoples faces.>> <<@lanaofficiel4042 says : Why isn't the Mainstream Media talking about 300 K missing children who have been trafficked in the United States under the BIDEN HARRIS ADMINISTRATION???? Do you think that the MSM would let Donald Trump get away with this!!!!??? This Biden Harris Administration is Godless and disgusting.>> <<@IMTHISBABY says : Heart breaking, slavery has never gone away. Our creator is paying attention and the perpetrators WILL PAY with their souls. Let's turn back to God as a nation 🙏>> <<@lisa-oo2cx says : The silence problems.>> <<@Alex-wm7tn says : Well done bringing awareness>> <<@josephvillenabuchberger4257 says : dont you think they could have already stopped it if they wanted to?>> <<@amyturner6275 says : I needed that " ask not what can my country ?do for me but what can I do for my country ?",>> <<@anonyonce4444 says : MATT KADOW U OWE MILLIONS OF $$ HAHA EXTORTION IS COMING UNLESS U CHOOSE LOVE.>> <<@Stars2Towers says : Unfortunately this is ALL TRUE... myself and son are currently trying to eacape this>> <<@ChuckStegall777 says : I tried to warn people that the Democrat Party is the party of slavery, they never listened!>> <<@christiruth3380 says : Why isn’t the mainstream media reporting this disgusting!>> <<@MsElke11 says : I'm so proud of TONY ROBBINS for being on the right side of morality. We need more such MORAL MILLIONAIRES!!>> <<@lancesabin4114 says : How can this be happening in America? I don’t mind if people legally come into America, but we must close the Border!>> <<@amymariewickersham3136 says : Remember when the Jim Caviezal movie came out and they said this wasn't happening and that all the right wing people were crazy?? I do.>> <<@dgladen says : STOP CHILD TRAFFICKING! VOTE TRUMP/VANCE! IT WILL SHUT DOWN THE CABAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRAFFICKERS PERIOD! MEAN TIME KEEP BRINGING IT OUT! GOD BLESS TONY AND ALL WHO MADE THIS FILM .HAPPEN!>> <<@JackJackJack123 says : This is why family separation happened under Obama and Trump. We’d separate to do interviews & rapid DNA tests. Then Biden/Harris did away with that KNOWINGLY putting kids in harm’s way!>> <<@anskadberg says : Thanks Tony. However, we're a Constitutional Republic.>> <<@strangequarkproductions4942 says : 300 million children are at risk everyday from online predators. They find the broken ones and lure them into trafficking. And not one major film or TV production company has done anything to try to protect or save these kids, in fact, by silently allowing imposter accounts of their celebrities, they allow tens of thousands of honey pots to exist, with sole purpose of entrapping young people. We ALL need to start holding the people accountable - who do nothing - but could end this problem today - if they chose to. I'm looking at HBO, Netflix, Paramount, MGM studios, Nickelodeon, you name it. None of them are protecting kids from online predators!>> <<@SenoraSenora-u4x says : Horrible 😢🙏🕯🛡>> <<@debrajorgensen2730 says : Most regular folk wouldn’t even believe that this is a reality🥵>> <<@tzuxander9181 says : About 20 years late Tony…>> <<@sarahamaral2931 says : This crime is the most atrocious and insidious. I’m so glad that films are coming out to bring light to the public.>> <<@nastyp16 says : I would vote for Tony robbins if he ran>> <<@DioCastillo-e6r says : Trump 2024, he want to save the children’s>> <<@blessedfire365xgf says : God bless babies families ranches farms food bodies mustangs ❤>> <<@melinda7949 says : Robbins is a fool. He said Trump was a serious danger to democracy/society. But Tony likes open borders Biden Harris?>> <<@joshuabaggio1982 says : Something just clicked: What if the elite are kidnapping all these kids to disconnect them from our society so they can in 20 plus years create soldiers to fight against us. Not saying it's true but just a thought. God bless these children and may the Lord set them free.>> <<@troycampbell7489 says : THANK GOD we still have good People in the World .>> <<@nileshrichardjaduram9304 says : Thank you Mr Robbins.. thank you>> <<@Clownworldmatrixviewer says : Look up, “buying children at Walmart”. They’ve been using abandoned Walmarts as hubs to distribute children to the highest bidder. There are interviews of the young people that drive them to their destinations . 😳☠️>> <<@paulaalbrecht2304 says : This breaks my heart and enrages me as well.>> <<@paulaalbrecht2304 says : These kids coming across the border with a name like "Uncle Juan" or a phone number. There needs to be a database, where you can put in a child's name, the phone number they have, and the person they're being sent to, and the address. This would be a start.>>