<<@lindaniedringhaus8790 says : Are these commentators for real! Such disillusionment!>> <<@debbiemassey7711 says : He is a conspiracy idiot who has sold his soul to an orange felon.>> <<@unseenabyss2824 says : Why tf are kennedys doing this? They should know better not to back the KGB... oh! i mean CIA. They are anti dem and anti kennedy. Geuss this one became a yes man. Everyone had their price>> <<@sitinurbaya4062 says : CORRUPTION?? Trump was NOT a billionaire. He was almost BANKRUPT! TRUMP Quadruple his wealth to almost $4 Billion while He WAS in POWER!!! Now he's in fear to go to jail, he'll PLAY DIRTY to AVOID JAIL by running as a president candidate, and repeating false stolen election narrative to culminate another Jan 6th mob! TRUMP WAS the CORRUPT ONE!!😂>> <<@PrudentStudent666 says : Bobby Kennedy shows us that Trump is the man! Bobby's a man's man who eats dog meat and bear. He cut a dead whales head off with a chain saw and bungee corded it on his van for his trip home. Whether he made soup or pickled it who cares! We don't even care if the fake news tells us he has had a brain worm. He can only impress the voters. He is man enough to not take the vaccine are you?>> <<@mguydon2170 says : Morals and Kennedy’s are not two words often associated. Are we supposed to care what this random Kennedy thinks?>> <<@robertistheone5049 says : TRUMP MAGA 2024 MAGA.>> <<@dorothycampion4329 says : To RFK Jr’s sister: what a hateful person you must be. Your brother has a right to make his own choices in life. You don’t get to make his choices for him. The least you can do is keep it to yourself instead of publicly criticizing him. Shame on you!>> <<@MMCESAR21 says : The revelation of the Mainstream Media intentions is just shocking. We have always get informed by them and then we discover how involved they are in all this dirty system. It’s exactly the same here is Brazil( excepts made to Fox News of course)>> <<@mzmartin8115 says : She was desperate to get in front of a tv camera>> <<@richtemple8032 says : What an ignorant Fool, has She not seen what's the Democrats have done to RFK Jr over the past few years.>> <<@chattactics5804 says : Trump with RFK is just so weird.>> <<@DjM-rw6vi says : It's interesting to see that the democrat's royalty have family issues like the UK's royalty>> <<@jefffoutz4024 says : She and others of the Klan Kennedy are afraid they'll have to get real jobs.......>> <<@dfarmer74treeguy says : Doing the right thing is not for everyone but then Robert Kennedy is a smart man with him on Trump side they'll make a good team.>> <<@phillipmarlowe0525 says : His family acts like he drove a car off a bridge with a pregnant female passenger.>> <<@daredevilx0816 says : RFK Jr. didn't abandon the Dem party. Democrats abandon him.>> <<@markyoung2652 says : Consider the fact from todays events that the three figures Trump, RFKJ and Tulsi were at one time Democrats! What does that say for the state of blasphemies is today???>> <<@markyoung2652 says : It’s his sister and the rest who have dishonored the family. JFK & RFK values are by and large what is now on the Republican side and they would not even nominated by their party as it stands for today!!!!!!>> <<@thelastminmom5251 says : Kennedy family all seem to have that speech impediment. (Spasmodic dysphoria) It’s hereditary and they all seem to have it in some form. You can hear it in her voice in this interview. It’s just not as pronounced as JFKJ>> <<@thelastminmom5251 says : He is true that Perot got way more media hits, but Perot was a no name before he came on the scene. RFKJ has a famous family name behind him>> <<@LucasHorst-zi3rl says : These journalists from MSNBC, NBC and CNN are disgusting and spread lies and here in Brazil the same thing happens only worse. A message to RFK Jr.'s sister: you have every right to support a stupid woman who did nothing as vice president and who was a terrible attorney general of California, but don't criticize your brother as if he were committing something abominable. He has every right to support whoever he wants and in my opinion, the best candidate. And I'm sure your uncle JFK and your father RFK would be shocked by the current Democratic party that is totally dependent on the Democratic party they were part of, different in the worst sense of the word.>> <<@cmgweb6951 says : Bunch of clowns. I JUST watched his "withdrawal" speech again. He's out, but he's not out. He has suspended his run, but "you can still vote for me in the Blue states, and the Red states that don't matter" Yea, not too craven an opportunist. His father prosecuted mobsters like Rump. He's turning over in his grave, right next to his uncle.>> <<@barrymarsh4236 says : His family turned communist thats to bad so sad>> <<@susanyoon288 says : No more blind allegiance! The democrats have not been loyal to the original respectable democratic party of the JFK days. They left it and went way more left.>> <<@jerrybeaver4677 says : rfk great move family gets mad well thats life rfk very wise choice>> <<@rplatoc8394 says : 540 million dollars for a moron and a dig bat? Shows how dumb and gaslit the voters on the left are. What a disgrace!!!>> <<@roostersmechanics5131 says : RFK JR is weird as hell i will agree but welcome to the Team RFK Jr Lets MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!>> <<@moreon4913 says : Bobby Kennedy would be so proud of his son. I can just see him gleaming.>> <<@Donald-John-Trump-JUNIOR says : ❤️ *I’M DEFINITELY A BILLIONAIRE yet we’re here again pleading for all your money & possessions* ($5.00 minimum accepted) *Thank you. ConOLD J. “Traitor” Dump* ❤>> <<@markartist8646 says : Politics aside. Kennedy, like Trump, is a nut case, and that Trumps (no pun intended) rational political discussion.>> <<@alexchristensen9712 says : THIS "KENNEDY" IS THE SON OF A SECRET SERVICE MAN... PISSES ON HIS "FATHERS" GRAVE>> <<@alexchristensen9712 says : TRUMP IS AN AUTHORITARIAN AND SUPPORTS PUTIN ANOTHER AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR... TRUMP IS JUST FAILED>> <<@BigEightiesNewWave says : Ukraine has always been a Proxy State, Putin will get his areas back, and war will be over, they keep Kiev, and Trump lifts sanctions.>> <<@malachi- says : I didn't leave the Democratic Party, they left me. -"RFK Jr.">> <<@flogette says : Censorship? Under Biden?>> <<@maryerickson4442 says : His family needs to respect that he prayed for this decision and this is what God told him to do. They can rip him all they want, but God's will should not be questioned.>> <<@Rinzler03ny says : If JFK jr (John John) if he was alive today he would be another kennedy who would throw support on Trump because the two were good friends and always seen in court side during the Knicks games.>> <<@jac3271 says : The sister reveals how radical the family has become. While RFK seems to have some common sense & ethics, they’ve none.>> <<@saskia315 says : His sister and brother Max, both see him as a grifter, a lot of other people too. Everyone who thinks differently should listen to his phone calls to dems and reps offering to drop out of the presidential race if he gets a job in their administration. He sold his voters and himself.>> <<@McLKeith says : RFK Jr. is a disgrace to not only the Kennedy family but to democracy and humanity. Thousands died of diseases because of his ignorance.>> <<@Kemulnitestryker says : Trump Derangement Syndrome overwhelms family unity.>> <<@gerardovega8604 says : “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).>> <<@tinatiger9306 says : Those to care about the world, not about the money>> <<@yovelme2253 says : Some elites just use others to stay on top no matter what. They will even drain the blood of others to enjoy their status. This is eye opener and a choc for many but that is the real reality. Light shines in darkness and darkness cannot handle it, it must flee.>> <<@randyb726 says : People are so petty we don’t have time for your feelings>> <<@JoRN1222 says : Welcome RFK Jr and his supporters!>> <<@JoRN1222 says : His sister needs to wake up>> <<@franciehartsog1347 says : I have three siblings who have treated the same way. I am better off! No drama. No trauma!>> <<@its69degreesoutside says : Dumb and dumber😂 nobody cares about this>>