<<@tcortez says : Now, now, let's all agree that the governments of the world that cannot balance budgets, reduce homelessness, or stop any war, can indeed change the weather by taxing you more. Because it really is all about the money, not the science, not policy, not solutions, just money will solve any climate "crisis". All you need to do is trust them. No government would ever mislead the public merely for financial gain or power, would they?>> <<@luishon11 says : There is no planet be for idiot people and corrupted politicians restricting the land use crests a fire hazard over populated areas are a problem of its own nothing to do with climate change NOW VOLCANIC ACTIVITY or SOLAR ACTIVITY is beyond the control of corrupted political hacks>> <<@tconk1 says : Great ideas can be heard above the tribal battle between Dems and conservatives. Trump needs to push for common sense as his approach. Both sides have valid arguments that need airing.>> <<@jacobsukovaty520 says : The problem is these so called activists do this completely wrong and make people not care ah yes im gonna believe someone who throws tomato soup on paintings from a can that produces more co2 then a water heater>> <<@stevemassengill9236 says : Young people are deceived>> <<@nothingbut490 says : If it hinders the prosperity of mankind it is the work of satan. What deeds you do and what comes out of your mouth has more to do with weather . When you live in disagreement of the Creator of course everything will be upset.>> <<@manuelguerra1080 says : It is a HOAX>> <<@khodexus4963 says : The problem, is that anyone who unironically uses the term "climate change" or "global warming" has immediately shown themselves to be ignorant of scientific evidence on the subject. I am an environmentalist, I want a clean healthy ecology on this planet, but climate alarmism does nothing to promote that in any functional way. It is nothing but propoganda, and if so many young people are taken in by it and consider it such an important voting policy, then that's a very sad commentary on the state of modern education.>> <<@majikslim82 says : Fox news us sbsolute crap now. Garbage>> <<@caseyronson603 says : IF THE EARTH DECIDES IT IS GOING TO CHANGE THINGS UP, THERE IS NOTHING US PUNY LITTLE HUMANS CAN DO ABOUT IT EXCEPT GET READY!>> <<@Dinomight-zz6bp says : Welp part of the 19%>> <<@rager4able says : Fox out here shilling for Democrats>> <<@tuck-brainwks-eutent-hidva1098 says : So this is Gen Z's announcement that they have now officially been brainwashed beyond the point of no return. Good to know. Thanks.>> <<@Tankeryanker339 says : I hope the younger generation enjoys starving when they end fossil fuel.>> <<@wantblackwolf says : When they start blaming cows while still flying on private jets that's when you know the real problem is not climate change. They event problems to keep the rest of us under their thumb.>> <<@MrCREWCRUSHIN95 says : Then that demographic needs to be educated on the the climate hoax. It is a money-making and power scheme.>> <<@Mrbobinge says : Glacial and interglacial millennia. We humans are but specks in time. GOP risks 'generational electoral failure', because kids-to-professors are constantly bombarded with your sort of message. Stop and think how ants constantly complain to their Queen about yesterdays' extreme weathers. They too, survived glacials.>> <<@Godsarmylady says : Genesis 8:22 While earth remaineth,seedtime and harvest,and cold and heat,and summer and winter,and day and night shall not cease. God said it I believe it.>> <<@jb5796 says : I’m a conservative that is all for environmental conservation. I just think of it in a more common sense way. I agree with what you are saying.>> <<@dpharr100 says : There have been fires and floods and hurricanes since the beginning of time>> <<@technonarg5978 says : Brainwashing and propaganda works,if the only science that is reported or carried out is that which offers grants and funding to those prepared to do the science that confirms the funder's desired outcomes. We have all seen the science that Big Pharma produced to sell their vaccines only to be disproved after the damage was done. Who funds the science we are supposed to follow like unquestioning sheep?>> <<@NonotEver1 says : Climate change does not exist.>> <<@RealRyanWorkman says : The climate hoax has been a hoax for as long as anyone has claimed otherwise. Al Gore’s doomsday clock expired decades ago at this point. The world is billions of years old and has undergone ice ages and periods of extreme heat long before human beings were even in the picture. The conservative approach to the environment is conservation, not radical climate alarmism.>> <<@chrisw4192 says : Y’all need energy so please look at the facts do your research then realize climate change is happening but it’s not because of drilling or fracking!!! Don’t be dumb and stubborn>> <<@patmichael8519 says : Climate change is a hoax. When will fools like this guy realize that? Greta Thunberg tweeted that the world would end in 2023. She had to take it down for obvious reasons. Al Gore had a long list of dire climate predictions - NONE of them came true. When I was a young person, "experts" predicted that the world would freeze over. Fifty years have passed, and I'm still waiting. Hey kid - the climate ALWAYS changes - it's called "weather" - ever hear of it?>> <<@presbiteroo says : 18% loss of yearly global GDP by 2050 due to climate change. Young people understand this. Look it up if you don't believe it.>> <<@jmimi5229 says : Wake up children! We have a lot worse things in our country to worry about than climate change!>> <<@trevor2001 says : It’s good that young people are United to prevent our extinction, but vandalism is never justified.>> <<@sleepinggiant4062 says : We need to stop the indoctrination in our public education and allowing main stream media to blame global warming for every single weather event.>> <<@tysamurai6036 says : I agree with this. God in Genesis 1 said to steward the Earth. At the very least, we should be tackling the pollution we can see: Plastics, Smog/Air pollution/etc. Environmentalism is strange. But conservationism is awesome. For those who actually hunt, fish, camp, hike… you gotta care about stuff like this. Clean air. Clean water. Clean nature. The democrats don’t actually care about this issue, they just use it as a pretext for control and power. Conservatives should embrace conservationalism. Start with the stuff we can see: plastic/microplastics. Smog/air pollution. Light pollution. Incorporating nature into city architecture and buildings (like Bass Pro). Recycling infrastructure (using A.I to detect aluminum, plastics etc in trash). Nuclear energy. Carbon capture. Microplastic capture. Using the captured carbon/microplastics to make Sustainable efuels. Attaching these converters to nuclear plants. We can turn China and Europe’s pollution into our own sustainable gasoline sources. That way, we can sell and drill our oil. At the same time pivoting, transitioning, and replenishing our national reserves. Instead of a carbon tax, we could find an actual use for the captured carbon… and give people options instead of forcing electric vehicles. Likewise: civilians should make common sense changes. Reusable shopping bags, recycling, moving away from single use plastics, getting metal straws etc. Conservatives should embrace conservationalism because we would actually solve the problem, most of us actually are outdoorsmen. Those “green activists” are absolutely insane. The democrats just want power and control. We can be good stewards of God’s green Earth. Make AMERICA’S RIVERS CLEAN AGAIN.>> <<@mikestaub says : GOP can't shift their policies without losing massive funding from the fossil fuel companies. Classic innovator's dilemma.>> <<@adamjones1843 says : Fake news>> <<@pokerface6205 says : Stupid people believe this!! 30 yrs of 10 years to go!! OHIO HAS NOT HAD A 100 degree day in 2 yrs!! Use to be 100 at least 30 days in summer!!! STOP THE LIES>> <<@dustinwells3268 says : Having done a bit of globe trotting, I want to see these climate activists go to underdeveloped counties and make their case. The US definitely has work to do but there are countries out there who just don't give AF.>> <<@canihave1dab724 says : Climate change is a discussion that stupid people get lost in. It’s pretty much the least concerning issue that’s been fear Mongered to the point of absurdity>> <<@bidensucsbigdickskalmadrin6877 says : the average craziness of liberal nuts no thanks bum>> <<@bidensucsbigdickskalmadrin6877 says : fake news>> <<@DanielFinney-w3n says : Deep State Globalists are the ones behind climate crisis hoax 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿>> <<@DanielFinney-w3n says : Public schools having doctrinated are children to believe there's a climate crisis. It's a hoax.>> <<@DanielFinney-w3n says : Climate Crisis Hoax 🤣>> <<@nateypac11 says : Bering sea billions of crabs dead>> <<@lookingatoceanwaves says : Who hates higher education? Maga of course.>> <<@lr7993 says : Only GOD controls this world. And what climate changes>> <<@lookingatoceanwaves says : The maga movement is anti intellectualism, they hate knowledge, wisdom, facts, and learning of any kind.>> <<@BearKiller-z1p says : I love when you ledtists try to tell people what they need to do all the time. This is why you lose in life.>> <<@lookingatoceanwaves says : Who to believe.... The world's leading climate experts or Maga folks who have been fed oil company propaganda? Hmm, tough choice.>> <<@user-il8bk6mj3u says : I have a book on reality shifting, you can move to planet b c d e f........>> <<@lookingatoceanwaves says : Maga always thinks grunting insults will make problems go away.>> <<@BearKiller-z1p says : If you can't coddle the uneducated young leftists, then they won't vote for you. Climate Credit scores...coming to a city near you. Carbon Dioxide is not pollution. Liberalism IS a mental disorder.>> <<@lookingatoceanwaves says : CO2 is higher than any time in human history. That is not good.>>