<<@YamCatubay says : This people are pro hamas๐Ÿ˜‚maybe they are arabs inside Israel dont forget thier are arabs living inside Israel>> <<@YamCatubay says : This people are pro hamas๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@andiebrodie3936 says : Oh shut up!!!!! Bibi is doing everything to keep Israel safe - troops cannot leave Hamas standing, can you not see that??????>> <<@hanonomiri says : West Bank... Here we go... FACT>> <<@HowlingWo1f says : Itโ€™s completely understandable that the families of the hostages would want to put them before anything else but with all the respect, the priority must always be the security of the nation, we cannot make another deal as we did with gilad shalit, witched released this animal Sinwar in the first place. ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ>> <<@moldymush says : Bibi could care less>> <<@maxinegeorge6359 says : Hamas officialsโ€ฆIโ€™m sure you misspoke. HAMAS TERRIOSTS>> <<@ningshenwungreihor6471 says : We need to secure more of Israel's security than the hostages ever because hamas is the real thread that needs to be taken seriously and solved once and for all. Don't we understand how many security personnel have lost their lives and others are still fighting to secure the hostages? Please ... Please... Securing hostages is equally important as dismantling Hamas position. Israel must fight on what terrorist Hamas had started.>> <<@carly2981 says : FJB is unable to call his cat>> <<@alucardbrahmstone6659 says : HAMAS says they are fighting for a cause so a cause is to massacre and kidnap people as bargaining pieces.>> <<@olayemibakare6137 says : If u read your Bible,u we know that nothing u can do to please Israel they we still complain,>> <<@rexroscoeroggaschjr7530 says : Zero proof of life!>> <<@catmutterer says : Hamas has repeatedly said they will commit more October 7s until they annihilate Israel. Whatโ€™s not to understand? If Israel ends aggression against Israel, there will be more massacres and more kidnappings. No ceasefire until hamas is eradicated.>> <<@everythingandmore5537 says : Temporary truce and rejease of all hostages? That's not the UNSC resolution sponsored by the US proposal. It was a permanent ceasefire folloed by hostage release. Israel slap the US. Thats what happens.>> <<@tonygeorgegunua9841 says : The Philadelphia cooridoor must never be left to the Hamas.The decision that Bibi is making is for the good of future generations.>> <<@aguynamedscott11 says : Negotiations with the Palestinians is a waste of time and simply rewards terrorism.>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Iran & Russia Is A Two Danger State-Enemy For The Israel - Ukraine Democracy Country Then I Hope For America + Nato Ally To Providing A Military Assistance Aid's Including The New Ultimate Secret Weapon Arsenal Like HIMARS ROCKETS For Them ๐Ÿ–ฅโŒจ๏ธ๐Ÿ–ฒ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿš€ When The UN Assembly & ICC To Also Condemnt About A Racist Violence Activity In The Moeslim Population Country Like A Bangladesh Largest Riots Event When The Hindu Minority Group Who Killed By A Local Islamist-Radical Gangster โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘† If A Iran Proxy Government To Want Making The Total Scale-Regional War's Then Possibly This A Teheran Dictator Regime To Having The Big Trouble Crisis Like A Iraq Tragic Case By The Saddam Hussein Ruler In 1991 When The Iraqi National Guard Army To Invading A Quwait Neighbor Country To Result The Iraq Damage Destruction Inside On A Gulf Wars Conflict By The Dessert Storm Opperation of A Largest Coalition Strike! ๐Ÿค–๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ”ซ ISMAEL-HANIYEH Is Death By A Time Bomb Detonation From The Iran Military-Building Complex In A Their Secret Location Nearby The Islamic Revolutioner National Guard Base With A Intensive Plan's Design For Along Time On The Internal Behind Agenda From Them Selves Versions โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ““๐Ÿ“๐Ÿงพ Stand & Pray For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protecting A Israel Nation People's With The Fighting Spirit Never Give-Up Forever On A Lion-Heart Warrior Anytime , Shalom Aleichem God Bless To All of You For The Peace-Harmony Every Where ! ๐Ÿ•Š The Origin of Anti-Semitsm Ideology By A Iraqi Moeslim Ruler ( IMAM ALI MUHFTI ) As The Brutality Nazi-Germany Leader { ADOLF HITLER } Partnership Alliance To Want Destroy A Western Democracy State Such As The British Empire & A France Government In The Middle-East Peninsula After A Turkey Ottoman Collapse On The World Wars 2 1911-18 ! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ•Œ Mean While The Iran Syiah Regime To Want Helped By A Putin Dictator Tyrant To Will Destroy The Western Coalition Alliance Like America , European-NATO & Israel Government , Okay Go Head If A Teheran Islamist Chaliphate To Making The Global Scale Conflicts Tobe A World-Wars 3 And Then Ali-Khameini Leader To Probably Death Like Ossama Bin Laden or Mr. Sadam Hussein ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ‘ Penemuan Besar Science Technology Itu Sebagian Besar Adl Ilmuan2Non-Muslim Contoh Nyata *"Thomas Alpha-Edisson Junior Dgn Ciptaan nya Beliau Yg Terkenal Bohlam-Listrik Berikut Temuan Lainnya ( Sekering Arus Pendek , Gramopone Cikal Bekal Perekam Suara~Bunyian Utk Radio Atau Telpon DST ) Jika Dia Tdk PernahTerlahir Maka Seluruh-Dunia Akan Gelap~Gulita Kembali Ke Zaman-Batu Tinggal Didlm Gua Yg Lembab-Basah Dingin Penuh Kuman-Penyakit + Terkaman Binatang Buas Di Dlmnya , Buat Netizen Kadrunista Nggak Usah Bangga2in Ajaran Nabimu Blm Jelas Keberadaan Fakta-Nyata Sejarahnya Itu Udah Banyak Di Kaji Oleh Pakar Sejarah *'Ilmu Perbandingan Agama-Budaya Peradaban Manusia'* Di Universitas Di Eropa Barat Jangan Cuma Klaim Sepihak Berdasarkan *Dongeng Fantasi Masa-Lalu* Oleh Tokoh2Religis Zaman Bahula Saja โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘‚ NB : Sejujurnya Berdasarkan Fakta-Nyata Sejarah Indonesia Ini Bisa Merdeka Krn Faktor Luar : Jepang Menyerah Dlm Perang-Dunia Ke-2 Oleh Sekutu Setelah Ke-2 Kotanya Di Bom-Atom ( Penemuan Ilmuwan Amerika-Yahudi *"Robert J Oppenheimer"* Dlm Proyek Manhattan Di Los-Alamos 1943-45 ) & Thn 1946-49 Kerajaan Belanda Invasi Indonesia Yg Baru Merdeka Krn Dianggap Tdk Syah Hanya Melalui Pihak Kekaisaran Jepang Sbg Pihak Yg Kalah Dlm Perang-Dunia Ke-2 Tsb 1937-45 Setelah Itu Barulah Benar2 Indonesia Lepas-Total Dari Kolonialisme Belanda Thn 1950 Akibat Tekanan Dari Amerika Serikat Melihat Jatuh-Korban Di Pihak Sipil Indonesia Sendiri Krn Kalah Dlm Jumlah Peralatan Tempur Lewat Perjanjian Di Kapal-Perang USS-Renville Thn 1947 Lampau Tsb , Jadi Klaim Indonesia Merdeka Krn Berkat Jasa Ulama Islam Atau Habib Dari Imigran Yaman Tsb Itu Semuanya Omong-Kosong Hanya Berdasarkan Pengakuan Sepihak Tdk Ada Datanya Bisa Di Pertanggung-Jawabkan ๐Ÿ•ตโœ๏ธ๐ŸŒ Ironisnya Makam Nabi Yussuf Atau Jossef Termasuk Nabi Yg Hrs Wajib Di Imani Bahkan Di Hargai Oleh Umat-Islam Tapi Malah Jama'ah Ibrani-/Yahudi Di Serang Dizolimi Oleh Extrimist Muslim-Palestina Itu Pertanda Kaum Radikal-Khilafah-Islam Ini Munafik Total Durhaka Dgn Ajaran Kitab-$ucinya Sendiri Yakinlah Agama Si Muhammed Tsb Bakal Sulit Bertahan Lama Jikalau Kaum nya Sendiri Mengingkari Keyakinan Kepercayaan Bentuk Iman-Aqidahnya , Jadi Kadrunista Mikir Pakai Jiwa-Hati Yg Bersih Suci-Murni Jauh Dari Segala-Macam Dogma Kebencian Yg Merupakan Warisan Budaya Leluhur Pagan Barbarian Padang-Pasir Gersang Arabia Kuno Tempo Dulu Kala ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜ฎ Sampai Kini Kadrunista Di Negeri Konoha Tetap Yakin Hamas Akan Menang Perang Krn Di Bela Tentara Allah Bersama 1000 Malaikat Jibril & Iran Akan Menjadikan Negara-Israel Menjadi Api-Neraka Dunia Itu Cuplikan Berita Di Viva. Com Dasar Bodoh Sekali Iran Jika Berani Perang Besar Akan Hancur-Lebur Spt Irak Ketika Menduduki Tetangganya Kuwait Dlm Perang-Teluk 1 Thn 1990-91 Lalu Hingga Pemimpin Mereka Saddam-Hussein Di Hukum Gantung Thn 2006 Lampau Padahal Irak Kala Kekuatan-Militernya No#4 Terbesar Di Dunia Setelah Amerika Serikat , Uni-Soviet ( Sekarang Russia ) , Republik Rakyat China / RRC-Tiongkok __ Mikir Dong Wartawan Kadrunista Indonistan-Raya Pake Analisa Yg Akurat Jangan Sekedar Tebak-Manggis Jika Semua Pengusaha-Yahudi Kaya-Raya Di Seluruh Dunia Kompak Indonesia Pendukung Hamas Bakal Di Hajar-Habis Spt Kasus-Krismon 1998-99 Hanya Krn Aksi Konon Katanya Oleh 1 Wiraswastawan Yahudi-Amerika Terkenal *"George Soros"* Yg Di Tuduh Oleh Mantan PM.Malaysia Sbg Biang-Keladi Krisis Finansial Global Di Kawasan Asia-Pasifik Itu Walaupun Tdk Ada Bukti Fakta-Nyata Utk Mendukung Argumentasi Tudingan Serius Tsb! ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ‘>> <<@lindylaroche2797 says : Intel, intel The time is now SINWAR MUST BE ELIMINATED. YOU HIT THEM HARD LIKE NEVER BEFORE. YOU FIND THEIR EVIL MASTER. THAT WILL SHAKE THEIR WORLD. PRESSURE, PRESSURE, PRESSURE NO LEE WAY FOR EVEN 1 TERRORIST. YOU MAKE THEM KNOW IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS ISRAEL WILL FINISH THEM>> <<@lindylaroche2797 says : Hamas and other terrorists are the liars and deceivers from the onset to the end. ALL BLAME IS ON THESE TERRORISTS WHO HAVE NO INTENTION ESPECIALLY SINWAR OF NEGOTIATIONS. THEY ALLOWED SOME OUT LAST NOV. BECAUSE THEY COULD AFFORD TO FOR THEIR NARRATIVE TO FOOL THE GLOBE INTO THINKING THEY WERE HUMAN. THEY HAVE NO INTENTION AGAIN OF THIS , THEY DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHO IS LEFT THAT THEY HAVE. IMPOSSIBLE SITUATION BUT ISRAEL MUST STAY SECURE OR IT WOULD UNFOLD 10XS WORSE VERY FAST IF THOSE CROSSINGS ARE NOT SECURED AT ALL TIMES. THEY THRIVE OFF OF WEAKNESS EVEN A HINT OF IT EMPOWERS THEM. DO NOT GIVE TERRORISTS ANY POWER, YOU STAND UNITED AND MAKE THEIR NARRATIVE FAIL WITH ISRAELS UNITY. THEY HATE THAT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE WHEN THEY SEE THEY CANNOT CRACK YOU!>> <<@omanhamad8905 says : Hamas prefers alive Israel hostages to dead Israeli hostages. Iran and Hezbollah know that they can't get concessions from Israelis except via the hostages or force. This is a stalemate.>> <<@lindylaroche2797 says : Bibi is keeping Israel alive & secure. Pulling out of these crossings would not be about 109 anymore and WE ALL WANT EVERY LAST HOSTAGE HOME but pulling out would be mass suicide for Israel! If you think oct 7th was bad how bad will it be when you let HAMAS RE-GROUP, SMUGGLE IN MORE ARMS AT MULTIPLE CROSSINGS MAYBE INFILTRATE WITH NOT 3K LIKE OCT 7TH BUT 5- 10K NEXT TIME WAY MORE DEAD AND WAY MORE HOSTAGES TAKEN. BIBI IS THE 1 MAN SINCE DAY 1 WONT BACK DOWN FROM KEEPING ISRAEL SAFE. TO SAY IT IS FOR HIS OWN INTERESTS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE. MAY BE COMBO OF INTERESTS BUT BOTTOM LINE HE BACKS DOWN YOU WILL LOSE MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER BEFORE. YOU THINK HAMAS ,IRGT DO NOT MEAN IT WHEN THEY SAY WE WILL DO IT AGAIN AD AGAIN AND AGAIN. THIS CAN NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN! I STAND WITH ISRAEL ALWAYS. โค & PRAYERS FROM ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ BRING THEM ALL HOME, NEVER, NEVER AGAIN!>> <<@marcit3830 says : The Prime Minister is doing everything that can be done. This is a massively complex situation. He needs support, not attack from within Israel. There's enough anti Israel pressure in the world.>> <<@Jamie-v9w2g says : My heart bleeds for families of the captives, however , if israel has to withdraw from gaza, you will be receiving only body bags and a repeat of the 7th. Why dont they turn their anger to the UN and international red cross to find out if any hostages are alive. Dont be the cancer that eats Israel from within.>> <<@ryn8068 says : i24News the comments to this video are better than the video and spot on, your bias is ridiculous. You guys hate Net so much.>> <<@ryn8068 says : Pro Hamas bias, good going guys, Sinwar is smiling now in his tunnel!>> <<@Treess14 says : These ppl are blaming him?! Hes doing everything he can. They cant withdraw. That would give Hamas the chance to regroup etc.>> <<@brentderkson6858 says : Where'd they dredge up this group of misery>> <<@ruthkramer6304 says : THAT IS NOT TRUE gOD bLESS bibi STUPED jEWISH TRATERS>> <<@AudriusMikalajunas says : You can't expect to make deals with Homo Erectus ๐Ÿง  Google "paintings of Muhammad" and "paintings of Jesus" and you will see how biologically undeveloped Muslims are >> <<@miriamben-yaacov5114 says : HAMAS is responsible for the murder of the hostages and all the other Israelis who have been their victims. Blaming Netanyahu only emboldens the terroristsโ€ฆliterally letting them get away with murder. Do these families really want a deal at any costโ€ฆwhich will endanger the whole nation?>> <<@liibaanmohamed-sk9nx says : As i told you if you didn't make decision during Ramadan month. Hamas will disappear from negotiating table. Now Sinwar dictates but Netanyahu is the looser>> <<@PaulaRobinson-g9y says : Bibi is not responsible for the death of any hostages. Hamas is. Put blame on the ones who started and continues it.>> <<@theapienewald2915 says : If some one is laeing it Sinwar and Hamas>> <<@vioricasporea8212 says : I personally think that those people are not fair to Mr. Netanyahu>> <<@edithslawik6393 says : If you want an endless war: keep trust the terrorist. Hamas is the liar not your leader. Sabotage is exactly what YOU are doing: YOU encourage Sinwad to keep and kill the hostages! Wish we had your leaders!!!>> <<@amjoker9837 says : They ignore what's happening in the north and don't want to bring hostages back , terrible gov>> <<@JA71280 says : Shame on these Israelis. Sabotaging?? Ignorants, they should know better about how those gazan or any terrorists are. And itโ€™s unjust to blame Netanyahu for everything. We all definitely want the hostages back, but we cannot meet some demands from terrorists, or many more Jews will die. So stop being ridiculous people!! Shame on you!!>> <<@pridemusemwa6292 says : israel Pm is not only focusing on the 150 hostages but the fate of 8 million jews aswel ......otherwise if he agree on what hamas wants 8 milion jews will also be in danger so he wants to save the 8million and save both the 150, saving the future and saving the 150 aswel .....>> <<@christsambassador.d.i.o.s.1949 says : PM is not lying but he being careful of another oct.7>> <<@Patrick-gb4nf says : This man support Hamas terrorist>>