<<@user-ms1ze7zx4b says : 你们日本不是把军舰先开到别人家吗?>> <<@Grashalm says : It's funny how the fragile wumao bullies point to declarations while their own country constantly violates them.>> <<@markb. says : China is shameless, UN should give china recognition for being the most intimidating country of 21st century>> <<@triper02local79 says : China is the army of the world>> <<@rinrin8140 says : chinese always VIOLATE rules😂>> <<@林木老寄卖 says : The Potsdam Proclamation defined the limits of Japan's territory, and Japan' s sovereignty would be limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and other small islands determined by the Allies. This means that Japan must give up all the territory acquired since the Meiji Restoration except the four Japanese islands, which is not Japanese airspace!>> <<@tonybllim says : "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine." Danjo Islands were included in the "minor islands as we determine" ? Since when ? Japan need to be taught another painful lesson.>> <<@firetree2007 says : US Spy Planes Flying Dozens of Missions Near China, Think Tank Says Published Mar 05, 2024 at 5:18 AM EST>> <<@user-tg8ef3hd5i says : China government just want trouble to their neighbors..>> <<@arcailecorp says : China the trouble maker strike again>> <<@AkodawSipedro says : China wants to build military bases at Danjo islands 😂😂😂>> <<@JOHN-pq5dc says : And we keep buying billions from them....why???>> <<@DaniloManuntag-ex9pw says : China's creeping expansion amid aggressive claims on the South China sea, Spratleys, West Philippine Sea, Taiwan, Senkaku islands, Tibet, Bhutan, Aksai Chin, and Arunachal Pradesh is a big threat to peace and stability. China's nine-dash line claim was invalidated by UNCLOS ARBITRATION COURT, The ruling is binding to China as a signatory ti UNCLOS, but China rejected the ruling and is illegally asserting sovereignty on Philippine EEZ. The Philippines with the US, Japan, and other allies may have to face China head-on. The Philippines must strengthen defense capability,>> <<@kickass7104 says : Chinese testing the Waters 😂😂😂>>