<<@PamiShoodrani says : NO ONE else in this country could have evaded justice for so long.>> <<@brucesmith6007 says : O J simpson lawyers said their client was innocent. Dont ask lawyers for their opinions, they are professional liars.>> <<@mselle66 says : Does Jack Smith wife work for the obamas?>> <<@livelife4471 says : It should be called "the appeals system" not the justice system. About the only thing the justice system allows is for appeals to proceed. All the while the convicted felon campaigns for office.>> <<@johnhall5660 says : We are talking about a man and a department that was set out as an attack dog against a political opponent and you people are cheerleading this>> <<@CncrndCtzn says : Democrats need to reign in their dog and put him on a leash. After the Zuckerberg admission, if you don’t think the Harris administration is controlling the DOJ, you are naive.>> <<@user-ue6bm6rj9f says : Malicious prosecution in violation of Trumps civil rights. Thankfully A3PIII on the job.>> <<@user-ue6bm6rj9f says : Smith had better be able to pass SCOTUS scrutiny of his malicious prosecution. I think it is more likely though that A3PIII will be holding Smith criminally and /or civilly responsible for any violation of Trump's civil rights.>> <<@tomschi9485 says : *Yes, as a non-American it has been amazing to see every day for years(!) how great the USA is. For serious criminals like Trump. Years ago, Trump* initiated the uprising and explicitly refused when the whole world saw that people were probably being murdered and seriously injured. *And, what a miracle: even years later, Trump has still not been held accountable for this. There has not even been* an indictment and the US ‘judiciary’ and US ‘scholars’ have to debate whether Trump did the riot on behalf of the government and in the office of the US president. *The US government and US judiciary even allows criminals like Trump to dictate* when a sentence is handed down and, of course, after felons like Trump put judges in office, Trump also gets to control which court should hand down his sentence. *What a HONOUR FOR EVERY US CITIZEN.* Except for US politicians, who are also protected thanks to corruption. *US politics is apparently ALL so corrupt that Musk can claim stupid things like lying, cheating, defaming and threatening is part of the right of free speech - and US politics supports it! Dividing society may make Musk billions, but* if this is not stopped quickly, the US will certainly not recover. Then it will say: *Welcome to Project 2025!*>> <<@angusmcbean4449 says : Harris is an idiot and Biden is “Feeble Knievel”. I’m voting Trump. 🇺🇸🫡>> <<@Chukichev.Scientificmyths says : I remember Trump's first day when he became the president of the United States ... Chaos in the White House. Lack of logical actions. The stability of the American audit and the counterweight retained the situation. Now the US Supreme Court has violated the counterweight of the US Constitution. Now not everyone is equal to the law. Trump The Supreme Court gave indulgence for crimes. It may happen that Trump’s new criminal orders as the US President will destroy the democracy of the United States, which have been debugged for centuries. When Haris becomes the president of the United States, then I will be calm for democracy in America.>> <<@mumbulog says : Disgusting republicans voter suppression in some states! Time to prosecute! Protect our democracy! Disgusting>> <<@dkhan88942 says : Its gonna crumble again>> <<@Jjonathanhart says : I lost all patience for this stupidity counselors. You all know Donald Trump is guilty off his crimes, yet continue this childish game.>> <<@agneskuruppu says : 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙>> <<@michaelratcliffe7559 says : Hilarious that according to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, Cannon “incorrectly/illegally” appointed a “Special Master” in the classified documents case against Trump and now they are having to weigh in on her decision that the DOJ “incorrectly/illegally” appointed a special Prosecutor to bring that investigation and case. Who knows what decision the 11th will make but given what we know about their take on Cannon - things are not looking good for her. She is probably already on the phone to her buddies for backup from the corrupt SCOTUS.>> <<@aol-youvegotmail364 says : If Kamala gets elected amd and she gets the house and senate she better expand the Supreme Court asap so that Trump doesn't get a free jail card. And 2 Supreme court justices need to be kicked out for abusing power for personal gain.>> <<@ivanchancastillo1025 says : It time to send to prison of the weirdo and loser guy last name is Trump>> <<@RobertEskuri says : This indictment trumps the previous one. Pun intended 😀>> <<@samu3813 says : Canon had no intent of her ruling holding. He goal was to create a delay that will push the case to after election hedging her bets on a SCOTUS appointment. She is betting wrong. Thats bc even if she makes it into the list, whe would not make it past the senate. Democrats would bring down the country over her appointment.>> <<@regandunn4850 says : How they going to bring the case back when smith tampered with evidence the case is dead and its just embarrassing for that Smith>> <<@robertvaters5223 says : Cannon must be impeached and disbarred.>> <<@Krispy1011 says : If the corrupt Democrats went after the cartels like they are going after Trump - then maybe 300 young Americans would not be dying every day of illegal drug OD's!>> <<@treysharpe904 says : So the AZ electors were not only not tricking anyone; they were right. It was pretty clear when the election board pulled all kinds of shenanigans to hender the audit.>> <<@kentjones6813 says : There are no wars left to fight, THE EASY MONEY IS TAKING OUT THE USA and European CITIZEN. THIS IS THE DEMOCRAT AGENDA. OUR govt is coming for us.>> <<@kentjones6813 says : The Queen of Chaos Kamala.... 350,000 children sold into sex slavery gangs under her watch!!!! Pure evil.>> <<@margaretkistner4505 says : Give it up. People are sick of hearing about Jack Smith. It's over. Trump is not guilty. Period. Send Smith packing back home and let us live in peace.>> <<@Hidinginthetreeline says : It is past time to put Trump in ADX where he belongs.>> <<@ChrisErasmus-gw2qz says : WHAT ABOUT JOE BIDEN FILS AND BIDEN FAMILY CORUPSION CNN FAKE NEWS YOU LIKE TOO SMEER TRUMP BUT MUMBLING CREEPY CORUP BIDEN FAMILY WAY CNN WAY JUSTE ONE WAY SMEER JUSTE SOME PEOPLE FAKE FAKE FAKE CNN FAKE😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮>> <<@Uouttooo says : Could we make Judge Canon to retake the bar exams?>> <<@pfflyer3381 says : Its not enough that every special prosecutor has only ever been republican! That alone tells me how the system is bias,! its chirstian fascism, and starts with education! The lack of, with a touch of racism!>> <<@lewisarredondo9050 says : how convenient CNN doesn't talk about the migrant crisis anymore but release a video every hour talking about TRUMP LOL. is it because elections are coming?>> <<@davidnichol6282 says : This is a fight about power and influence by the Democrats looking at the time Obama was in office twice then Trump then Biden it tells you something.>> <<@joeschneider8025 says : Okay, dumb dumb, you all said that last time.>> <<@sailorichiban says : ❤GOD BLESS THE HONEST TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT ❤PRESIDENT TRUMP❤VICTIM OF POLITICAL PERSECUTION AND KANGAROO COURTS 👎🏿IT HAPPENS IN RUSSIA AND RED CHINA👎🏿WHERE DID TRUE JUSTICE GO IN THE US?❓ BIDEN AND HARRIS PERPETRATED THIS INJUSTICE 👎🏿THEY ARE THE TRUE CRIMINALS 👎🏿DUMP THE GARBAGE 👎🏿FOUL JB & KH👎🏿 ❤ELECT THE LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD ❤PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ENTIRE TEAM❤>> <<@MrUHTiger says : Oh man how bad does it look on the current administration to get Trump out. When is Kamala going to speak makes her look weak especially buying influencers 😂😂😂>> <<@DeepSeeBlue3636 says : Maga is Trumps personal mob organization. Corrupt and intimidate people everywhere. Judges, electors, lawyers, other politicians.>> <<@DeepSeeBlue3636 says : The electorsceam is ongoing and improved. Trump thanked people on stage by name just the other day! People who are supposed to be unbiased going to his rallies. It’s astonishing.>> <<@gashousegorillas1 says : Kommie karamela kackles kkk kkk kkk>> <<@gashousegorillas1 says : Kommie karamela kackles kkk is too stupid to debate>> <<@gashousegorillas1 says : Walz mutilates children>> <<@LoveLove-gw2td says : Aileen Cannon is extremely experienced in law and had a good reason to dismiss this case which the supreme court will agree on and reject this appeal and uphold Cannon's decision to dismiss the caseJ.>> <<@dwo2895 says : Why is the UN interfering in US elections? Jack Smith is really "Avi Hauermann" - a United Nations officer working in The Hague.>> <<@danielmcinnes20 says : Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦!!!>> <<@Melrose51653 says : Sometimes you just have to take the time to straighten out the record in the case before proceeding. Hard to believe the 11th Circuit will uphold Cannon's ruling. Even the Supreme Court can't support her.>> <<@patjager6932 says : Democrats are desperate 🙄>> <<@patjager6932 says : She was right, go after Biden, he had them illegally, trump could Have them, Biden couldn't!😊>> <<@wampuscat7589 says : but, i thought the corrupt supreme court gave trump complete immunity... I guess you were just mistaken 🤡>> <<@brucesmith6007 says : Renaming trump and pence roles will not change the scotus decision. This create a huge boost in trumps polls. Jack smith should have been approved by congress based on clinton case, trump had the right to have docs. Not rock solid, instead soft mud. Every one can see this is warfare.>> <<@LeslieBarnes-tk3ch says : Rfk>>