<<@JADO1065 says : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2V0R0QGQkM>> <<@yogineenaicker5700 says : CNN please present the facts & not your own bias!! Balance good news & bad news. Surely a person can't be all bad!>> <<@christinechavez1876 says : Trump surrounds himself with people who see what he does. Saving America is a must. Seeing the state of our country today tells Trumps instincts were right. Those who abandoned and spoke badly of him badly should be ashamed.>> <<@johnb2905 says : Just like Obama and Biden did .... HAAAAAAAAAAA !>> <<@DanielBurke-y9q says : too many Bots. Have a great day, Goodbye>> <<@marklucas6114 says : These evil, greedy, selfish individuals only care about themselves. They did nothing but back stabbing individuals that did nothing to help the poor hardworking Americans.>> <<@marklucas6114 says : We can all see now greedy corporations and billionaires are controlling our controlling our food production, markets and supply chains. They have pushed the small businesses and family farmers completely out of business.>> <<@chikakema4359 says : Well, Joe Biden also choose loyalist to serve in his administration which is the reason nobody came out to tell the American people that the man was in mental decline. Not even Kamala came out to inform the public about Joe Biden cognitive issue. If not for the debate, every one of these people close to Joe Biden kept saying he was in good health and as fast in thinking than every body in the room. Ofcourse, Trump needs people who will work with him in good faith not as a lobbyist but a trusted civim servant.>> <<@jenniecotton2385 says : If that's the Way this man acts now talking about Trump he would never work in government again..jealous man>> <<@tobyaiwati9114 says : Character does NOT matter. It's MAGA!>> <<@redleezure7088 says : Nov. 16, 2020 — Congressional Republicans, responding to news reports that the Trump administration will rapidly reduce forces in Afghanistan, warn of what Sen. Marco Rubio calls “a Saigon-type of situation” in Afghanistan. “A rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan now would hurt our allies and delight the people who wish us harm,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says. Afghanistan’s First Vice President Amrullah Saleh told the BBC that the Trump administration made too many concessions to the Taliban. “I am telling [the United States] as a friend and as an ally that trusting the Taliban without putting in a verification mechanism is going to be a fatal mistake,” Saleh says, adding that Afghanistan leaders warned the U.S. that “violence will spike” as the 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. “Violence has spiked,” he added. trump forced the Abbey Gate tradgedy with horrible idea of "trusting the very smart Taliban." Thanks to his poor negotiating, 5,000 of their fighters were released to help with their eventual rapid takeover of the country.>> <<@ChrisErasmus-gw2qz says : CNN COMUNIST CNN JUSTE LIKE HARRIS COMUNISTS>> <<@JanWyman-dv1qh says : And we can all see how "loyal" to Trump his loyalists actually are, right!>> <<@LAWandCoach says : Here is McMaster talking about Trump manipulating when he himself has been fooled into thinking Trump can be an affective leader of any kind. I can't imagine what would be in his book that would not be obvious to the rest of us.>> <<@ajbb-h1u says : love kamala i come in from india free border we coming in millions will get all americans have big life thank you kamala free housing everything give us more💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💟💟💟💟🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎>> <<@Andy-bl8gg says : Trump 2024>> <<@martinrondon3658 says : He is a chump a coward with no backbone. Trump is also a traitor>> <<@MartinaPaulinodelarosa says : Ydea donal tronp kamala karri ted cru marcaty afuera casa blanca escriban corte>> <<@XYZAudiio says : The GOP is to blame for even giving this treasonous criminal the possibility of being president again. They're making the Untied States into a banana republic.>> <<@MM-vr2cd says : Does anybody that comments on here? Ever wonder where CNN would be if Trump was not in the news?>> <<@michaeljohns8817 says : McMaster want a job in the new HARRIS ADMINISTRATION !!!!!!! DON'T HIRE HIM !!!!!!!!>> <<@mohamedabdikadir2900 says : All trump former admin wokes abandoned him and exposed his impunity so thanks for there patriotism.i wonder those who vote for him.people will regret if trump wins.>> <<@jonroesler8155 says : As opposed to his first administration, for which Trump only chose loyalists. Yes...>> <<@kenbrennan9275 says : This man was working against Trump. Another war monger like Bolton.>> <<@zaphod22 says : There is no point in talking second term for Trump. It will NEVER be allowed to happen.>> <<@DanaBentley-cp5ot says : Does anyone remember the Mar a Lago Three?? Trumps pals that ran the Defense Department from West Palm Beach?? They also influenced the VA and the DOD and consigned Trumps misappropriation of funds to build his shit wall>> <<@tomthelen8069 says : Trump as the next President is needed to bring the country back to the center due to the “extreme left turn” made in the last 4 years?>> <<@tomthelen8069 says : How many of Trump’s original group of appointees were loyal to the Deep State and “secretly” worked against him?>> <<@K9Rottweiler-vd7qk says : Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump, called Trump a “wannabe dictator.” John Bolton, Trump’s former national security advisor, said there will be “celebrations in the Kremlin” if Trump wins because “Putin thinks that he is an easy mark.” Retired General John Kelly, Trump’s White House Chief of Staff, asked about a second Trump term, said, “God help us.” He told CNN that Trump “admires autocrats and murderous dictators” and “has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.”>> <<@dontfallvictim says : As well Trump should, had Biden had any loyal people behind him, he would have not been rolled over by the democratic bus!>> <<@marianlim2530 says : Securing a spot>> <<@nni9310 says : so many ex 45 officials, who write books critical of 45 but won't support Harris. Gutless.>> <<@nni9310 says : mcmaster speaking about trying to change or influence 45 for the better. 45's whole life has been selfish, ego driven. As if he'ld listen to sane advice now, let alone read or take advice from mcmaster's book.>> <<@danny1682 says : Wish you had asked Defense Secretary Esper why they decided on a date to remove Americans which would take place in 2021 and not before the end of 2020. Obviously, Trump and his administration knew that it was a difficult task which they did not want to tackle before the 2020 election. They thought there could be a problem as Biden did have when 13 people were killed.>> <<@karenmihranian9707 says : Always love to read the comments good I site to how people think and info>> <<@NormaRodriguez-js4mw says : Hmmm…so Trump would appoint loyalist. And Kamala Harris would not?? Why aren’t you covering why Kamala is in hiding?? Why aren’t you reporting why Kamala will only hold a debate at ABC, where she has a bestie? She refused all the other major networks. Why aren’t you covering why she insists on having notes during the debate?? Democrats need to get their heads out of the sand, and get informed…that’s not going to happen watching CNN.>> <<@SteelGhost_ says : Independents don’t give Dems blind gullible loyalty like liberals. Need a policy, interview. Take a position>> <<@citizenP-n5c says : Mark Zuckerberg just announced Biden and Harris pressured him to censor facebook content. What won't this administration do to control Americans?>> <<@SlicedZucchini says : is this even news anymore? What different is it from the first time around, other than maybe all the prospective applicants will be more cutthroat and bloodthirsty to get any position>> <<@jayg-lg2ot says : Weird cnn will only bring on trump haters>> <<@jayg-lg2ot says : He's gonna bring in people he trusts !! Oh gee no one or no president does that ! 😂>> <<@LuisEstevez-o3g says : As he should.>> <<@LessmanNungwehim says : Trump/Vance 2024 for common sense policies. Kamala is still hiding from media. Sleepy Joe and cackling Kamala are held responsible for the deadly incident in Afghanistan. Go Trump.>> <<@madscrambler says : F off McMaster & Esper covering your on a$$es & not serving the country you swore to defend.>> <<@sibu2 says : Go out and vote! 💙💙💙>> <<@hansoll5126 says : I'd rather be an American than a Trump supporter.>> <<@hbmai3945 says : Stop using big word like OUTLANDISH. Use simpler word to be more effective like RIDICULOUS. Did you see how well weird work?>> <<@desiregems says : Come on Espar don’t try to both sides. It country over party.>> <<@desiregems says : Trump ordered the quick withdrawal from Afghanistan with with the With the Taliban releasing 5000 their criminals too, sabotage Biden and the American people>> <<@chatomauricio says : No Zuckerbug news? 🤣 pathetic CNN>>