<<@jillwiegand4257 says : Who is she to keep changing rules???? Shes sooooooo nasty 😡>> <<@Abraham2768 says : No debates no interviews untill election day means they plan on cheating look at how they booted Biden and installed these two who are totally unelected and have no votes.>> <<@MaryhelenLara-vl9us says : This country is doomed if those 2 wack jobs get elected Kamala Harris and tampon Tim waltz>> <<@MaryhelenLara-vl9us says : Every time she opens her mouth nothing but lies. That woman is a pathological liar and hypocrite>> <<@darrencunniff1716 says : What about the wall she never went 1time😮😮>> <<@darlenemccarter5423 says : ITS SATAN AT THE WHEEL BECAUSE EVERYONE CAN TRUELEY SEE ALL THE EVIL 😈 IN OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE COMMUNNISTS DEMOCRATIC PARTY WAS ILLEGALLY ELECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@Mushamman says : AOC knows how to sell things for a dollar. You should listen to her. She was a bartender...>> <<@thelmawatts3987 says : Laughing hyena>> <<@somersetsevenmac4238 says : I’m speaking. I’m reading the script.>> <<@MA-vz2mu says : The debate will be very interesting……IF it ever happens…..>> <<@trevaherman4986 says : Let her speak she will fall on her stupid face!! The most digusting woman Ive ever seen in my life!! If this is all the Democrats had to run in this election she & her running mate are a complete desgrace & a complete embarrassing pair to our Country!!!!>> <<@trevaherman4986 says : You are so right this is the worst Ive ever seen!! Its just disgusting the corrupt way the Democrats are doing! Kamale is plum pathetic! She such a lair & her running mate to!!>> <<@jeanniethomasonthomason5159 says : We got to get them out of there.asap>> <<@jeanniethomasonthomason5159 says : Lyyyyyyyyer>> <<@larrydraper1620 says : Pentagon State US Bank 52 to starte right medical NASA really matters to others wether people and right civil service rights CIA FiB services social people stop sitting wether to starte right by law under people right 👍 maybe around badys and more work>> <<@PhuongDo-dc2yj says : With her laugh she can deal with the terrorists, with the inflations, with wars ………… they can run away when she laughs , it’s horrible and terrible from democRats to let she run for presidential !>> <<@sarcheshmehus says : She is a devil, the most degusting marxistI have ever seen>> <<@leenapatel8667 says : Disgusting how media is glorifying the very people who will bring this world to apocalypse>> <<@leenapatel8667 says : Its going to be a scary world if salada Kamala comes to power. War mongering, incompetant, shady, mafia>> <<@demetramanno6361 says : She is an arrogant, dumb, sarcastic person.>> <<@andrewwarren9055 says : Just seen a woman I. The grocery store with a “Harris Waltz” Tshirt that read on the back “we will Not go back” and thought to myself “go back to what a free and prosperous country”….and just shook my head lol>> <<@michaelwood3146 says : Sean you’re right; you don’t have much time left! , La>> <<@michaelwood3146 says : If you haven’t noticed, DJ is an existential threat to democracy! Pay attention. There is no toilet paper for regular people in the Trump economy!!>> <<@michaelwood3146 says : Not everything is Trump’s fault just most things.>> <<@michaelwood3146 says : Kamala’s extreme positions are winning the election!!! WE WILL NOT GO BACK!>> <<@andrewwarren9055 says : More like the first one not allowed into the room lol>> <<@michaelwood3146 says : “The most deceptive and dishonest campaign in human history”? Wow Sean … use superlatives much????>> <<@butchbuck7432 says : Dont vote for any democrat>> <<@akashs8819 says : Trump belongs to haplogroup g , he's not even European , r1a's have better vocabulary and speak faster>> <<@edouard-josephpeltiergarci8583 says : Can someone in MAGA or FOX explain exactly when Trump finished that southern wall between USA and Mexico? and in what currency did Mexico pay for the wall? // What is Trump saying about abortion issues... he keeps on adjusting his stance to suck up to whatever audience that he is pandering to. // Can someone tell America why Trump has a hard time staying on subject. He just rambles on and on and on and on with a lot of uncomprehensive crap that has nothing to do with explaining his policy. // Hannity is so pathetic!>> <<@CoHo-xk6on says : Let she laughing.. always she said that.>> <<@CoHo-xk6on says : Only she laughing than working for America...she was lie..>> <<@sonyawillenbrecht8920 says : I find it so hard to believe there is no constitutional higher court that is completely objective in the USA that allows this to happen & keep continuing. It's so unconstitutional. Vote Trump 🇺🇸>> <<@sonyawillenbrecht8920 says : Wow Scamala is such a f..cking goof>> <<@ianstewart9209 says : You Americans play with your politics too much and it is going to hurt you in the long run. This is not Calculus, Trump is not well mentally, how can you support a man who wants to get rid of your constitution? a convicted felon and a rapist ARE YOU SERIOUS ? can't you see that this man is not well. Which man brags about peeping on young girls in their dressing room ? people died on January 6 all because of him and he dose not want to be held accountable because he sees himself as being above the law. Never in the history of the existence of America has there been a presidential con man like Trump who declares that if he wins he will fix it so that no one has to vote again .....READ BETWEEN THE LINES, what does he mean by he will fix it ?>> <<@ianstewart9209 says : What is she talking about , there were persons who worked with Trump in the White House and they said it was scary frightening, he was like a spoilt child and don't forget that he incited an insurrection on his own nation simply to benefit himself. He told the big lie that the election was stolen when his closest associates told him it was not . Bill Barr distinctly told him that he lost the election. He sat in the White House and watch it unfold without even trying to stop it until he saw that his supporters were losing the fight he called them off. Do you remember that he did not want to release his tax information until he was ordered by the courts to do so and they discovered that he was a tax cheat . His CFO is now in prison and he was all a part of the scheme. Trump is a con man he lives his life unfairly by lying and cheating his way through life, he is now a convicted felon and a rapist and this is the man that you want to put back in the White House ? A pathological liar who you will have to fact check every thing that he says for him to speak the truth. YOU AMERICANS ARE CRAZY !!!! I am not saying that the Democrats are doing are great job , but if you have a choice between Trump and Kamala, The choice is obvious . How can you vote for someone who wants to get rid of the American constitution. When he gets rid of it , what kind of country would you have , that sounds like a communist nation to me, that's the reason why he is so chummy with Putin. Didn't you notice that anything that Putin wanted from Trump he got it. He even pulled America out of the NATO membership , which was a plus for Putin . You cannot trust Trump , he is a con man>> <<@bobleonard99 says : "The mob" Has allowed Trump to get away with hundreds of crimes over the past 8 years.>> <<@The11061984 says : The greatest tv liar in history in the great lying tv channel>> <<@doksh5740 says : What you are saying is very true, but what is confusing is the polls are showing that KH is in the lead. Is not this a disaster???>> <<@clydejones7041 says : You sorry azz republicans are REALLY afraid of her..... hahaha>> <<@bensuico1224 says : What about the BORDER CRISIS? Who is going to fix it for good? That is, no temporary bandaid!>> <<@The11061984 says : An intelligent man unacquainted with american affairs landing on American soil would be shocked on reading the postings by trump and even more shocked by the sight of him making a speech. This man is a thug and is so obviously sick. On reading more on the life he has led he would understand how he has turned into the monster he is now. A vulgarian, a debaucher, a liar, a bully, a coward, a racist, a misogynis,, an uncouth and cruel man without culture or morals, a man who knows no happiness but only pleasure. At the very heart, insecure, sad with the full knowledge that he is not smart,and is dissembling. But the worst fear he carries is that he knows he has only a few more years to live.>> <<@miketrevino-5084 says : She laughs like the joker and the jokes been on us the last 4 years>> <<@Grant-wn4ep says : By "the mob" does he mean the American people?>> <<@debrastanford8761 says : IF THEY DON T DEBATE, THEY DON T GET IT...AMERICA WANTS ANSWERS....NOT LAUGHS......😮😮😮😮>> <<@rayplouffe7328 says : Democratic corruption part two. A snake that sheds its skin is still a snake. She is lying to get elected people who are voting for her better change your mind.>> <<@JaimeDiaz-ld5yq says : Kamala and walz from democrats corrupted cartel>> <<@scooby_n_daphne says : What’s funny is how the media and the polls say Kamala is winning! On election 🗳️ day Dems about to be bamboozed and hoodwinked when they lose the election! 💯>> <<@upallnight177 says : Does that IDIOT AOC KNOW THAT TRUMP "HASNT" AND "WON'T" TAKE A SALARY FOR THE PRETTY LUCRATIVE JOB OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?!!!!!>> <<@ginnysnyder says : GET THE SIGNS READY .... NOT GONNA STEAL AGAIN !!!>>