<<@brianweller7114 says : Is Albo girl friend Transgender.>> <<@brianweller7114 says : Albo has no idea what productivity is, he has never had a job , ran a business and paid tax>> <<@brianweller7114 says : How do you expect such a stupid Labout leader could be sensible>> <<@WilliamHiggins-s7i says : good report>> <<@philmcgriskin1706 says : Hi Sky , Paul one would assume Anthony Albanese knows something about productivity as he aquired his Bachelor of Economics at the University of Sydney at same time he was THE PRESIDENT OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY. And now he's the PRIME MINISTER of AUSTRALIA - Hello ! , cheers ( Aussie ) Phil .>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Who cares about the farmers or Australia? Who even is this Paul.Murray fool??šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : I HATE WIND FARMS..>> <<@josephgaribaldi4340 says : Anthony McGoo aka Albo McGoo>> <<@AndrewTencza says : Albo thing the productivity is checking you banking app to see if your dole has landed.>> <<@maxinegalpin6068 says : Reality check šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚>> <<@adrianporter5580 says : Never thought I would see worse than Gillard or Rude Rudd...Imbo gets the gold cause the whole party is way out of their depth. Hopeless>> <<@clintclintonforshortbonser736 says : No. Productivity is not in his repertoir. Him and his toxic, woke government are nation wreckers not nation builders. They have to go.>> <<@jeffjenkins8465 says : Crosby full of shit mate. Woof.>> <<@ChristineKing-i5c says : Labor the greens and teals are parroting the dems in America itā€™s disturbing>> <<@colinyates7485 says : What the heck does Paul Murray know about productivity, sat on his fat arse, night after night preaching his far right rhetoric, heā€™s never done a decent days work in his life and certainly never produced anything.>> <<@Martinoconnor-du6lc says : how much money is anal going to give the pacific islanders to stop the so called sea rises?>> <<@MartinaPaulinodelarosa says : Julio yglesia. Muerto bahama peteson atado mano. Muerte legal Chantal>> <<@DJ70404 says : Matt hit the nail on the head, the rich vote Green, but the bush and lower income have to bear the brunt of them. EV in the city are fine, not in the bush. The inner city latter sippers are a totally different breed to the real Australians who keep the country going>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : I know what productivity is - it is the ratio of a company's profit to wages bill. - My wife has a lady friend who said 'Paul Murray is very kind-hearted'. - Perhaps that is also Rupert Murdoch's problem ? - IDIOCY !>> <<@paulday1151 says : I think labour are on a hiding to nowhere right across the country šŸ¤”>> <<@seriousmonkey5654 says : Ballarat sucks.>> <<@Pedroaghyu says : Itā€™s hilarious how Victorians voted for this criminals three times in Victoria, itā€™s self inflicted pain, enjoy>> <<@nevillegreg1 says : Tell Albo and the dingbat on your show that is a good Labor soldier that I worked for over 40 years and never ever did I get a call at 10pm from my employer, nor has anyone I know - the example given is unrealistic. I did get a call from my employer at around 7.30am (which is outside my normal business hours) to tell me that it was OK for me to go to the office at Martin Place since the Lindt Cafe siege had ended. There was no productivity loss because I got a call outside of normal hours.>> <<@archiekabooom2928 says : Those people who spoke out are heroes>> <<@PK51X says : They should have booted Allen out of the Bush Summit for good measure.>> <<@greghall3150 says : CLOWN WORLD SCIENCE! STOP LYING ABOUT CARBON CLIMATE. there were 3 climate changes last century. REALITY! Flatulence (Methane) from animal herds provides important nutrients for trees and vegetation Methane is short-lived in the atmosphere as it combines with water vapor and comes back to earth as rain, where Methanotpic bacteria combine it with nitrogen and oxidize it down to nitrates in the soil for plants and trees. It is an important natural part of the earth's biosystem and can be replicated scientifically. Most of the methane is produced by insects close to the ground's surface where bacteria break it down into nitrates. However, methane produced above the surface plays an important role in tree nitrate production. It is captured by tree bark and broken down by Methanotpic Bacteria into nitrate fertilizers for trees. Methane makes up 0.0018 % of the Earth's atmosphere! CO2 carbon dioxide makes up 0.039 % of Earth's atmosphere! The volume of Both gases makes up less than 1 % of Earth's atmosphere. Co2 levels at 0.018 % all life will die. The small volume of Carbon gases in the atmosphere cannot control or heat the Earth's climate! Carbon gas production is greater than that of carbon gases in the atmosphere due to it being water-soluble it is short-lived in the atmosphere. The Termite produces 20 million tonnes of methane a year, on top of that, all other insects are producing millions of tonnes of methane too. While Human carbon output is less than the Termite. C02 is broken down by photosynthesis feeding vegetation with carbon water and releasing oxygen. Co2 and Methane are water-soluble. METHANOTPIC bacteria. These bacteria serve as biofilters for the oxidation of methane produced in anaerobic environments, and when oxygen is present in soils and tree bark, atmospheric methane is oxidized. Carbon is the cornerstone of life! Our bones are Calcium carbonate, Co2 Photosynsisist Plants (polysaccharides) The foundation of the food chain, and the oxygen we breathe, methane, and nitrogen feed vegetation.>> <<@woodflower1 says : How very interestingā€¦.Im not sure about other professionals after work hour work activity pressures but I do know that teachers and care givers work all day and late into each and every single day of the working week and at least, at least one entire day on weekend and then rock up to school at between 2-3 hours before school each dayā€¦in between programming and being held to account for answering every email sent by the ever growing number of helicopter parents re their precious childrenā€¦no thought, no regard for the families and children of teachersā€¦this has been going on for decadesā€¦we did have school holidaysā€¦about which we were constantly of how reminded of how ā€˜luckyā€™ we were to have ā€˜all those holidaysā€™ā€¦Sure you can call it lucky, lucky because we finally had time for our worn out bodies and weary soul to catch and recover from all the bugs weā€™d caught which lay lurking in wait for us in our classrooms and staff rooms that ā€¦so holidays were either spent being sick and trying to recover whilst writing up programmes and preparing data for the next term/semester of schoolā€¦ā€¦No one though anything of itā€¦most of us just kept goingā€¦ I adore the fact that since Covid people are now working from homeā€¦the dedicated souls will give their allā€¦too many do next to nothing and get ā€˜sickā€™ whilst working from home what a flipping rort!!! Human nature being what it isā€¦Itā€™s a total nightmare!!!>> <<@ScottRichmond-nh5uj says : Albo has never WORKED? HE'S A PIG IN THE TROUGH šŸ· Tax Payers Money the WORKERS!>> <<@rbs7919 says : Sam Crosby is as stupid as Albanese if he believes all that rubbish. And, the Teals are all equal??? Is that what Simon says?>> <<@doneB830 says : Vote One Nation, these globalist parties have the same agenda.>> <<@lesliewatt9344 says : Thatā€™s just pure bullsh@t>> <<@matthewoborne1649 says : sky news shilling for big business again.>> <<@valuers1 says : One term Albo is an idiot!>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : Wind farms only support Chris Bowen and China!!>> <<@Mulder-m7s says : lol, horseshit. Itā€™s not cheaper or more secure. Itā€™s unreliable and not cheaper in the long run>> <<@CraigBarron-z4f says : People in charge who know nothing.....Always rings true!!>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : As an Aussie..I hate Wind farms!!>> <<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : He's the Prime Minister. He and his team clearly know more.>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : ALBOSLEEZY..worst grubby PM ever!! And guess What?? Aussies didn't even vote for Albo!!>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : ALBOSLEEZY AGAIN!!>> <<@douglasfathers4848 says : Albo Sleazy and Productivity Your F#cking kidding . The only Productive thing That Retard has done is totally SCREWD over the Australian people and the Country . And don't forget about the huge PAY RISE that he give him self for being the WORST leader in this Country's History . šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ‘ŽšŸ¤ >> <<@DCC888 says : Chalmers and Albanese et al. don't care how Aussies are suffering under their bad policies. They are all about their big salaries and flexing their muscles on the world stage making a mockery of this country, while our citizens suffer under their bad policies. It's disgraceful and they need to go asap. And that includes Steggells and Plibersh*t et at all. We need a Govt that puts Australian citizens first. Dutton and One Nation!>> <<@johncorlett3699 says : Bull poop, bull poop should be the chant every Labor function, event, press oportunity>> <<@haruchai says : Of course he knows what productivity is, in his mind its the rest of us working more and harder to earn more and pay more tax to keep him in the lifestyle he would like to become accustomed to.>> <<@omar15964 says : Your so called side kick (Sam) has no idea of productivity either........................if you went sick on day one or have time off as he says..........NO WORK GETS DONE................then you go back into work the next day, you then have all of day one business to get done catch up on and also day twos work if that is possible, but then you go sick on day three because you worked your guts out and have become tired again and not productive. Some thing wrong with his theory there... NOW think of this.......Safeway and Coles have a roster system.............what happens if two or three of them go sick for a shift the day before ??????that then means that the boss cannot ring around for replacements................SO CUSTOMERS WILL MAKE NOISES FOR BAD OR NO SERVICE.>> <<@patriot388 says : Unfortunately, Ballarat is a woke city! Woke council, woke newspaper, woke voters! šŸ™„>> <<@annviolet4727 says : Dunking on Dutton for 12 minutes. Digestible, classic friendlyjordies. - YouTube>> <<@AdamChambers-j1e says : This albo. Is idiot>> <<@sandorrubane8964 says : It would be so refreshing if these panel folk actually spoke honestly using the intelligence they surely must have. The distrust the public have in the political class comes from the obvious dishonesty that is peddled day in and day out. When Sam is asked whether the PM understands what productivity is, clearly by Albo's prepared statement, this is not an off-the-cuff mistake, he does not yet Sam just doesn't call it out. He obfuscates and evades. Treating us like absolute mugs.>> <<@timifumi46brown91 says : who is this clown sitting next to the Paul.. oh thats right another lefty dog trying to save his arse !!! DEF TO LABOR>>