<<@Poorlineforeva says : We can't wait for twenty or thirty years for the most expensive power source known. Nuclear is for fools.>> <<@GeoffMiell says : Most, if not all ageing, increasingly unreliable and increasingly more expensive to run coal-fired generators will be closed by 2038. What would keep the 'lights on' in Australia while we wait 20+ years (NOT 10-12 years that the Coalition are promising) for any prospective nuclear generator units to become operational? It seems to me pro-nuclear ideologues never answer this inconvenient question. That's the conversation Australia needs to have. Something to think about: A machine without energy is a sculpture. A worker without energy (food) is a corpse. No energy, no economy.>> <<@winstonsmith7801 says : No we don't . Hydrocarbons is all we have ever needed for cheap reliable energy production.>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Hunter valley residents were given a harsh reminder of the 1989 Newcastle earthquake when two magnitude 5 earthquakes hit the Hunter valley..... Several aftershocks continued to shake foundations>> <<@philippusgouws7852 says : Use the gas you give away for free>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : the "renewable dream".... you will be too hot/too cold (because of lack of electricity), no food (because land is occupied by ineffective (*MORE PANELS, MORE PROPELLERS*) and everyone WILL. BE. HAPPY... to travel nowhere.>> <<@johnd5953 says : It isnt rocket science. It is common sense to use EVERY proven available energy tech>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : leber is geting bribe money from wind and solar gas libs will get it from nuclear and coal and gas bribe bribe bribe peoples savings down down down>> <<@nealkent says : Why is it that every time, taxpayers have to pay for federal parties who have a brain fart, regardless of how insane it is, that they just go blow billions of taxpayers dollars on white elephant fads and ideology. This socialist government that is in power at the moment, if not had taken on this renewables and EV's and all these illegal sponging blowins keep coming in, we would not be in a mess. We want accountability and imprisonment for these PM's and politicians that intentionally exploit taxpayers dollars without consequences.>>