<<@sirpolo1459 says : All talk, she's craz! we're is your evidence to show she's crazy no rebuttal, and evidence. I thought this was a real new channel ur just like CNN fake news...>> <<@justmadeit2 says : Sky news Australia really has a certain stance on things though to be fair it’s unusual to get media that is neutral and here’s all points of view>> <<@hunha991 says : Good to see in the comments people realise how out of touch Sky News is.>> <<@Sasaaa_Sema says : When she is not for you she is off the line! Really? 😢>> <<@sondraarrache1908 says : Meh. Bye Sky News.>> <<@user-vt2ce2jc4r says : I totally agree with this. I use to like her. But she just went nuts in recent times. I'm not fan of Obama politics but calling him gay is weird. Thn her take on Jews.. Thn her take on moon landing. I also didn't take vaccine and didn't like mandate but her take on zero vaccine including measles ,polio etc is too much.... Thn her hatred of Taylor Swift instead of criticism , her blind support for Kanye west etc is so weird......>> <<@Sherbear377 says : I wonder if she's a Jesuit? She should have the freedom to speak as she likes whether it's approved or not. People can stand up for what they believe by boycotting or attending. God bless!!>> <<@tribunation says : Unsubscribed. She didn't say anything false.>> <<@musiconanotherlevel says : Chris Kenny just said that was the good Candice when she was wore a white lives matter T- shirt she was the good Candice. That's the saddest thing I ever heard. Let me just say this you don't know what these cops were doing to black people in southern America before body cams. I wish I didn't must be nice. Now they have to wear body cams and for me that makes me feel way more safe. At least if they harm me now they can actually have video of me not resisting arrest. Before they would have my own family at my funeral saying I shouldn't have been resisting.>> <<@MRMORGAN817 says : She's right my god, I think I love her.>> <<@RAralar says : She is unhinged over Bridget Macron being a man😅>> <<@scottgiannotti9247 says : Candace Owens = Women's Candidacy>> <<@Lydia-Frost says : She is right about some things, but she is an Andrew Tate supporter. A hypocrite of the highest order.>> <<@lamarazmoe6438 says : Now that she isn't lying about and insulting black people she is losing touch with reality>> <<@ideaphile says : Don't you mean disconnected from the mainstream narrative the media like Sky pushes? If I had to choose credibility I'd select Candace ahead of any mainstream media outlet ANY DAY.>> <<@kimberleyzona3316 says : She's not wrong about all the gay men in power - or alm the pedos out there - over 300,000 are missing in the USand the Gov't is not being accountable for any of them!! No Candace knows her stuff!>> <<@aymankhalifa5577 says : Win comment section we all stand with Candace>> <<@emilystockhall8291 says : You’ve taken every clip here out of context. Listen to her in her entirety, then I’ll hear your opinion. Sky News Australia, you are losing people’s trust over this take. Interview her, then you might gain some faith back.>> <<@Joshdyisdifh says : Sky News Australia loved Candace Owens until she spoke out against Israel....>> <<@letTHEM_eatCrayons says : Her banishment by the GOVT literally proves her points. You can bash every religion in the world except for Judaism & Islam. So which of these 2 religions are behind the curtain?>> <<@letTHEM_eatCrayons says : Still support her❤>> <<@crossx695 says : She is disgusting, she preaches morality and yet supports Andrew Tate who was accused of among others, trafficking minors which must be one of the most evil things anyone can do, but hey this is Candace, she preaches humanity yet she supports the indicted war criminal Putin and the slaughter in Ukraine, what a hypocrite.>> <<@kentstevens5839 says : Chris Kenny is saying the Australian government can't really cancel Candace given that they allow other similar speech in their own country. Free speech allows people to be critical of conspiracy theories.>> <<@wilts8965 says : Oh so you were a fan of hers when she criticized black people>> <<@RabbiTuviaBolton says : She's just saying about the Jews what the Church has been saying from its inception. It's only to wake the Jews up and arouse the Almighty Creator to put an end to Golos Romi (Edom).>> <<@WokeDetection says : Is she lying about these pedos and homo leaders? Don't act like you showed something that is revealing of her misinformation. If they are not what she says they are then they'll sue her and clear their names>> <<@kadyrov3218 says : Candace Jews is not anti-Jewish. Stop using the Bolshevik word antisemitic!>> <<@kadyrov3218 says : Sky news is the problem. Not Candace Owens. She's a Christian. You devils hate Jesus Christ!>> <<@daphnepapandreou says : UNFOLLOWING THE GARBAGE "NEWS" SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA. AND FCK AUSTRALIA'S CORRUPT POLITICIANS.>> <<@daphnepapandreou says : SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA HAS BEEN INFILTRATED BY THE CORRUPT. Candace speaks the truth.>> <<@mrs.carter4775 says : She was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, her agendas all along was to spread Israel hate and God doesn’t like that.>> <<@rpaisley71 says : Candace hasn't crossed my line, but she might have crossed yours.>> <<@chuckmartin7006 says : Candace is an exceptionally intelligent, articulate woman with whom I mostly agree, especially when calling out liberals' race baiting tactics. I considered her equal with Ben Shapiro. But in the past year, she's espoused some ideas that surprise me. For example, apparently she believes the 1969 moon landing was faked. That France's first lady is actually a transexual man. That the cult of Frankism, which espouses pedophilia, is practiced by world leaders around the globe (google it, it's too hard to explain), and her anti-Israel views. Too bad, because she is such a good speaker on conservative issues. But even Martin Luther was remarkably anti-Semitic, despite all his good points. So I want to give her slack, but I've lost some respect for her as well. Kind of like how the Democrats feel about Biden.>> <<@Manda_lee_33_livin says : I'm about done with these platforms and miss the days we spoke up against sell outs 🙄>> <<@jennymac7938 says : Disconnected by reality? You must be living in a different reality than the rest of us. She is 110% right on everything she stated. They are banning her bc she’s waking ppl up to the juw world order. We stand with Candace 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@Muslim_Student says : Candace owens says more truth in 5 mins of her episode than sky news has said in their existence. Keep yapping about candace owens, she's not going to be silenced.>> <<@aysinduarte says : MSM OSS DONE FOR. You are all a bunch of liars and puppets. Nobody believes you lot anymore. It Is funny how telling the truth is so offensive now!>> <<@bang8534 says : Because she's no longer parroting your propaganda, now "she's not in touch with reality"!!! I knew sky has always been a far right Zionist outlet..... No surprises at all that you are coming for her after she talks truth about a certain group of people who prefer to hide in the shadows>> <<@nurse580 says : What are the ‘extreme conspiracy theories’ about the vax? Having 40 years experience in the medical industry I’ve yet to find hardly any>> <<@nurse580 says : The thing I wonder about js the high cost ( up to $1500??) of just listening to someone’s opinion. Surely they can hire a cheaper venue>> <<@archangel763 says : She is a dropkick and should never be allowed in Australia.>> <<@knockda887 says : Candace is the new woke right similar to the woke left tactics - they paint revisionist history over USA and put down what our ancestors fought and stood for just like the woke left does - bunch of grifters for money>> <<@DM-bn2kv says : Nowadays you censored by telling the truth and against the establishment 😂>> <<@fanmael1 says : Candace or Potato Head Voldermort Chris Kenny? The choice is quite simple.>> <<@tracybelford6833 says : Can not believe you let evil be preached by these muslims wishing death ☠️ but want Candace Owens banning for speaking the truth and opening everyone's eyes.DISGUSTED IN AUSTRALIA!!!!!>> <<@realityunadorned says : How easy it should be to prove her wrong.. Prove her wrong instead of just flapping your gums..>> <<@nkengafacvillyenmotaze5774 says : She has not lost anything. She is speaking her mind. You need to stop this witch hunt! NOT ANYONE WHO DUSAGREES WITH YOU MUST BE SILENCED!>> <<@Agiftthathealstheheart says : Your made up world that was built to suit you and your family is not reality..>> <<@thomasduden9265 says : Also , there are Christian’s Arabs that are subjugated and killed in Palestine . No one understands that>> <<@thomasduden9265 says : This is why they cancelled Tik tok>>