<<@jenzag7621 says : Albo's talking about himself.>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : This Albenese government should join Raygun from the Olympics,,,she got a great big 0 for her performance just like Albo,,,😢>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : LOOK IN THE MIRROR 🪞 ALBO,,, YOU ARE DESCRIBING YOURSELF,,,,😂>> <<@rodsloane706 says : "It was interesting that Anthony Albanese didn't back up the dangerous line...". That Chris is because he couldn't. But if he did then the substance of Albaneses "back up" would no doubt be emblematic of his usual shallow self. Albanese IS shallow. Correct Ted. The character assassinations as opposed to talking about & focussing on policy? Extraordinarily weak. And not just a bit desperate & dishonest. Seems like the Albo & his lot are a tad worried.>> <<@jonfoxtrot5135 says : Chalmers should seek the wisdom of Ben Chifley in 1937 and he'd find Chifley and Dutton concur.>> <<@ShaneLong-nk5cy says : Me ,PM I need help with the cost of living, PM your a racist>> <<@justin1669 says : Jim Chalmers - lightweight. Mr “Keating s my hero” just tows the party line and does what Albo tells him - that’s how dumb he is.>> <<@PhillipMcCallum says : Chairman Albo did not even chock, while he lied. Division is the chairman's aim>> <<@snellavision says : "divisive" is the lamest of all the zero-meaning criticisms a politician can hurl at an opponent>> <<@MarkForbes-dr4ie says : Albanese and labor treat you like fools,they don't work for Australians.>> <<@ianwoodward3122 says : Dutton = solution. Albanese = chaos.>> <<@jmc10000-h says : The hydrogen hoax comes unstuck very simply because it takes 50 to 55kwh of electricity to produce 40kwh of hydrogen>> <<@kevinbrown2445 says : Inflation housing interests rates power roads is what we want not more terrorist>> <<@stevenblack3092 says : When you are failing at your job you attack the opposition 😊>> <<@littletony1764 says : Labor is so hypocritical. They divide the people constantly, use racism to promote their delusional ideology while ruining the country with their failed policies, and then have the audacity to call others divisive and racist - everything they are doing.>> <<@sirajekifamunyanja6776 says : https://youtu.be/soSW-T4Jp7E>> <<@JenE3377 says : Labour is triggered and angry. Name calling and smears are a good sign. Stop the visas for Gazans.>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Chalmers ???? He's just doing as he's told ( he rarely is able to think for himself) to distract the public away from the massive failure for Labor that was the NT elections. Labor just about wiped out - Dutton has Albanese on the run.>> <<@BigFerg-hf6uv says : Grim Jim big words from a guy who's presiding over a country who's cost of living has sky rocketed into the stratosphere! Calling Dutton divisive? That's a bit rich coming from the clowns who split the country with the race based voice debacle. Thanks for wasting all our money 😂😂 🤡 🤡>> <<@peterolsen9131 says : albo talking about division after the voice debacle and huge waste of money, sickens me and angers me , the hypocracy and projection is off the scale , industrial strength gaslighting...>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Desperate people always name call and run others down. These attacks display the ignorant arrogant attempt to take focus off the uter betrayal of Australians in favour of socialist unions Greens Teals and terrorists.>> <<@steveblake6877 says : What an absolute pair of incompetent fools. Chalmers and Albanese. They have only needed less than three years to show what wrecking balls they are. Incredibly hateful, dumb losers at the very least.>> <<@tangels says : Vote all Labor out as they are all numb nuts.>> <<@corrinefarrell6726 says : You’ve got NOTHING Albo, YOU’RE the big DEVIDER.>> <<@foff3379 says : All idiots with no common sense lw skirts>> <<@John-ul4hv says : LNP/Labor NASTY>> <<@John-ul4hv says : F@@chU, PM Albo, LNP'S decision, we went through ICAC, Minister has the Parliamentary authority to over rule the Community Human Rights, , Albo's NACC , NOT in there jurisdiction, murder of the peoples of NSW>> <<@Whateveriwantitm says : https://youtu.be/TBsNx0O-5Jc?si=o7mR-i3oULxm1YG7>> <<@MarkSmith-ej2qd says : They all do it to each other all the time. So what’s the big deal. Just more bias reporting from Sky LNP News.>> <<@PatriciaNewton-s3k says : These oversaw a so called leader in Shorten whom did no COSTINGS for the NDIS BUT NOW ALL SCREAMING THAT THE LOT NOT IN POWER HAVE TO PROVIDE COSTINGS. WHAT A SICK JOKE THESE WANNA BEES ARE.Do not forget SHORTENS BABY THE NDIS is going to cost MORE THAN THE DEFENCE BUDGET FOR AUSTRALIA.>> <<@jerrywong5960 says : 0:15 Albo represents division. The Voice Referendum is racist. There is only one class of Australians.>> <<@DieterZimmermann-yf4le says : Jim Grim 😊 the complete vacuum brain.>> <<@johncotton5561 says : Albanese just described himself (represents division and never has an answer that's positive or constructive).>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Politics, there is NO politics, LNP/Labor represent Corporations & themselves>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Fcking sky deleting comments.😡>> <<@user-pj5ub5cp9k says : Dutton has realised that being a racist is a vote winner in Australia. He's a disgrace.>> <<@John-ul4hv says : ‘In Labor’s rent forever world, foreign fund managers are kings and workers are paupers’, people renting Corporate housing, cited Senator Andrew Bragg, Senate Economics Committee, 7.8.24>> <<@tonyd3027 says : Who wants to listen to the most boring man in the world. Albo might want to listen to what he said about Dutton, it actually describes himself perfectly. Jim Charmless is a liar and full of hot wind, he has lied about everything ,just like his stupid labor mates. Worst government in Australian history, what a pack of useless inept clowns.>> <<@presidentxijinpingspoxdoct9756 says : Chalmers has destroyed the lives of many, many Aussies..... and so has Albosleazy>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Albo is so creative😂-Voice=division, promises =all lies=it is his style =pathetic>> <<@nealkent says : Too late for that Chalmers and Elmer Fudd Albo, we now know you are both wet paper bags at taxpayers expense.>> <<@lesbrown1710 says : Peter Dutton certainly has albanese and his troop bamboozled.>> <<@ekka6560 says : When you've got nuthin, get personal...so lame and childish while our Country goes to Shit!>> <<@DouglasAustin-my4ic says : Chalmers and Albonese show how they are a bunch of losers when they go on the defensive by attacking the opposition with no substance in their argument LABOR LOSERS>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : Weak pathetic Drivel what else can you expect from Socialist Left . a Word salad worthy of Kamala Harris .. Chalmers not even a Treasurers Bootstrap..>> <<@Berserker978 says : Labor have Lost Already. 😆>> <<@AussieGirl-jx8rp says : No Albo YOU DO !!!>> <<@morrisgland887 says : Oh God … if it’s not Elmer Fudd it’s Goofy. Nasty piece of dog shit. Yep. Layba resorting to ad hominem attacks coz … they can’t defend their indefensible posturing and incompetence.>> <<@userjoe4321 says : Chalmers and Labor are starting to panick>> <<@frank00135 says : Albo is the biggest lie and refuses to take responsibility for his own stupidity. Labor needs to fix the problems not pointing fingers at someone else.>>