<<@user-lb4yx1ms5f says : Unruly behavior is not welcome.>> <<@TT-xm8kd says : sullivan better go home and back to school >>> dont trust us its ****>> <<@Kiss_MyAss says : AMERICAN LEADERS ARE ABSOLUTELY UNTRUSTWORTHY! TIME AND AGAIN THEY HAVE PROVEN THEMSELVES TO BE WEASELS! STOP WASTING TIME TALKING TO THEM! EVEN INTERNATIONAL TREATIES ARE TREATED AS TOILET PAPER TO THE UNCULTURED BARBARIC AMERICAN REGIME! SO ARE OTHER LEADERS OF THE COLLECTIVE WEST!>> <<@Kiss_MyAss says : Never forget, the Banana Republic of America, regardless of political party, wants to destroy China!>> <<@mr.pointman1930 says : Say one thing and do another. US only benefit to maintain empire from their Happy Merchant master.>> <<@othmanmajid6380 says : Burns and Sullivan are just a couple in the New Woke World.....maybe they'll pull something off between them, who knows.....maybe a new epidemic is in the offing.....😢😢>> <<@Sayitlikeitis-jn6xe says : Sullivan’s horns are showing !!>> <<@donkeykong516 says : China now already knows US can’t be trusted, see US actions…don’t trust words. The Russians, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, etc all got reality shock because it believed US words>> <<@bryanlowsengteck1711 says : Are those rubbish bringing a new covid/virus to China?>> <<@bryanlowsengteck1711 says : wastes of time talking with dustbin rubbish..........>> <<@wroughtforge7547 says : Never trust the Americans.. AIPAC lying hypocrites>> <<@teogeorge2203 says : Sullivan in China for tim sum before phase out?>> <<@raymondancheta2998 says : You can NEVER trust anything the US says. They speak with a "FORKED TON.>> <<@otron805 says : He went to China begging them not to sell US treasuries.>> <<@cpc9563 says : Waste of time. The US can't be trusted. Look at how they let Is-el get away with g-cide. This individual, in particular, is not only untrustworthy, but he's also a rank amateur. His incompetence is only outdone by Blinky!>> <<@debt-financialeducation-zw5hw says : When he get home he will sanction you.>> <<@thndrngest says : His job no more in three months, we should not waste time to cater him at all.>> <<@nawax000 says : China should just cancel the meeting, let him go home with red face considering US flip flop and erratic behavior ... See how they feel if China just do that ...>> <<@andt3316 says : no red carpet and no high rank officials welcoming...... if you know what that means>> <<@hindhtvaterrorism4559 says : To con the Chinese into submission, once they get the Chinese to accept one of their demands they will backstab China the day after they get what they want out of them .>> <<@Collins_Mor says : CIA Hooligan>> <<@williamchoi6902 says : Try to nice talk calm down china invented more advances weapons. China won't trust talk keeping forward invent more new weapons.>> <<@madrodeo425 says : US is a joke, all these talks are nothing but just a bunch of lies and hypocrisy.>> <<@Lusius-Lee says : Mr.Sanctions, Mr. Insecure...all are arrived in the land of their National Security threat...😂>> <<@sarahkhan2310 says : Be very cautious. The Native American people say these colonisers speak with forked tongues>> <<@auwalubello8880 says : Don't trust them!>> <<@usiohaki295 says : What for ?>> <<@yehuo2825 says : is it going to be another sideshow only or it is going to be useful?! basically are they going to keep their words?!>> <<@lastbreathempire3443 says : Waste of time>> <<@kkchong3617 says : Trump is coming, so everything will change......>> <<@louisemann3306 says : Wish those US neocons would just leave China alone.>> <<@CW-yg7qm says : US have a habit of agreeing to one and doing just the opposite after the meeting.....total waste of time. They just did regime change in Bangladesh!>> <<@znba8823 says : China doesn't believe America.>> <<@seangaun says : China should sanction him as he's behind the trade sanctions on China!>> <<@serbswaves2303 says : Wtf are these bot comments 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Earthman99999 says : Talk is cheap! Feels like a waste of time.>> <<@mechislander says : USA, GO AWAY!>> <<@hp323 says : Tell the UASS to guck off ! 🙄>> <<@ramonching7772 says : The idiot is here. The idiot is here.>> <<@EkayTik says : As usual China, looking away from Palestine, consorts with a war criminal, mass murderer. Even the CGTN woman speaks with a fork tongue, one part trying to imitate its US propagandist model CNN>> <<@Raytracer96024 says : W4rcr1m14l says what?????>> <<@CarpsterKing says : Wang Yi need not have to talk with Jake Sullivan ..all he has to do is to observe the movement of Sullivan's fox tail and he will know what he is up to ...>> <<@richardgoh6697 says : Chinese Official: US has to stop selling weapons to Taiwan. Your government has signed a treaty with ours and promised not to. Sullivan: Previous governments? They don’t matter, it’s now Biden is in charge. Chinese Official: How can Biden renege that written promise? Sullivan: Our US Empire is going to last forever; What we say counts, even if we don’t keep our promises such as we had previously promised Russia NATO would not expand further eastward than Germany. Official: Then US shall lose her credibility? Sullivan: Credibility doesn’t worth a cent; It’s MIC’s ginormous financial donations count..>> <<@zeroCostravel says : No one received him at Arrival says alot>> <<@chatsoon6802 says : US dont understand writing & agreement, just power language can communicate.>> <<@harbinger6562 says : I'll be honest no deals with them are prosperous until they humble themselves and realize that this is Real Everything around them says yes but they stubbornly say no that's only delaying and will cause more destruction I ain't going to stop anyone from cursing MY Name so.......♥️🇨🇳🇷🇺🇮🇷🇵🇸🦾😇>> <<@hylimm says : Ask him to go back 😂>> <<@hengongchua6250 says : Why is it that always the U$ side sending their people coming to China to talk and not the Chinese going to S$? Look more like they are coming to beg all the time. Just this year alone, how many U$ diplomats have already visited China?>> <<@tkh2944 says : Why nobody from Ćhina wants to go there ... ?😊>> <<@tkh2944 says : 😅Why officials after officials keep coming to China ?>>