<<@Quarry41 says : The feeble and vacuous Biden /Harris Administration bears responsibility for the US hostages being held by Hamas ... the terrorist organization ! On May 20, 2024 .... Biden proclaimed, at the Rose Garden, that Hersh Goldberg-Polin was "here with us today" ??? Biden /Harris have done absolutely nothing to free our hostages ! Biden /Harris took the Houthis OFF the terrorist list on 05/22 . Since then , our warships have fired off over 1 Billion dollars of weapons to deter Houthi attacks ... I guess this is "Bidenomics" . Instead of confronting Iran directly ....we instead try to fight their many proxies. Biden /Harris have weakened our country to such an extent ... that our warnings are laughable ! Remember this when you vote !!!>> <<@FarwahUmmu says : BRAVO HAMAS..... FREE PALESTINA FREE GAZA>> <<@12fatimahhabsyie53 says : ISRAELL ZIONIST JUST KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE......>> <<@12fatimahhabsyie53 says : FREE GAZA FREE PALISTINA.. .. ISRAHELL ZIONIST DEAPERS FORCE>> <<@andiebrodie3936 says : Then blame Hamas!!!!>> <<@hesed7984 says : For Israel, they rescue hostage even that person is muslim or arab. In Islamic country, they hate even the israel flag and product. Terrorizing people who eat at the shop they suspect support Israel. You can see the difference and reason why we shouldn’t support these kind of group.>> <<@tiboregoldberger6817 says : Democratic Party Racist Bigotry African Black Children Death Famine NO UNRWA Ship Food Truck Air Drops Hospitals Ambulance In 2023, an estimated 6.3 million children under five died, 2.9 million of them in the WHO African Region. This is equivalent to five children under 5 years of age dying every minute. Two thirds of these deaths can be attributed to preventable causes.  4:16>> <<@prabinhudeomaharjan says : How many lives were lost to save that 1 life?>> <<@jgs0025 says : Media is big mad a hostage got rescued? You can always tell when they start citing the body count and don't mention how many Hamistanian hostage takers got merc'ed.>> <<@jaredno says : Guys enough with the inaccuracies. He was left with food & no one was found with him. He was found co-incidentally, not rescued. So just enough with this poor excuse for journalism CNN do your job... Even Isr news outlets knew that. Watch him talk. I mean really... and all those paid commentators in your comment section... Goodness it's like I'm visiting an Isr propaganda page. Where is ur professional pride if you've got any left CNN.>> <<@david1137444 says : IS REAL is the TRUTH!>> <<@Gadgetcoins says : Shame on you Hanako Montgomery using CNN to push antisemitic narratives. You should be celebrating the successful rescue and release of a nomadic Beduin Arab Israeli hostage. But that story is just not news worthy enough for you.>> <<@Chennault-en9nb says : Nicolas Landemard/AP European Council President Charles Michel (right) and Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa arrive for a meeting at the European Council building in Brussels, May 26, 2024. European diplomats view Mr. Mustafa's government as a rare source of progress. In the meantime, the technocratic government is looking for people to fill government posts in Gaza and is integrating West Bank and Gaza legal codes and institutions so that the PA can administer the strip as soon as the war ends. Recommended Five takeaways from the Democratic National Convention The other major pillar for its Gaza plan: long-term rebuilding coordinated by an independent Gaza reconstruction agency and bankrolled by a trust fund to be established at the World Bank. About these ads The team’s vision: a postwar Gaza full of new housing complexes, powered by solar and wind energy and served by a large-scale desalination plant and a functioning port. “We are absolutely committed to rebuilding Gaza, and we will make it greener, and cleaner, and better. Rebuild better,” says Mr. Zaqqout, a former World Bank official whose family hails from Gaza. “We need to bring hope to people that their homes will be rebuilt, their lives will be rebuilt.” Once the war ends, the PA team plans to take its reconstruction vision to Gaza to widely consult residents, and amend it with their input. Transforming the PA The technocrats’ other main objective is a series of democratic reforms converting the corruption-wracked PA into a transparent, responsive government. Recommended DIGNITY This wall has 122,000 names on it. It’s a testament to people who survived. At the core of these reforms are an independent government auditor and an anti-corruption commission. In a judicial overhaul, the president would no longer make senior judicial appointments – an indirect acknowledgment that the autocratic Mr. Abbas has stacked the high courts with lackeys. The government says it will complete these overhauls by 2025. Umit Bektas/Reuters Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, deeply unpopular and distrusted at home, addresses the Turkish parliament in Ankara, Aug. 15, 2024. Other proposed reforms include the following: Improve PA finances by collecting import duties at the borders with Jordan and Israel while removing red tape for entrepreneurs. Amend a draconian cybercrimes law that has been used to curb dissent. Introduce a mandatory “civics course” to teach Palestinian children democracy, diversity, separation of powers, and respect for others. One reform especially prized by Washington is the government’s commitment to end monthly stipends paid to families of Palestinian prisoners and those killed by the Israeli military. PA ministers say they will suspend the authority’s Martyrs Fund and Prisoners Fund, which support families of those killed or imprisoned by Israel – criticized by Israelis and others as “pay to slay” programs, but on which thousands of Palestinian families rely. Instead, they say they are developing a new social safety net under which the authority would provide assistance to families based solely on socioeconomic needs. Overhauling the welfare system would put the PA in line with U.S. law, which suspends U.S. aid to the authority if it continues these stipends. Recommended PROSPERITY High-rent New York needs affordable housing. Can the mayor deliver? Yet senior Palestinian politicians decry the plan. One calls it “reducing heroes of the resistance to unemployed welfare dependents.” On the political front, Prime Minister Mustafa’s government says it is taking steps to strengthen the electoral commission to prepare for “free and transparent” parliamentary and presidential elections by March 28, 2026 – two years after the technocrat government’s appointment. By 2026, the government hopes to have the reforms completed and a new elected Palestinian government administering both the West Bank and Gaza, with the foundations of a state in place. Headwinds and history One immediate challenge facing the reform government is a lack of credibility among Palestinians. Rather than heed Palestinian and international calls for a broad unity government, Mr. Abbas, whose term in office was to have ended years ago, handpicked Mr. Mustafa, an ally, without consultation. As a result, the reform government lacks broad support from Palestinian factions. It is not unanimously popular even in Mr. Abbas’ own Fatah party. Recommended EQUALITY Harris would be the first female US leader. Europe has had many. What gives? “We will not work against you,” one senior Fatah official recalls telling Mr. Mustafa in a meeting in April, “but we will not work with you. And you need us.” Amir Cohen/Reuters Smoke rises from Gaza after an explosion, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, as seen from the Israel border, Aug. 18, 2024. Hamas rejects the reformist government and has called for a new technocratic government to be formed with the involvement of all factions, in line with a unity agreement reached by Palestinian groups in Beijing last month. “I believe this government will suffer the fate of all other governments before it, as it was not discussed or negotiated with other factions,” says Basem Naim, a former Hamas health minister. “It will fail.”>> <<@KARABAKH288 says : Palestinians, we can't sleep when you are hungry. When you are hungry and thirsty, we can't eat or drink. When we feel pain, our hearts ache. Even if I am in another country, my soul is with you. We think of you every moment. I am ashamed to be a human. my heart breaks. When will this oppression end? When will the Palestinian children be saved? 😢😢😢😢 😢😢>> <<@pakkarim says : They also killed hundreds of thousands innocent Palestinians.>> <<@yoavzruya says : This is the appertheid face, guys.>> <<@stpick7 says : CNN tell the world the Jewish people rescue a Muslim from Hamas , be blunt raw , people new truth not your opinions>> <<@markusleitner8313 says : US must stop this lunatic Israeli regime NOW.>> <<@stpick7 says : Cnn common the pressure should be on Hamas not on Israel, your question you should ask is who allowed Hamas to build tunnels all over Gaza and how big they are, then ask you the questions which army on this planet has the ball to pull a rescue like this? Is there a second army on this planet which can do the same with no casualties? Common give credit where is due>> <<@jennyrice7921 says : oh boy, the apartheid claimers are shaking>> <<@lsd5883 says : This hostage rescued by the IDF is an ARAB - MUSLIM - ISREALI - CITIZEN. F**k you CNN>> <<@lsd5883 says : The hostage is a Muslim Bedoin Isreali. !!!!! CNN's stupid apartheid argument has been trashed. Antisemites. Notice they didnt talk about his religion. They can't let their followers know there is no apartheid in Isreal>> <<@lsd5883 says : you can feel this Jeremy Diamond guy crying inside. He is so hurt, he will probably drink himself to sleep tonight. Lmao. Stupid reporter who enterred a tunnel after saying the idf claimed it was a tunnel. Stoopid>> <<@123nalol says : God bless Israel>> <<@ofereldan6574 says : OMG Israeli special forces risk their lives to rescue a Muslim -Israel citizen? Now what would the "israel is an Apartheid state" zombies do?!>> <<@rashedulislam7838 says : Save gaza>> <<@tom4150 says : Polio is now spreading rapidly in Gaza.>> <<@migueliunes says : Of all the possible Israeli commenters, CNN invites a Hamas apologist.>> <<@SapphiR3_ says : Pro palestinians mad that jews saved a muslim 😂>> <<@adriantreger3654 says : Is she nuts? She refers to 4 captives being released in June. 4 hostages were rescued by the IDF from vicious Arab terrorists.>> <<@ronbs123 says : A Muslim saved by Israelis?!?!?! Where is the Apartheid?!>> <<@Freenow-i6o says : There are Arabs in Israel living alongside Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bedouins, Druze, All are different Arabs. Who are the Palestinians!?>> <<@umints says : why do you interview Gideon Levi?!?! He is not an expert in anything, he is merely an extreme Marxist\leftist that doesn't represent even 0.1% of the people in Israel.>> <<@Freenow-i6o says : On October 7th, about 250 people, including 6 Bedouin Arab citizens, were kidnapped by Hamas and their supporters and taken to Gaza. 4 of them were from the Al-Ziadna family of Rahat: Aisha (17), Bilal (19), Hamza (22), and their father Yosef (53). Aisha and Bilal were released, but their brother and father remained in Gaza. Additionally, Fuad Al-Talalka (22), a resident of Hura, and Qaid Farhan Al-Qadi (53), who lives in an unrecognized settlement, were also kidnapped. Mohammed Al-Atrash, 40 years old from Segev, was added to the list of kidnap victims after being considered missing.>> <<@eatmyshorts7973 says : The soldiers put their lives on the line and satanyahu did nothing nor he cares and takes credit for it.. That is all you need to know folks.>> <<@RebeccaKowalskyPhoto says : We Israelis want our people back. Why do you focus on civilians killed when Israel does everything it can to minimize civilian casualties, in a war it didn't begin. We don't support Gideon Levy who worries a lot less about Israeli lives than pretty much anything else>> <<@jordyb57 says : Anyone who supports Hamas is EVIL>> <<@fowlerja says : Israel-Hamas war: Where are the rest of the hostages? Somewhere In The Hamas Tunnels. Hamas has for years built sophisticated and extensive tunnels underneath sensitive buildings in Gaza. These include hospitals, schools, refugee camps, mosques, apartment buildings, and other sensitive buildings. Why would they endanger their city's residents' lives by building such projects? Was there any accountability for such criminal actions? This was not done in ignorance, but by homegrown terrorists financed by IRAN’s Supreme Leader. Why hasn’t the United Nations or peace protesters not condemned Hamas and Iran for putting the Palestinian people and the hostages in harm's way? It should have been obvious that retaliation casualties would occur if Hamas attacked Israel and took hostages. What steps have the Hamas Terrorists taken to minimize any killed or wounded civilians? None! Again, Palestinian men, women, children, infants, elderly, etc. are just “collateral damage” to “ Hamas Terrorists” during war. Hostages are just "bargaining chips". Hamas terrorists occupy tunnels built under buildings. It makes for better concealment, gives the ability to move from a building into an open space, fire your weapon, and return to your concealed space. Hamas has built hundreds of miles of tunnels over the last 10-15 years. Iran's support has been critical for this subway system of terror to exist. The degree of Gaza building damage reflects the degree to which Hamas built tunnels underneath these buildings. The Israelis have better things to do than just pick out a building and bomb it. They used drones to find hiding locations and then bombed those locations. So give credit to Hamas for constructing tunnels in locations where Gaza Palestinians lived and putting their lives in jeopardy. To Hamas, civilians are just casualties of war. If Hamas was worried about the Palestinian people, they would not have built hundreds of miles of tunnels under hospitals, mosques, schools, apartment buildings, and other sensitive sites.>> <<@calee7311 says : Israel an apartheit state? What a load of BS! Sorry biased media, the truth is coming out and you can't hide the facts forever!>> <<@TheMishupo says : You forgot to mention that he is an Israeli Muslim citizen captured by Hamas terrorists and saved from the tunnels in a brave operation by Israeli soldiers>> <<@Aanypatel says : Arab Muslim rescued by IDF 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤❤❤❤>> <<@SkepTical-py2je says : Why did they have to ruin these good news by interviewing nauseating Gideon Levi?!>> <<@highmountainwolf says : He became 5x older within 10 months. that's crazy!!>> <<@HolloMatlala1 says : The ISRL military is more focused living up to its name, they must never let Anger or Hate cloud their judgment on the Mission. Respecting Citizens regardless of Hams hiding in between them>> <<@realorbust says : Sounds like a day of mourning at CNN>> <<@handle8431 says : Amanpour aint going to be happy about that.>> <<@alextarno says : BBXIIT>> <<@traceyhellsten649 says : Praise God 🕊️!!! , Now go with God , and get the rest home! Prayers for Israel 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏>> <<@SpecialSP says : "Dozens" of people killed in the operation to rescue 4 hostages? How about more than 170+? How many Palestinians were slaughtered in this latest "mission"?>> <<@oldgreen16884 says : Did someone in CNN failed to mention that this hostage is an Israeli muslim and that the IDF risked the lives of Israeli Jewish soldiers to save him.>>