<<@robertmichel772 says : I believe that the Democrats got the Chinese government to create and then unleash the covid virus on the world because Trump was doing way too well with the economy and they knew that they didn't stop him that he would become president again and now they're doing everything they can to stop him again including trying to assassinate him lock him up for bogus bull crap and the whole thing is shining like the sun if the American people don't see it we deserve everything we get>> <<@robertmichel772 says : Here it is proof they cheated and lied and got promoted for it and the American people took it in the shorts>> <<@robertmichel772 says : Does everybody know that Mehta means death>> <<@robertmichel772 says : Throw his stupid ass in prison for election violation he is a little too big for shorts>> <<@caiolimacaldas says : The pandemic affected me mentally and psychologically badly.>> <<@kimhoaful says : Usa just pretend to respect the human rights and the liberty of mΓ©dias .>> <<@carlmagnussen7773 says : Who specifically gave the order from the government to censor this most vital information?? Names! From where and who did this order initially come from?? We want to know!>> <<@emmanuelxiong639 says : The timing is interesting because Trump will pull some teeth and kick some butt so Zacky just try to cover his hiney.>> <<@alexvalentine4934 says : Russian bot>> <<@john-e3o says : Crocodile tears. Fuggerburger is CCP operative. Fact. Put him in jail yesterday, with Wray, Biden and 51 disinformants, to start.>> <<@CrackheadHuntersDopeDealer says : Zuckerberg singing like a song bird!🎼🎀🐦🎷🎸πŸͺ—πŸͺ•πŸŽΊπŸ₯πŸŽΊπŸͺ˜πŸͺ‡πŸ€·πŸ»πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ«ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸ˜‰>> <<@loretajustiniane1657 says : Donald Trump is the real President not Biden in 2020 .Those democrats with Tech mogul not only Meta conive.Use Covid an excuse so people won't go out to vote personally instead many dead people already long time ago listed as voters because it's done thru EMAIL or Mails.>> <<@CarolRademacher says : Who care about Hunter.>> <<@George-bk7mx says : They have been censoring Palestinians and proPalestinians supporters>> <<@ttfn4171 says : Maybe he needs to admit this, before he goes to his home in Hawaii?>> <<@san3570 says : Snowden been hunt down, this guy came in style, letting us know he is the guy who could be excused in the name of democracy.πŸ˜‚>> <<@Enki35Productions says : And you censored my comment? WOW! I won't be watching you anymore.>> <<@SeanLynch-wl9te says : They lost so now he will flip to avoid his own prosecution......it's coming can you feel it>> <<@redhammer9910 says : Yes and not just meta but Google as well. Translated everyone in the West was subject to censorship. You're all finally waking up to what happened in 2021.>> <<@Mikomido5 says : Yea cause they are always trying to control the narrative to their favor. I don’t trust the current administration and anything they say>> <<@Mark-qf2ut says : Wow we live in north Korea after all just more Democrat lies>> <<@panishirovim2888 says : Only Jocovic had the balls to be firm and steady since the beginning!>> <<@GSpotter63 says : So it is true that the Biden administration attempted and succeeded in using a third party to censor their own citizens for political gains... If this is not a violation of the first amendment then I don't know what is. Dhyff>> <<@MiskaMonster-wz8tm says : People remember, if you want normal country,freedom, stop bolived in any words,promises of democrats swamps, traitors,weeds, they're naturally born liars and corrupted today.>> <<@moon7light619 says : in 2016, When I posted negative comments about Hillary Clinton on my face book page, they were deleted a couple of days after. New York times, they don't even posted my message online.>> <<@stella49 says : Shame on Biden/Kamala and Zuckerberg for that lie.....am voting for trump for sure. Am getting censor every day on FB.>> <<@65boogerbutt says : He didn't cave to pressure. They offered him 30 pcs of silver to sellout and he happily took it. Just like Google, Youtube and others>> <<@billoz says : lying lil punk, he'll get his!!!>> <<@thihakyi7358 says : Telling the truth is precious for free speech.>> <<@JD-ej8zm says : Zuckerberg and Democrats need to held accountable!!!!!>> <<@derekhacker9900 says : So Zuckerberg just confessed to violating the first amendment, AND intefering in a presidential election while colluding with many others. When will ALL their trials be !!!!!!!!!????????>> <<@DehydratedNurse says : Zuckerberg already admitted it a year ago was it on Joe Rogan?>> <<@DehydratedNurse says : Zuckerberg would ban us from talking about our C0vid jab injuries>> <<@LawrenceLeverton says : MSM in the US wont cover this story at all.>> <<@SayuriViejasMortman says : Shameful what they have done Lord>> <<@bobtokarchic494 says : Zuck is admitting that a totalitarian government forced a business owner to co-operate with them in controlling speech. Saul Alinsky’s Doctrine: 8 steps to topple a nation – Vassar Bushmills How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky. There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important. 1) Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people; 2) Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live; 3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty; 4) Gun control – Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state; 5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of people’s lives (food, housing and income); 6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to; take control of what children learn in school (like trans-gendering); 7) Religion – Remove the belief in God from the government and schools; 8) Class warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take from (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.>> <<@magiccarpet9172 says : Oh my. First Elon, then RFK, then Tulsi, and now Zuckerberg. All flipping sides.>> <<@ChristmasDecember-x5n says : Mark Zuckerberg is just holding grudges over the being sued for the Facebook and Instagram contents. His platforms changed how our lives are , girls taking photos everywhere and instagraming all the time instead of talking to real people in real world. His platform made some girls lost their lives to suicides because of social media contents. I am not saying it is his fault , it is not their parents fault either. Society has become like this because of Facebook. But I believe government and Platform owners hold accountabilities over what they allow people to share. The Biden administration probably should not stop free speech and necessary information. Mark is not that good and his intention towards people are not good. He is a businessman and he cares about his pocket only. Please don't be fooled by someone like this, both Trump supporters and Harris supporters. He should not influence your voting , Only TRUMP and HARRIS should be influencing on your decision.>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : It began in the year 2009. Youtube still does it.>> <<@zennawarriorprincess7372 says : Lock up Zuckerberg!>> <<@user-bx8nn5rl5w says : COVID ? TRIVIAL !! The laptop conspiracy is still ongoing !! Hunter walks free. Guilty by silence. He allowed the massive conspiracy.>> <<@alsatful says : They censored a lot of content>> <<@Christina-mx1nr says : I refuse to put my story on any of their platforms and Facebook should become my property now that they have stolen my story and locked me out of it to hide the truth and to murder me quietly then profit off of me>> <<@Christina-mx1nr says : Facebook already censors to the point of denying people their constitutional rights and should be a focus of regulatory action for that, not the opposite>> <<@snowlothar45 says : Biden , Harris? Banning information ? No way. Thus begins the downfall of the Harris surge.>>