<<@glenbaker4024 says : Typical. Tax business into oblivion to support their agenda.>> <<@anon57578 says : Piss off greens , Marxists Go back to hug a tree.>> <<@НадяЦве́ткова-р7э says : Stop playing these games! 😊 Friedrich von Hayek and Thomas Sowell have long ago explained everything in detail.>> <<@EL20078 says : He should pass it onto the resource companies i.e SANTOS. These assholes extract our resources and pay shit all in royalties>> <<@esmannr says : Here come the layoffs.>> <<@VK4VO says : Greens will lose all their seats from this. Bandt is a retard with ZERO logical thought processess>> <<@topoint says : Majority of Australia voted for LNP but because of the greens preferences to Labor were stuck with Albanese adopting Greens policies because without them Labor would be a minority.>> <<@The_Resistance_1961 says : Watch Big Business flee Australia like a pack of mongrel dogs. But then again, they're in it for the money and if there's nothing in it for them here they'll just take their money, business, jobs etc, somewhere else where the government doesn't hate them. Cause and effect...>> <<@jeffreyluciana8711 says : "Greens" are business killers.>> <<@mwallace2922 says : Wow stunning and brave. They should go for a 170% tax on everything, then there will be heaps of cash for everything. 👍👍👍👍👍👍>> <<@SusanPearce_H says : Ban Bandt Bandit.>> <<@robertfitchett-o6n says : Free money? It don't work like that you stupid Marxist nutjobs. Is Adam Bandt about to burst out with a Kamala Harris style cackling fit at a press conference?>> <<@c.s2001 says : Greens with a gun to the head of Labor.>> <<@EcomExpanseLLC says : What a bunch of crap! These globalist scumbags have ruined Australia and now they are on a credit scoring system? If I was Australian I would be PISSED OFF and HIGHLY UNSTABLE!>> <<@poppykoch9085 says : So this is basically a big bribe to get labor in to power again with a side order of rancid greens....Support us and we'll let you bring more crippling taxes in that will be passed onto consumers because big corporate's will NEVER take a hit. Please stop voting for the greens - they couldn't care less about the environment. They want more power but they don't want to generate it for us, they want to take it for themselves. Proverbs 29:12 - If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.>> <<@herbschmidt2401 says : The communist manifesto with the usual consequences, larger govt, declining business investment, job loses and money flowing out of Australia to countries with lower stable tax regime. Only the greens could come up with this kind of nonsense supported by the financially illiterate Teals. And down the S bend the private sector goes. Remember private sector generates capital flows into super, govt produces inflation not wealth.>> <<@sparrow4980 says : SUPPORT LABOR ???? NO WAY, TEALS ANOTHER SPOKE OF KORRUPTION.. NO LIBERAL EITHER.. ONE NATION A MUST..>> <<@jamesbond-lm1zf says : YEP, JUST A WAY TO HURT THE ECONOMY>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : The Greens hate private ownership and capitalism. They worship the deranged loser Karl Marx.>> <<@dennismcdonnell7853 says : Guess where all that tax would be initially collected from....price inflation of goods and services....the consumer. Once the REPLICATORS arrive, we will not need their goods and services !!!>> <<@larrysheppard42 says : Businesses will then push that tax as a price increase to the public. Its like the Au government does not watch how this happens in the US...>> <<@HumbleRose-rg3qp says : Yea right, BS ! Big business is basically once you finally worked hard and are barely making money with your "big business" with the sht conditions the gov already made. A new Politian comes along and says how can we kill off the business AND all their employees and punish you for all your hard work and trying to do what is right for you your family and your country ! To be free! They never ask how to stop current government Tax waste!! Then, What is a handful morally bankrupt corrupt, Prideful ego tripped Politian's in ivory towers far removed from your problems and concerns going to do with $514 billion of your stolen tax dollars? Maybe give it to endless wars overseas maybe migrants or to endless problems They caused. To people who made all the wrong choices. Maybe to social pet projects like, gender surgeries and abortions. Maybe to little groups under the guise of just causes, that work for them against you! To patch holes they create, and to issue ultimatums at themselves as public servants,, but always passing the blame to you or someone that wants them out! And the media and real bad businesses' that never seem to get taxed are right there helping them along.>> <<@Talktothehand.253 says : My local IGA had an egg shortage so in it’s infinite wisdom and love for it’s customers decided that $15 for 1/2 dozen eggs was good value. 😤😤😤😤🇦🇺>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : I guess the aim is to eventually tax companies into extinction, bringing about mass unemployment, and a shutdown of national revenue.>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : This mob really are goose greens, completely divorced from economic reality.>> <<@phredflypogger4425 says : Isn't that cash for favours?>> <<@phredflypogger4425 says : Big business are taking surging profits through price gouging and the Greens want their share. They aren't a political party, they're a crime syndicate.>> <<@Gungho1a says : Blackmail.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : The only ones who vote for the green's are child predators>> <<@nicolaiitchenko7610 says : Total communist policy declaration from the WAY OUT LEFTIST so called greens - uninterested in the future of the country - only interested in destruction of Western Civilization!>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Good. And whilst they are at it maybe they can start a policy of further processing our resources domestically and value adding instead of giving it away like Gorton and Whitlam tried to stop. Both had campaigns to 'Buy back the Farm' until US Ambassador Green (Mr Coup) was sent down under to remedy the situation and freeze all Western and even Saudi credit and remove local leaders. Australia is still a UK US colony, like Africa, with it's trillions of dollars of resources stolen.>> <<@ricshumack9134 says : The Greedy Greens. I thought only others were greedy, according to them.>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Yep business definitely wont leave.>> <<@davegoldspink5354 says : Just wondering why is the Australian taxpayer funding the Australian communist party? Comrade Bandt has no idea how the economy or reality works. Reckon we should have a tax on stupid ideas. Just imagine the tax dollars that would be raised from taxing commies like the Greens, Teals and Labor alone.>> <<@scottinWV says : Extreme profits. When they are marking up at the came percentage as the have been for several years. The cost of everything is up globally because of crooked politicians.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : The Green idiots, employers hire employees, pay their sick days, superannuation. The companies return money to the Mum and Dad investors. There won't be any flow on effects - much!!!>> <<@alanw8552 says : Will Albanese & Chalmers oppose that ludicrous idea from the Greens? Nah, because they are too gutless to upset the Greens.>> <<@GReggie-l3e says : Every liberal i no never wants to spend their money just your money>> <<@eb2505 says : And ALP will say yeh why not, afterall we don’t give a stuff about the country and want power.>> <<@stephenwatts985 says : If you start over taxing businesses they'll pass the penalty down to the consumer which will bring higher cost for goods to the consumer which in return leads to less sales, less profit and then layoffs and business closings. Once that happens your on the door step of socialism.>> <<@henrymancini3750 says : Our govt already has heaps of taxpayer money. That's why they were able to spend 400 million on the voice referendum and have given 1600 million to Ukraine. All the govt has to do is remove the sneaky little taxes they constantly introduce without ever repealing the tax it replaced.>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : It's Adam Bandt's turn to trot out some green garbage 🗑️ 🤧😂>> <<@davidarter6271 says : Another completely dumb idea from these fools.>> <<@blackukulele says : Up will go the prices, or out will go the businesses.>> <<@gerrycooper56 says : Fortunately they’re irrelevant.>> <<@BigRedSnuffy says : Why not one hundred trillion bazillion dollars?>> <<@bigm383 says : Imagine my surprise?>> <<@aproudamerican2692 says : And guess who the companies are goung to raise their prices to recuperate their mew huge financial losses? THE MIDDLE CLASS IN AUSTRALIA YOU GENIUSES. Company executives have never taken a pay cut. They raise their products and services to pay off their losses as soon as possible. Get ready to have $2 to $5 increases in your everyday merchandise.>> <<@Knakaz says : Another party with their bright ideas that will make it worse for us all. Don’t vote for these clowns either>> <<@kkcw6668 says : One sure fire method to accelerate the movement(s) aimed at dissolving (questioning the existence of in current form/operations) the Commonwealth. Wealth for toil and whatever is left of Our Global competitiveness has a green/red fascist nominated "use by date".>>