<<@jpr1370 says : Looks like republicans in Georgia EXPECT trump to loose in Georgia. It won;t save him. The whole thing reminds me of post civil war cheats to rob the black man of the vote. Anyone else hear banjos playing Dixie in Georgia?>> <<@estellee-d3t says : Walz for Trump ❤❤❤❤ Trump for president ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 Okama for Macdonalds 🍔>> <<@Lionofjudah2013 says : 2020 election rules were changed at the last minute in Georgia in favor for suspect mail in ballots>> <<@AstralTraveler227 says : Kemp already know that voter suppression worked with Stacy Abrams so, in addition to this, they have a website in GA where if you have a residents personal information you can remove them from the registration rolls. With two recent data breaches in Ga this would show a definite move in that direction. No matter what state you live in, make sure NOW that you are on your city's voter lists and not purged.>> <<@dudemann. says : RIP maga 2016-2024>> <<@barbaraperalta5121 says : Democrats being crybabies because they know they can't rig Georgia this year. Stop the Democrats from cheating keep the board as it is in Georgia.>> <<@frankevans8705 says : These Georgia republican country bumpkins are Americas poster children of voter election corruption>> <<@amarishgoel1963 says : why they are not giving correct news ? because local board wants to validate the elections results.. why hurry ?>> <<@charlesgault1084 says : Trump tried to steal my vote in ga. In 2020. He called out members of that board personally that is a issue. They not going to win an election by not counting ppl votes it cld cause chaos. But they will have to certify them by the dead line. Our governor needs to show that he represents all Georgians. And have this investigated>> <<@LisaWelborn says : Tell me what it's called when there were more votes than registered voters.>> <<@marvintaylor5332 says : Why didn't trump want live fact checking during the debate with Biden??? Why doesn't he want live fact checking with Kamala Harris??? Why did tRump refuse to go on stage in Chicago at the press convention , unless they agreed not to fact check him 🤔 Why did he lie about the Chicago convention had technical issues and was running late ??? When in reality he was holding out because once again he didn't want to be fact checked, live !!!! Why doesn't he want a hot mic if he ever decides to debate Kamala Harris???? Why is trump taking credit for the stock market on Biden's watch ⌚ Why is he taking credit for the stock market boom , when his stock is tanking , wouldn't that market boom also reflect in his own perssonal stock??? Why is his stock doing poorly , isn't he a business genius??? Why did he back out of the September 10th debate, crying about George Stephanopoulos not being fair , he had no problem about George Stephanopoulos when he debated Biden!!!!>> <<@gdvlman says : They did steal election there in Georgia Pennsalvania etc were election laws were changed just weeks before 2020 election and where fraud was Rampant and has been ever since they became aware that they could use the mail in ballots to make up needed votes!!!>> <<@kayjackson6465 says : Cause she is scared everyone will see she dont have a ny policies and she cant speak without help this lady wants to destroy our country wake up people>> <<@JosephineFreeman-n7i says : US citizens can only with a valid ID. And proof of how long you been in this country.>> <<@JosephineFreeman-n7i says : It was stolen like they are doing now, illegals vote it is a crime inferring with a US Presidential Election American citizens only.>> <<@barbbrinkerhoff1097 says : This is Magas doing !!!!!!! Certification is a duty not a choice…they should not be on the board if they disagree!!!!>> <<@oshokejoseph1177 says : Democrats crooks want shoddy election without accountability.>> <<@marketsharemedia5132 says : ‼️QUESTION‼️ Why does Kamila disrespect the American people by refusing to debate and refusing to hold press conference⁉️>>