<<@kamerinhartman9692 says : We are in a democracy, that means we vote for things, not one day... one day is too many ...a dictator does without the people's approval... the peoples approval is what democracy is about the two cannot co-exist ... being a dictator undermines democracy>> <<@Koji-888 says : The Title .. “Trump “tries” to correct the record.” Why CNN adds the word “Tries.”>> <<@erinrife says : CNN viewers are so dumb that they need another show to explain what was said the first time. Do you know why? Because CNN only plays you a clip and spins it out of context to lie to its viewers. Stop watching CNN and find a channel that shows the entire clip. Trump uses hyperbole a lot. You all need to keep up. CNN is dumbing you down. You look ridiculous.>> <<@erinrife says : He was talking about getting non voters out to the polls! Watch the whole clip. CNN is trash for news.>> <<@annabellebernal8763 says : They down play because republicans cannot think for themselves and they think we should be>> <<@annabellebernal8763 says : Never would have thought Dr Phil was sleeping with Trump what strange bed fellows he keeps>> <<@anthonykhiliqjonesjr7790 says : IEUE TO YHWH TO JESUS John 5:43 I have come in my Father 's name, and you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him. Until the year 1524, there was no letter 'J' in the alphabet. The letter 'J' was originally the same letter as 'I.' The 'father of the letter J' is Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian author and grammarian who lived from 1478 to 1550!! The Old Latin alphabet consisted of 22 letters: the missing ones were J, G, U, and W. Originally, Y and Z were missing as well. Letter Y. From starting out as 'upsilon' the letter Y was added by the Romans in 100 AD. It dates back to the Latin of the first century BC, when upsilon was introduced a second time, this time with its "foot" to distinguish it. The Y was part of Latin when the Latin alphabet was introduced to England by Christian missionaries in the 7th century, and it never went away.>> <<@nickgee7291 says : Cnn twisting things as usual>> <<@ScorpioMissBrenda says : Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and who exalts himself over every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits down in the temple of God, proclaiming that he himself is God. Do you not remember that while we were still with you, we were saying these things to you? And you know that which restrains him now, so that he will be revealed in his own … Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3–>> <<@Saiyanfeld says : When people tell you who they are, believe them!>> <<@truthmatters5272 says : Trump has pushed the boundaries with the law, government, and God. He opened the pandoras box that will never be closed. All of his videos and words are out for all to review. His recent foul language, degrading others, racist comments, and admissions will be used against him. His latest words,GAZA'S Children are in serious need of Polio vaccines. This will be Americas children if Trump has his way. TRUMP has pledged to cut funding to schools with vaccine requirements. backpedaling, and calls for sedition show the real Trump.>> <<@ras685 says : Trump is diagnosed as a pathological narcissist, so he cannot feel any empathy or emotions towards anybody else than himself. Any such " emotions" that he try to express is well fabricated>> <<@AlexLopez-rx8lw says : Dr. Phil is playing with him. Trump is so stupid he has no idea. LoL!!>> <<@frankmcmahon5820 says : He a pathological liar>> <<@Rocker6969 says : BAHAHAHA. STUPID AND USELESS INTERVIEWS OF OTHER PEOPLE GIVING THEIR OPINION ON WHAT PERSON SAID WHAT AND BLAH BLAH BLAH. GOD DAMN, WHAT A JOKE, NO WONDER THE US IS FALLING APART !!>> <<@Don.tKillTheMessanger says : He tried as hard as he could to dictate his own wishes. He kept sacking anyone who disagreed with him or wouldn't bow down to his demands. Comy being the first, with dozens and dozens following in the next 4 years.>> <<@sheenablueeyesblondie2363 says : Here's the thing...those people who strongly support Trump BELIEVE what he says...some of those supporters are ok with him being a dictator and say they like putin...watch the interviews at rallys...its insane.these people are wanting civil war if he loses.words are powerful to those who are weak minded whether Trump means them or not..he knows this...he created jan 6th and got those people so pissed off with his WORDS..he himself even said if you repeat what you say over and over people...weak minded people mind you..will start to believe it.>> <<@chiboolakaswaya5584 says : Lord, this man is old!>> <<@OspreyVision says : Why do these GOP members always try to defend Trump’s comments? 🤔 Trump means what he says! Trump has a simple brain 🧠 When he says something, he means EXACTLY 💯 what he's saying!>> <<@TinkyLane. says : This is a big deal my dear!>> <<@patclark2398 says : Did you see the Dr Phil program about Karens? Each black person told how a Karen reported lies about them and Phil said nothing, then a Karen talked about how a black person reported her and Phil went ballistic and said “did you hear her, she didn’t do anything wrong and was reported”. He didn’t give a rip about the other people who verbalized the same scenario, but were black.>> <<@Thisismyhandle8383 says : Propaganda news network. Zero context ever. Manipulation non stop. It’s truly disgusting.>> <<@MonsieurTarzan says : Irresponsible, ignorant and dangerous.>> <<@willieestrada2573 says : He will be a dictator .. he never until this day conceded to Pres Joe Biden... remember when Biden was President he still was acting and dictating moves under Biden s watch.. don't sleep!>> <<@jessetingle9055 says : He means it. No more voting once he's in the White House. I'm a Christian, I've voted my whole adult life and intend to keep doing so, and I'm voting for Harris.>> <<@bojax67 says : Maybe Donald Trump will put Dr Phil in charge of HUD like he did Dr Ben Carson!!>> <<@sharonmyers7016 says : I hope you never have to eat your words about him not being a dictator. You are looking at a sheep in wolves clothing. And then there are the puppet masters in the background pulling the strings. Stay attentive, don't become complacent.>> <<@tstppltk says : If his a dictator, why did he not shut down CNN while he was President????>> <<@corners23251 says : He must think we're all just stupid, stupid, stupid.>> <<@robertperez357 says : would I be call racist if I say I hate orange people???>> <<@GeorgeSutton-cq2ss says : Christians are holding their hands out begging for their 30 pieces of silver.>> <<@robynbaynton14 says : Christians don’t vote! Since when! 🤯>> <<@sharoncarpenter6174 says : Please TELL ME WHY a "CHRISTIAN" would vote for a 3x married, cheater, felon, con artist, 10x business failures? Seriously?>> <<@duanegolda4968 says : If trump is a Christian and saying he reads the Bible, then trump what is the very first four words in the Bible>> <<@JoelleMcNeil-j6d says : Proportionately,kind of a big word for you Donny. Must be one of those ". I have the best words.": guarantee you can't even spell it>> <<@redmatters9318 says : Two old tools talking both have passed their used by dates 📅. G'day from Australia 🇦🇺 overblown egos.>> <<@edgarmccarthy6277 says : Lair lair.>> <<@AnonymousPrimeBand says : https://youtu.be/euH3Pr56_Do?si=TnU2FIqqllxWcc5O A song for we the people>> <<@sonyarobertson5133 says : Whos gonna pay for it? Slavery/ slave labor.>> <<@CharlieFlask says : If you think that trump is the all mighty answer just do this, the next time that you are seriously ill Do not go to your doctor, do not go to the hospital, just go to trump and maga , drink your bleach and Lysol and you will be cured>> <<@johndankses8531 says : He couldn't even give one quote from the bible. Not even a single word.>> <<@janhartley9386 says : I totally disagree with you two. Call it for what it is>> <<@6thn5th says : Hey! "We the People" F. E. A. R. Face Everything And Regroup>> <<@DeniseKelley-xw9tz says : Dr . Phil must know Trump is stupid.>> <<@SaulPanzer3 says : Dr.Phil is a total jerk! And Trump tries to disavow his fascist aims.>> <<@UrbaNSpiel says : Vote Blue💙🩵💙. Trump will be a dictator>> <<@barbvan960 says : Hitler was voted into power. He became a dictator.>> <<@mapaccounthardy3217 says : Jokeing my ass hes is a criminal that should be in jail. That dude is maga not democratic.>> <<@foodchoicemattersandmore616 says : Dr Phil, Hannity are all creeps!!!!>> <<@ramonaeverett7570 says : He's planning to become a dictator, and never leave the white house>>