<<@mollysmeow3455 says : I agree with one of the guests that it's really up to the American people.>> <<@carollang6090 says : Lawfair.... yeah.... WE SEE YOU... So friggin' corrupt.>> <<@garagedoorrus says : Blah blah blah>> <<@carltonuzzell4729 says : It's abuse for 10 years of the same man. Every day, every news cycle for 10 years. We as a country need mental help.>> <<@nickd320 says : Trump is πŸ—‘οΈ>> <<@nickd320 says : Lock him up!>> <<@anthonyrturnerhome says : I hope he gets found guilty by November 5, so he can be snuggled in his prison bunk, next to an aggressive cell mate who enjoys cuddling….>> <<@irenegarcia4982 says : I tried to expose our corrupt government and nobody responded me the Supreme Court in the United States Department of Justice Kamala Harris and the president and nobody has responded me. I'm here to expose our corrupt government. Trying to let you all know that you need to go vote.>> <<@irenegarcia4982 says : America didn't vote for the failed businessman for President and our corrupt government should be investigated again. They need to go through the Robert Mueller investigation findings. Especially now that the FBI, CIA and the Department of Intelligence have found government corruption. Just pull up the YouTube video of 2016 election and the Robert Mueller findings. It doesn't take a professional to see corruption. Now that Russia can't intervene in our election America can vote for the circus and chaos to end and the corrupt government who still has issues with color can't intervene. America is going to have a Madam President of Color weather our corrupt government likes it or not. We have had to go through the circus and chaos long enough. Our corrupt government has taxpayers paying for their mistakes from 2016 and underestimate the intelligence of the American citizens. This is coming from a Victim of District Supreme Court and Government. Irene Pacheco vs State of Kansas. The District Supreme Court violated my right to sue my employer the EEOC gave me. The committed Perjury, Falsified Federal y, Obstruction of Justice, Bias, Abuse of Power, Mental Anguish and Denied a hearing. My case is in National Archives that is public records. Go see for yourself. They took out the EEOC letter but, I found my copy. I sent a brief to the president with the hardships that I went through 6/24. I mentioned that the same thing could happen to him too, and it did. Auto corrupt government asked him to step down that's age discrimination.>> <<@paulineearle526 says : Is trump positive or hateful. You dont like the truth about him. We are not naking up lies.>> <<@paulineearle526 says : He uses loopholes, he has used it all his life to cheat. Get out of paying taxes, paying stormy daniels, now veing chsrged with felonies,not paying contractors, claiming they are illegals, inciting a riot and watching on the sidelines. He is a dangerous man. He cannot even play golf fairly.>> <<@paulineearle526 says : Trump has no empathy. He is rich and gets away with most things. He cannot relate to most of us.>> <<@paulineearle526 says : You are just blind period. None more blind than he who refuses to see.>> <<@nellyiii8427 says : Trump remains disqualified in law and fact. This iteration of SCOTUS defiled the Constitution, is treasonous, and therefore illegitimate. These planted insurrectionists are also, unsurprisingly, intellectually inadequate: their terrible rulings turn to chaos in the real world.>> <<@nickbroughton928 says : Trump, the great deciever..>> <<@Guru says : White news anchor guy is doing Zyns on air live and I wonder if he knows we know…>> <<@LDRINCAL says : I didn’t yet hear that at times when Trump and Pence were talking, Pence was in the legislative role of President of the Senate rather than Vice President in the executive branch.>> <<@lorrainebiggs8058 says : Regardless whether he was president or not he still committed a crime where police officers lost there lives but does trump care about that no he doesn’t care one onus so would the public MAGA think for a minute that he cares about you ??????>> <<@jeffsteele1295 says : Bunch of BS CNN>> <<@juancruzcarballo7091 says : They couldn't kill him so they need to jailed him before he wins the elections.>> <<@eddieevans8274 says : CNN FAKE NEWS! WATCH FOX NEWS FOR THE TRUTH! CNN THINKS WERE STUPID! CHANGE YOUR PLATFORMS AND AT LEAST HEAR THE OTHER SIDE B4 YOU GET TRICKED!>> <<@oneworld4all412 says : and this idiot is throwing a party at mar-a-logo for the Jan. 6th thugs. Those that beat officers with poles and chanted hang mike pence. I think trump heard about the free ketchup in federal prison>> <<@billysummers7853 says : that Phil guy is such a babe 😍😍>> <<@user-pm4sk8rh2g says : Yip, you can't get him on the ballot, so we use lawfare, or every means possible. Very democratic.>> <<@appanahsanasy8395 says : If DonOld 78 born in third world countries DonOld 78 already serving his sentence since he created falls story of 2020 election was stolen. No country in world riots in their parliament or call whatever in diffetent countries. DonOld 78 createting third world country for MAGA followers😊😊😊😊😊>> <<@Nancyy5318 says : I don’t like to hear trump β€˜ S news not even trump β€˜ s Campaign. Because soooo Sickness Trump….πŸ‘ŽπŸΎπŸ‘ŽπŸΎπŸ‘ŽπŸΎπŸͺ£πŸ—‘οΈπŸ§ΉClean up!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@elizabethcrockett3821 says : How wrong is all this court actions Trump is guilty of insurrection full stop, there’s no question about it, we saw it with our own eyes, the murder of police officers people injured, traumatised, the constitution is clear about insurrectionists not being eligible to be elected for any role or office.>> <<@robertforsythe3280 says : Could anyone else have post Traumatic Trump syndrome, bet quite a few suffer from his illness.>> <<@robertforsythe3280 says : weird does not describe Donald Trump but WEIRD TO THE POWER OF INFINITY. Let him take the GOP in his antimatter space ship, ie Space Force>> <<@robertforsythe3280 says : Weird does not describe Donald correctly.>> <<@LanaL-n4s says : You people are sick, and Americans are tired of Jack smith>> <<@jamespazera3038 says : Nasty trump>> <<@DemondKemp-f8p says : You know the Trump robots are really out there when they KNOW he is only running to stay out of prison. The man was found guilty of 34 felonies already, and he is still going to court. So there might be even more.>> <<@meiyenty6840 says : GREEN TERROR IN TAIWAN>> <<@leegregson1310 says : Trump for president, Americas only true hope!! πŸ’ͺ🏼>> <<@leegregson1310 says : You fucking freaks never give up,>> <<@jacksteven781 says : It’s so pointless. It’s been 4 years. Why has it been 4 years? 400+ People who incited riots were charged within 1-2 weeks in the UK. Why are you even trying at this point? SCOTUS will decide trump is immune and that’ll just giving future presidents more leeway. Why even try?>> <<@divineOrders683 says : Why don't you , silence your voice, stop your Trump Train, your rude awaking is going to come from me. I have evidence against ever fake media outlet right now, you not only cheated, you brought China into this country thinking you could steal an election. YOu trying to hi-jack this nation. i have evidence against you. I am taking you to the Hague for a War Crime. I tell you what i see, i have evidence against you all of you. Fake evidence against trump. You China bought people have illegally come into the country, to buy out an election from China. This is a War Crime, i have the evidence and i am summitting the evidence to the Hague.>> <<@CharlieFlask says : If must be pretty miserable to have to dodge court after court, what a way to spend your Golden Years,,..>> <<@captiveexile2670 says : FOR THE RECORD: Please note that the official MUELLER JAN.6th Investigation team INDICTED or TOOK GUILTY PLEAS from more than THIRTY-SEVEN PEOPLE assocuated with TRUMP'S 2016 Campaign & revealed OVER A HUNDRED CONTACTS between that slanderous campaign and AGENTS OF THE OFFICIAL RUSSIAN STATE--- PERIOD (end of quote). Trump has had a very FAIR TRIAL by his own PEERS and foung GUILTY. (The sentencing is due SEPTEMBER 18th, so circle that date on your calendar and let's watch "THE DONALD" grow frartic and IMPLODE wihg dark rings around hius eyes, as he UNLOADS MORE MISOGYNIST SLANDER against hus lovely opponent in TRUTH (something he never seemed to understand, building his "WALL OF LIES" (ISAIAH 30:13). Despite all thatb has traspited, he STILL TRUSTS IN LIES & DECEPTION (eve politicizing Arlington Nationak Cemetary for fallen heroes---as if ger were still the acting PRESIDENT. (That man has committed many egregious wrongs, yet still he claims he has DONE NOTHING! (JEREMIAH 5:1-12*, PSALM 82:2-5* whuh was once even cited by JESUS). ---Hope you agree--- HE DOES KNOW ABOUT "HELL" but never read th shoirest verse in the OLD TESTAMENT (that's ISAIAH 44:8 "NOT ONE". And JOHN 3:19 is the final VERDICT!>> <<@barbigilman135 says : Mark Zuckerberg clearly said in his letter that there was election interference, so this whole case is blown to poop>> <<@richardjames7256 says : I was a Democrat for 50 years OMG never again these Democrat politicians now are disgusting liar's people wake up I did I was sheep just like you Think for yourself ❀>> <<@sabrinaoliver7727 says : How disgusting...a total witch hunt all the way around.>> <<@SamSam-ld7qz says : So she saying if I'm president let say I say something about my kids baseball game on Twitter. I automatically lose my presidential protection.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@karlschmied6218 says : Presidential immunity is a free pass to dictatorship – now and in the future.>> <<@JamesThomas-fb2zl says : Trump 2024>> <<@billypardew2337 says : Does anyone here know why Andrew McCabe doesn't have his job at the FBI anymore...... Because he was fired for lying to the FBI And now he's a regular on CNN go figure>> <<@KblamDaDario says : Sure, Jack Smith should charge those who violated the First Amendment's right to free speech. Who are those people involved in forcing MetA Facebook?>> <<@tiboregoldberger6817 says : Donald Trump is the Love the Peace the Hope the Truth the Light the Way for America and the World πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°>> <<@livingthelava says : No the big thing is, anyone else would be jailed in 10 seconds for assaulting a park park employee.>>