<<@Mark-sy2bx says : This is how grown men behave? Does he also pee in his superman underwear?>> <<@Mark-sy2bx says : So why doesn't he go after Al Gore for challenging the election?>> <<@the_spym8889 says : Nah they are pulling everything in their bag💀💀💀>> <<@TerryMcMaster-jw8zr says : Yet another Grand Jury, regular people, thinks Trump broke the law.>> <<@davidellis67 says : The greatest con man of all time, except for Hitler. What an evil man!>> <<@markpeterson7298 says : America at large Republican and Democrat alike want to see the toxic monumentally corrupt twice impeached treasonous Insurrectionist fraudster sexual predator liar and thief Trump continuing to face trial prosecution and sentencing: NOT back in the White House. The day the cell door slams shut behind the monumentally corrupt Trump, there will be great rejoicing and merrymaking throughout the lands>> <<@jasonkarcher3681 says : Convicts always blame the system ..prisons and jails around the country are full of people who were “ framed” “railroaded “”set up”..it’s the oldest trick in the book.I didn’t do it I tell ya .. it’s the man holding me down!! They all say it.>> <<@yungceize says : Trump "interfered" with the 2016 election by winning it😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@brianmcgrane3046 says : Pure Bulshitttt😅>> <<@edmiddlebrooks1696 says : Good for Jack Smith. How dare Trump voice the obvious election interference that occurred in 2020 now that the news has convinced everyone that obvious conspiracy never occured.>> <<@AaronWishnoff says : Time to drain the swamp. TRUMP 2024!!!>> <<@user-bx8nn5rl5w says : Hunter Biden is RACKETEERING ! The laptop ?! he allowed 51 intelligence agents to lie about Russian disinformation and influence the election. ! In America , IF something is stolen from you , you have to steal it back and then YOUR the thief.>> <<@reneecmapsunsoiex.2298 says : JUST LETS YOU KNOW HOW CRAZY THE DUMBOCRATS TRULY ARE!!!!!!>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : Witch hunt continues.>> <<@gregfletcher9612 says : Imagine the amount of money the democrats would pay. They paid a lot to have 911 to happen. Then blame terrorists 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡>> <<@ijsavage2170 says : Sky News followers. What Jack Smith just did was smart. He took out anything from the first indictment that had a chance as qualifying under the “absolute immunity” president as king label, Jack Smith then also chose to have a new Grand Jury chosen because the defense would absolutely claim “tainted jury” to delay more….>> <<@fiction5967 says : ❤Frump.>> <<@americanpride8378 says : they just got this man re-elected>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : "lock him up">> <<@bigdiesil75 says : Enough is enough this is not communist china>> <<@toorcicefist8018 says : I used to work for the Democrat party long ago before I knew it was bad. They convinced me that it was ok to continually deceive the American people because their causes were riteous and you should do anything to get results. This is the very definition of communism and why I distanced myself and now bring awareness to this. We see this behavior all around us and it has been used to target Trump with deceptive charges that he shouldn't have even had to attend court for.>> <<@toorcicefist8018 says : Our tax money is being spent on this weaponization of the government and Jack is guilty of personal gain to attack a political opponent.>> <<@timothygarrett2785 says : I thought he was determined to be an illegal prosecutor??>> <<@nebakanezer13 says : Why can’t someone challenge an election? There have been recounts before.>> <<@AloneInThePark says : They're desperate. Trump saw the evil shit going on with the elite and got out. They can't handle it.>> <<@jimdavid7710 says : Totally weaponised politics to get Trump locked-up & removed from the election, it is unrelenting & wrong quite frankly.>> <<@kjonesnewyork1 says : Jack smith has no jurisdiction>> <<@stevenbennion1544 says : Can't wait to hear his Defense Team 😂😂>> <<@stevenbennion1544 says : I just want you to find 11,780 votes, pure stealing and massive corruption>> <<@Kiwitekediver says : Hahaha. Excellent. No one is above the law. Even the orange rapist>> <<@tsstevensts says : Fox Propaganda Australia know that Trump isn't Prime Minister. Right?>> <<@petercunningham-fl4mf says : Thought the Zombies were finished with their fake charges onslaught. Apparently not. Slimy lot.>> <<@Mrs.Brisby2950 says : There were 140+ members of Congress who ALSO questioned the 2020 Election results and asked for an investigation, WHICH WAS THEIR RIGHT TO DO UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. These members of Congress were IGNORED. What is the difference between them and Trump? ANSWER, NO DIFFERENCE!!!>> <<@alangknowles says : Smith is an illegitimate "special council".>> <<@FDT24 says : Mr and Mrs Trump would be so proud of their little guy finally learning the meaning of accountability>> <<@FDT24 says : 😂 trying to overturn election results have consequences. Who knew?>> <<@billy-jadeachiu2296 says : The DEMONcRATS are sooooo ENTHRALLED and OBSESSED with Pres Trump that ALL the other OVERWHELMING NEEDS OF AMERICA and her people are LITERALLY IGNORED and PUSHED ASIDE to FOCUS 1B% on Pres Trump...HOW DEREANGED IS THAT?!? Shows who REALLY CARES about AMERICA/NS!!!>> <<@stevesandgroper3241 says : In the meantime Trump just announced a new set of Trump cards (NTFs I mean, not real cards). Get yours before they are gone. He needs your money.>> <<@andrewstone2806 says : Triggered trumpers everywhere. It’s like watching lemmings walk off a cliff 😂>> <<@davidhandyman7571 says : Where did they find the new grand jury, under a rock. How can anyone not be familiar with the previous grand jury and indictment, the Democrats made sure everyone knew about them.>> <<@davidhandyman7571 says : Those charges are exactly what the Democrats have and were doing. The official proceedings charges have already been declared invalid outside of the original purposes of the statute so should be thrown out. Also, how can charges of conspiracy be laid unless others are charged for the same "conspiracy"?>> <<@rubenperez3011 says : Jack Smith get off your soap and get it straight, you are a DEMOCRAT INTERFERING WITH A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION FOR YOUR PARTY AND YOUR OWN BENEFIT.....>> <<@chuckmeek3072 says : Trump is a threat to Democrats!>> <<@DawnFshing says : Trump has always been a conman. A white, privileged, narcissistic, egomaniac. Lock him up! Lies, lies, lies, that’s all he tells. Right wing propagandist, don’t respect there viewers! They lie, Robert Murdoch propaganda to keep the rich, rich! What’s left of MAGA are low income and uneducated, they don’t get they are rooting for people that don’t care about them. The others supporting Trump are millionaires that want to get richer and they want the tax cuts ( which are only for them). There is a reason Trump said he “ loves the uneducated “ don’t be part of the uneducated 😂😂>> <<@chuckmeek3072 says : The Democrats find him intimidating and will do anything for win, even lie ( especially lie)>> <<@jtboehler3714 says : Cut off all his funding.>> <<@willdsm08 says : Why is Cavuto looking so pleased? Smith should be arrested for impersonating a special counsel. The fact that he is putting this up again shows the lengths the democrats will go to to get Trump off the ticket. These people are vile. So far beyond persecution, it's no longer funny.>> <<@marykacollins9191 says : Sky News Australia is as sick as Trump is>> <<@kermitthehermit9588 says : Donald Duck is gay 🦆🏳‍🌈>> <<@brendanjobe6895 says : AGAIN? This crap is getting sickening.>>