<<@thegeneralist7527 says : Climate minister? You mean minister of nothing.>> <<@landcruiser11rum says : Can’t stand that lying Wong. Labor thinks we are stupid. NT election results shows who is going to look stupid soon. Albo & Labor have got to go.>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : It is a good investment. Your ideology is bad.>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : If we are resources rich why don't we use them? Build new coal fired power stations and nuclear power stations. Stop mucking around with wind and solar.>> <<@davidchandler2182 says : The wong bloke wants more gas... but won't add more to market. Wants australia to be like japan and korea... both have nuclear...>> <<@russellcullen9913 says : No power for her vibrator.>> <<@jenniferthomas6783 says : Let’s ask Elon Musk! I’m pretty sure he has done his research given his background in physics and his economic success resulting from that. PW is gaslighting us. We see you!>> <<@russellcullen9913 says : Why aren't these clowns charged with treason?>> <<@foff3379 says : Little traitor on scam kickbacks>> <<@russellcullen9913 says : She's full of it>> <<@Beachlife4567 says : What would Wong know about nuclear energy. She thinks she’s an expert in everything. She is bombastic>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Just watch whats happening in Europe, England and USA and see for yourselves. Duttons lying to Australians.>> <<@kkcw6668 says : If it didnt stack up then 2nd largest Nuclear power plant world has ever known that cost far less than 3bil Canadian, is imaginary!>> <<@enfredlindstrom6763 says : shes a liar all ... truth is a human right all.. u shouldnt have any one in your gov that isnt born in your country all.. should be law all.>> <<@enfredlindstrom6763 says : we now know theres a 1000 psys in your country now all.. could u be one to penny ?>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Wong ???? What would she know. Then again maybe she has a point - with the Australian economy heading down the toilet maybe we can't afford it. But it is working well for the rest of the world that don't own their own coal. Wong - completely wong - always wong.>> <<@Michael-lg4wz says : Lies. Nuclear power somehow makes economic sense everywhere else see CANDU and Finlands wholesale rate. Do you ant to end up like NZ with a rate so high industry is starting to close.>> <<@ironmaidens6663 says : Businesses are just going to pack up and leave if we don't have affordable, reliable power and that comes from either coal or nuclear.>> <<@juanzulu1318 says : Why is she lieing? German here. We know pretty well that Nuclear power is financially unbeaten. There is a reason why all over the world nuclear plants are built.>> <<@kermitthehermit9588 says : Ima bout to invest in some *burgers* 🍔🍔🍔>> <<@basementbanter366 says : who's the dude in green. why's he sitting like that.>> <<@basementbanter366 says : spoken like a rich fools, greedy pos.>> <<@DonaldDeCicco says : WEF puppet says what?>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : TELL US ABOUT YOUR MATES, BENNY WRONG. TELL US ABOUT HOW UNION SUPER FUNDS INVESTED HEAVILY IN YOUR CHINESE MADE ''RENEWABLES'' SCAM.>> <<@azzajames7661 says : ms. Wrong,...again!😆>> <<@ricky6864 says : What expertise does this liar have in power generation?>> <<@ricky6864 says : Albo and co, proven liars>> <<@ricky6864 says : Corporations controlling our power generation and resources dont want us to have cheap power and corrupt politicians follow their owners wishes>> <<@rodaust1069 says : The pong of wong is beyond repugnant.>> <<@mjoseph3333 says : Nuclear would be great.... The domestic energy sector should be 75% nationalised. Power companies won't allow a loss in revenue from consumers if the switch was made... Australia will always to have high prices!!!>> <<@emperordalektardis says : All the finance people say - invest in nuclear power and you won't ever see your money again.>> <<@jjack232 says : If the labor party wasn't so far against capitalism they could of had Elon Musk build a solar factory in the outback and supply every main city.>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : Just looking at that wong bloke gives me the creeps>> <<@Ellaofdiscord says : Ffs Australia needs nuclear power like yesterday-_->> <<@tassied12 says : There was just ONE new nuclear reactor construction started last year outside China and only TWO so far this year Nuclear is going nowhere.>> <<@pwillis1589 says : Let’s count the racist and misogynistic comments from the Sky viewers.>> <<@mistersmacky says : She's a former lawyer and "industrial officer" at the CFMEU. What on Earth would she know about a national energy grid?>> <<@mboiko says : As base load power continues to drop what will take its place - not solar and wind. That leaves gas and coal?>> <<@roryalgate872 says : Public servants still eating our tax payers money at a ridiculous rate. How about instead of selling our commodities why don't we make manufacturer like we did 30 to 40 years ago>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Bill Gates says it doesn't add up either. It's just another brainfart from Mr potato head.>> <<@deb1309 says : Penny Wong is an idiot>> <<@GTDandNee says : Wrong Wong.>> <<@sspacegghost says : Why is Sky News buying into this BS. JFK wanted to go to the moon WITH russia. This meant the sharing of the Ripple Tech. Ripple Tech is the detonation of hydrogen bombs in 1963 WITHOUT the nuke primary. So nukes without fallout, you harness this tech, it can be used for propulsion. Its highly likely they went to the moon with this tech and that's why they faked all the apollo footage so no one found out the real story. JFK was on the way to give a speech with Berkner, swap flags with russia and announce it and likely replace LBJ with Berkner (a scientist musk type dude) and LBJ was in massive media trouble at the time. So LBJ, big oil, and the deep state CIA military decided nope we ain't sharing nothing with russia...coz they wanted to keep texas oil alive and well as an income stream. The Ripple Tech began to be taught at MIT in 2021...its a 1963 experiment. Farnsworth the US inventor of TV gave a press conference at that time about his basketball size plasma reactor, with a patent, basically nuke briefcases. They have had small plasma reactor tech since the 1960s. and big oil don't want you to know this...coz they're billing you for fuel and electricity everyday. Still. 60 years later. So yes it was big oil and CIA and LBJ and the mob and the masons and all of them. JFK had to go to protect their market advantage. JFK wanted to go to space together. We have plasma fusion nuke tech as small as a briefcase...since the 1960s...when does mainstream news grow a pair and report it.>> <<@douglaswasley1461 says : Penny Wrong doesn't know what she is talking about!!!!>> <<@user-jhfi74ifk says : If the economics of nuclear energy don't stack up, then why not lift the ban?>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : "‘I don’t think it’s a good investment’: Economics of nuclear energy don’t ‘stack up’" China: OK, we'll take it:) Amerika: HEY, China don't get greedy... USA wants a slice of the cheese as well 🧀>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : but 1.5 trillion on intermittent renewables, that have to be replaced in 20 years is fine.>> <<@pookeyhutchison7838 says : That bloke Wong is a compulsive Liar of the first class.>> <<@7dashcamcar541 says : Dutton wants to spent $600 BILLION of tax payers money on junk, obsolete, dangerous fission nuclear power, that Countries around the World are forced to issue anyone living anywhere near to these fission plants iodine tablets, at tax payers expense and for what? Less than 4% of Australia's power requirements in the 2050's. It will be the greatest destruction of tax payers money in Australian history. It will be another repeat of the LNP's copper wire train wreck MTM NBN, a copper wire MTM that is already obsolete and is now being upgraded to what should have been done in the first place at less cost* FTTP. (*as confirmed by leaks by the NBN in 2021 to the media). Those pushing for this nuclear rubbish had better be prepared to pay a lot more tax and even more massive electricity bills. Can someone also tell me this...exactly how much will the Earth's temperature drop with Dutton Nuclear power plants?>> <<@jamesjoinson761 says : Nuclear energy does stack up. It’s also the safest if built to our standards. And the waste is reusable through a secondary stage that will drastically reduce the time this waste needs to be buried etc. you sent more money to other countries that you will never get a return on so smarten up.>>