<<@jeffallen981 says : No Jim you and anal are.>> <<@janotuchyna7056 says : Jim, you have no right to evaluate Peter Dutton as unlike you, he loves this country it’s people and has a plan to make lives for us better, after your train wreck time in government. It’s time for you to go!>> <<@janotuchyna7056 says : Jim, you have no right to evaluate Peter Dutton as unlike you, he loves this country it’s people and has a plan to make lives for us better, after your train wreck time in government. It’s time for you to go!>> <<@212934t says : Have a good look at the comments . Stop blaming Peter Dutton take a good look at yourself and and your party>> <<@kenlin8737 says : Jim is a unifying figu re he unite with palestine. Hamas and the CCP.>> <<@baldrick6071 says : Dutton’s living in their heads rent free and he’s nothing as the snake is claiming. What’s his rationale? He has none. I’m no body language expert but the snake is squirming here.>> <<@jitendrasoni7522 says : Australian Society take care Because Australian government not hearing your voice>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Why is it that Sky news just ignore even promote the many lies Peter Dutton has told Australians. These lies can be easily called out.>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : Labor is waving the white flag of surrender. They can't talk about their own policies. As soon as they do - they face tough media questions - as to why every labor policy fails. So labor is stuck - what doses it do. Labor can't argue it's own case. That's a very bad place to be in politics. You can't talk about anything on your side of politics - as soon as do - public opinion for labor - falls faster. The three big polices - race - gender - climate. Have not worked anywhere else. And labor just blindly followed them. To the point they have failed like everywhere else. And can't understand why. Despite the fact - these policies - are playing out in other elections due in 2024. Inside and outside Australia. Labor are the political babies of Australian politics - and the bunnies - of world politics. They got lazy - and they got sold - a policy setting - that suits other countries - not Australia. And not one labor policy - that labor has in place - were ever developed in Australia. The consequence is - labor is doing the work - of other international players - to ruin the Australian economy. Claiming labors climate policy will save the world. Is a complete lie. That policy sends Australian manufacturing to China. China makes billions of dollars a year from Australian trade. And then converts that money into - hard assets. China then goes off with your money - to buy mines in South Africa - oil fields - and they seek - to move to their own suppliers - of minerals. And they seek - to cut Australia - out of - the one thing - that Australia makes money off - mining. As labor raises taxes - and wages through industrial relations. China looks for cheaper - minerals - elsewhere. And labor are oblivious - to the fact - China is not interested in what labor does. And that point eludes labor. They have sent manufacturing - off shore and are attacking - mining - and farming - to also move off shore. With industrial relations laws - higher taxes - no investment in Australian manufacturing - climate change policy - using Net zero - to set up an economy - that makes no money = zero just like labor. And then has no idea. People refuse ot admit - your toilet paper is still made in China. They simply took the word "China" off the label - and put on "PRC." People's Republic of China. Everything labor does - attacks the Australian economy - the Australian worker - and the Australia's future. Labor have been duped by world politics. And labor can't admit - they have been scammed - BIG TIME. Labor are the political bunnies - of all times. They let their low I.Q. ego's be - massaged - by scammers. Who have made absolute fools of them. Labor are not fit - to be in Australian politics. On any level. They hate Australia - and every policy they have attacks Australia. Labor are Australia's - CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. Labor are political criminals. As all they can do - is effuse about - radical indigenous and muslim people - who support terrorists. And labor even openly supported UNRWA - who instead of building - the Dubai on the Gaza strip - only funded Hamas to for war. Labor are war criminals as well. And should be investigated and charged - as such. They have openly stolen - your tax payers money - to fund - a terrorist war. That is a crime - when they lied about where and how they spent Australian - tax payers money. Labor really are - criminals in politics.>> <<@strega206 says : Jim you are correct, dutton is an evil, heartless man who wants Australia to be white and send back all non australians.>> <<@tjsurname119 says : Only to the hostile foreign led totalitarians who oppose Dutton actually competently representing the interests of AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS and upholding our AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION. Yes, the foreign led hostile domestic communists and the foreign led hostile domestic fascists aligned with the united nations object to that. Chalmers lacking support striving for relevance. Desperately wanting to be relevant he wrote his "thesis" at ANU as a suck up piece on how Great and Wonderful PAUL KEATING was as a "Statesman". Laughable stuff. Chalmers is a perfect example of how we should no longer trust qualifications handed out by Universities ! Someone explain how our CHIEF TREASURER got to be in that position with a "political science" degree ? . . . . processing. . . . please refer back to the benefits of sucking up to Keating !>> <<@pteamg says : Chalmers & his Dumbo ears is an Activist in drag.>> <<@vensimo4293 says : Well when you make the mess you should clean it up>> <<@WillxWLM says : Getting so sick of this government. We're not stupid. We live in Australia and it hasn't been this tough since the great depression. 12 months from now I'll be living out of a van converted into a camper because I just can't afford to live with how rental prices are. To get ahead, I need to minimize the cost of having a roof over my head. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be if I had children. I'm renting at the moment, paying off an immigrants house because I don't have the numbers in my family to pay off property like they do. Homeless is the only answer to survive. Labor has taken poor action against cost of living and this will reflect the outcome of the next federal election.>> <<@andymartinez767 says : Jokes from the comedy company, oh sorry The Socialist Party>> <<@aprilmanley5414 says : Jim Chalmers "Smiling Assassin" You just can't wipe that smile off his face, no matter the interview content! Never to be trusted!!!!!!>> <<@danhouw7972 says : The thing is Dutton doesn’t have any policy. He still hasn’t even put out the costings for his impossible nuclear energy plan. This is why he has ZERO chance of winning the next election.>> <<@justvisitingterra6459 says : I WAS BEGINNING TO THINK I WAS BECOMMING ACCIDENT PRONE, UNTIL I REALIZED IT WAS THE AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY THAT WAS CONTINUOUSLY MAKING ME FALL OFF MY CHAIR IN FITS OF LAUGHTER, I SHOULD SUE ! . SATT 👽.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : ALPs Fault>> <<@ricky6864 says : Charmers another proven liar>> <<@paulvankempen5450 says : Must be true if you say so boss>> <<@paulvankempen5450 says : 0:45>> <<@DC-lw7dj says : When you are out of ideas to solve Australians' cost of living problems, start having a word fight with the opposition. In the end, Australians suffer due to pathetic political word fights. Jim, what have you and treasury done about reducing immigration intake and trying to improve GDP per capita? Where is your economical reform?>> <<@user-xe3ii8nm5f says : AUSTRALIA MUST GET RIDD OF THIS MAN KNOWN AS JIM CHALMERS.HE'S 1 OF THE WORST MINISTERS THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN IN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS WHICH HAS WORKED AGAINST AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE AND THE STAGE IT'S CURRENTLY IN!!!>> <<@gail9906 says : It is you that is divisive Chalmers! I.M.O. 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘 I bet you think you are the man for the job though! Arrogant Elite. 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘>> <<@Coastal603 says : Says the man that tried to enshrine a two tier system based on race into our constitution. The hypocrisy.>> <<@timwilson4684 says : The words about Peter Dutton will haunt Jiminy Cricket for the rest of his term as treasurer - I happened to watch the debate between the then Chief Minister Eva Lawler and the then opposition leader Lia Finocchiaro - one of Lawler's comments direct to Finocchiaro was that she was too weak to ever be the Chief Minister to which Finocchiaro replied thank you Eva you are so kind. The final result - Lawler lost her seat and low & behold Finocchario is now the Chief Minister. Remember your bitter comments Jiminy Cricket when Peter Dutton is the next Prime Minister because your leader Elmer Fudd is gone.>> <<@nevillegreg1 says : He didn't answer the question.>> <<@juliemarks9751 says : Beats Labor.... Australia has gone to the dogs... Glad you've have confidence in our national security.. none else does... as for monthly inflation... petrol has just gone up.. and we're still paying $400 for what was $200 yesterday... and we're in August... Labor is crippling us... Dutton for Priminister...>> <<@GTDandNee says : LIEBOR party grubs in the pockets and cahoots with the CFMEU>> <<@0021cam says : Scum!>> <<@janreid1629 says : Ha! The Voice was the most divisive thing our nation has gone through recently. This is the kettle calling the pot black.>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Dutton is the roughest and toughest man!>> <<@alanw8552 says : Dutton wants to protect Australians from terrorism. Labor does not. If that's divisive then I'm 100% for Dutton.>> <<@mraemartinez says : “PETER DUTTON!!!” 💩 The Australian bete noir ala Prez Trump…when the PETER DUTTON haters are the real odious gargoyles. Tiresome & obvious!>> <<@Zeemutt01 says : Albo, Bowen & Chalmers , the biggest disaster to Australia ever!!>> <<@annemarieapostolidis8950 says : Peter Dutton is right. The "Palestinians" that Albanese brought into our country could not have been security checked properly, Australia needs to know how many Hamas terrorists have been allowed in. The labour party has to go!>> <<@irenetan9987 says : You already know that he is the next PM . We do not have any confidence in you and your government,,..period...>> <<@craiglee4497 says : Yeh right come to the election you will be warming the back benches>> <<@peternut358 says : The Labor 🤡 show in all it’s Glory. This fool Chalmers is a legend in his own head and did he ever hear about the Voice. I’m 35K a year worst off under Labor and This Circus 🎪 are the greatest Shit talkers in my 62 years. Make Australia 🇦🇺 Proud again and Vote Labor Out>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Which awful human being is deleting my opinion? You are an A Grade grub>> <<@irenetan9987 says : well....he is an empty vessel and just talk rubbish. Needs to go as they are failing us as our government. They will be "killed" by their own unions and the general public as they are getting wiser. They have nothing to say and just shoot from their hip to bring opposition. No....we all know so far that Peter is carrying himself with professionalism and is doing what he is doing and when he is elected, you will see their strategies. Stop barking on the wrong tree and keeps putting your poison out there...>> <<@sednanerkcm8374 says : Potato head our saviour 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 f. O>> <<@TerrenceBosworth says : Albanese and his cohorts are using the same propaganda prepared by their government-funded large propaganda team. Chalmers has revealed himself to be reading the same propaganda sheets as Albanese. If Chalmers ever says " Peter Dutton always shows how much of a little man, he is" I am going to dry reach. But that's it. The hard left always does this. Use the same lie repeatedly. Straight from the Goebbels handbook of propaganda. Rarely do any of them speak without a fist full of papers. Albanese is the worst. He needs sheets of paper to say two sentences. I was just reading the 7 double standards of Narcissists. Albanese has all the 7 traits. 1. They break promises all the time but accuse you of being unreliable. Albanese made so many promises before the election. Every day one comes to light that is a broken promise. He said he would create thousands of new places at TAFE. He didn't tell us that he intended to fill the new places with students from overseas. Every day something that has gone wrong under his leadership, well it's Peter Dutton's fault. 2. Your privacy is non-existent, but theirs is sacred. Albanese only told us about his 35 consecutive Mardi Gras when Blotto drunk at the 2023 event. 3. Your problems are a burden, but theirs are life-shattering. We all had it tough back in the day Albanese. The 9 of us used to dream of living in Housing Commission. But Dad (God Bless him) worked underground, and miners did not receive the remuneration then, that they receive and deserve today. 4. They demand your time and attention, but theirs is precious. Albanese spent more time flying to Alice Springs when there were riots at night than he spent in Alice Springs trying to solve the problems. We don't care about Kylie's wedding; we don't care about your dog. 5. They don't change their views despite overwhelming evidence that they are wrong. Albanese has always supported the PLO. Bringing in Jihadist brides on election and 3000 people from Gaza that Gaza's neighbours will not take because of security risks to their own citizens. 6.They interrupt and talk over you, but get angry when you do the same. Who can forget Albanese's dismissive behaviour to the woman at the rally on the lawns of Parliament House. Watch Albanese in Parliament, despite promising a better standard of behaviour, Albanese uses his bully-boy tactics daily. Calls Peter Dutton < Boofhead. Have a look at your own dome Albanese particularly the rolls of fat on the back of your neck and the few scraps of hair clinging onto your balding dome. 7. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it. Stop with the bawling Albanese. Bawling one moment, being nasty the next day.>> <<@PaulJames-g1w says : He is a joke, he is going after the leadership of labour, after what happened to the NT, where i live, they know they are on the nose, shit on your shoe, smells like shit, must be shit.>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : I wish Grim Jim would just go back to School and learn basic Economics. At least Dutton has a Plan to try and get Australia oout of the deep trouble this Clown and his Boss Foresking have managed to get us into in just a short 2 years.>> <<@Gungho1a says : Two lies...australia hasnt been a great nation since the albo government attempted to introduce black minority rule. Second lie, Dutton is uniting us against the common enemy, the foreign interest ALP government of albanese.>> <<@eb2505 says : I see Chalmers is persuing the Nazi press way of doing things: 'If you tell a lie big enough and often enough, people will evenutally believe it'.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : 😂😂😂 says the party who had the apartheid bill called the VOICE. Sounds like Labor getting scared 😂😂😂>> <<@Beachlife4567 says : Dim Jim s so stupid he has to resort to this type of behaviour. It’s an insult to voters intelligence>>