<<@paulabowman4847 says : They should be banned from the United States too!!>> <<@hl5910 says : Labor will never stop these Islamists from coming into country. Labor do not really represent the Australian people.>> <<@nadenesmith7440 says : FOUR GENERATIONS OF MY WESTERN FAMILY SAID NO.>> <<@TonyFiling says : Isn’t this what a colonizer supporter should say? Refugees showing support for oppressed people should not come to a colonized country? Aboriginals in Australia are not allowed their OWN voice in the parliament on THEIR land. I wonder if the Jews were treated like this at ANY point in their history? Any refugees showing support for these Jews should not be allowed in the country. Wait! This was the Jews story at one time. I am sure on that diaspora people were told to turn their back on those Jews and, they were WRONG to do it to them but, it’s ok now to do it to others.>> <<@sousasaraiva9977 says : Peter Dutton 🎉🎉albo is not worried about Australians safety>> <<@sousasaraiva9977 says : Yes🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@SandraCaines-p7m says : Save Australia from the Gazans hate for jews and the West they are taught from birth to hate both.>> <<@bigmadbad says : Fear porn at its finest. If Sky News Oz were a rag, it'd be what I use for my morning wipe...along with The Sun! Whoever believes this Murdoch press tripe, needs their heads checked haha! This channel is a mouth piece for a genocidal child starving out of control regime of god's chosen ones. Zionism is 🤢🤮>> <<@Susan-z6z says : Gd bless our Aussie friends. 🇺🇸>> <<@jhunbriones6965 says : That should also include Hezbollah symphatizers and Iranian radicals>> <<@JustinSyd says : SHAME on the UK government and the United Nations and globalists that are ruining western countries in the last 15 years by pushing in all kind of incompatible foreign people more and more into western countries. The whole public is outraged and should be, all these foreign incompatible people do have their OWN countries to live in and it is not the responsiblity of western nations to let them in anymore.! Enough with this globalist, United Nations parity and equality garbage already NOW.! Let the non western countries develop at their own pace, if it takes them 200 years to catch up, then so be it, leave it that way.! Western people have every right to enjoy their lifestyle and achievements after all the sacrifices & lives lost in war and all the hard work, there is no reason to import the third world and give them everything for free! SHAME on you globalists and your idiot policies.!! We have impoorted way too many already in the last 25 years in western countries and we must START to deport 95% of the refugees and asylum seekers that have arrived in western countries since the year 2000 as soon as possible.!!>> <<@elizabethjunedempster4949 says : Sorry we have our people in this country’ that can’t get state housing ,and the government keep bringing these so called refugees and house them and give them money and forget about our own ,how come these people can then become citizens and then go back to their own country under the protection of Australia ,look at the Lenonese that have gone back and live there and when there is trouble ,scream they are Australian ,bring us back ,Sorry ,NO dual citizenship for this country, I know of 2 Afgahni brothers ,came here as refugees got Australian citizenship work 6 months here and go back there for 6 months to see their families ,I thought these people couldn’t go back because they fear for their lives. Time to stop this rubbish>> <<@stevenb0612 says : how about you look after the Australian taxpayers and halt all visas until traffic jams in all cities have dramatically improved. It would also be the constitutionally right thing to do, to allow Australian citizens to have a say in immigration numbers, especially when governments of all western countries are in a joint collaboration to destroy western culture and its citizens who voted them into power..Believe nothing your government tells you is still the soundest advice to pass on to everyone.>> <<@HalfBreedCreations says : BAN.ISRAELIES AND SUPPORTERS OF ISRAEL FROM AUST. ISRAEL IS THE MOST SANCTIONED COUNTRY BY THE UN IN HISTORY. IT IS A SERIEL HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSER AND WAR CRIMINAL. IT IS A NAZI RASCIST APPARTHIED STATE>> <<@HalfBreedCreations says : the UNITED STATES HAS 800 MILITARY BASES IN ASIA MOSTLY SURROUNDING CHINA. WHO ARE THE AGGRESSORS?>> <<@alicerose6640 says : ANY non aussie citizen, who sympathises with terrorist organisations, should be given a one way ticket out of our country and never allowed back. We don't need them or want them.>> <<@chriscoghlan692 says : The Australian government can't even stand up for our own sailors attacked by China so how can it back up Japan?>> <<@suerossi4693 says : OMG there are 1000’s of HAMAS supporters in Australia I can point them out with evidence, why are you not deporting them.>> <<@suerossi4693 says : In my experience what is said behind closed doors is very different to what is said to my face>> <<@ansc6472 says : Albanese is a danger ‼️>> <<@geraldblaney9764 says : Sky news go back to your usa and get your properganda rubbish out of Australia.>> <<@geraldblaney9764 says : Funny israel detains 29000 women and children and men and say that because there palastinian its ok to rape them. Yet israelies are welcome.>> <<@Dash829 says : How come the federal government can fast track these visas state government federal Council will not fast track you getting a granny flat? Getting a building permit? Keeping your original home to build a second home? Maybe rent your first home the list goes on and on why do we not fast track these, important common sense infrastructure>> <<@WannabeWanker-kc4nt says : People come here to get away from that stuff others bring it with them,these are the ones that need to be vetted>> <<@satiricgames2129 says : 😂😂😂 both ways whonare you a terrorist? Jfc this sky news reporter is a jk>> <<@MarkHines-p8d says : The problem we have with bleeding heart government and human rights advocates is, it is one thing to have empathy, but is a another thing to have suicidal empathy. This is when you put refugee safety over Australians safety, or you put drug taking homeless people in parks welfare over the safety of your children. One needs to help those in trouble but the need to put the safety of others first is paramount.>> <<@mortymorty7903 says : The use of immigration to gain votes needs to end. Manipulation of a supposedly fair and just voting process. The use of vulnerable, sometimes desperate people as a ballot score, human fodder used to gain political advantage has to be a human rights issue? It is a gross injustice. It is a form of human trafficking. Stop immigration for political gain. It is vile.>> <<@JsckSzx says : sky continue to work for israel gov pushing their propganda>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : Of course they shouldn't bring terrorist supporters.>> <<@Yaw735 says : We should be concerned with How many hezbalcartel/ lebs supporters we’ve in OZ>> <<@lilatan639 says : Let their muslim brothers show them the love? Do they have any? Or only united in hating Jews?>> <<@dyricrothwell4254 says : Iran don’t spread terror the west does they been trying to get us out of their neighborhoods n rightfully so>> <<@JD-bn2ch says : Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis are evil! Say no to Gazans coming to Australia! 👎>> <<@jujumaccas says : We already have a country full of people who support Hamas, so don’t kid yourselves.>> <<@FactualComments says : Australia should look at the UK situation>> <<@meipakyu4688 says : How can you guarantee these refugees don't support Hamas!? If you ask them, they would say No, As soon as they get visa and in Australia, they will change their mind and join Palestinian protestors! Just stop taking Muslim refugees! Jail illegal immigrants! Look at China, they dont have problems will refugees and illegal immigrants. They dont care about human rights and UN!>> <<@jenzag7621 says : Albo wants to buy votes.>> <<@runnyhunny786 says : They infiltrated America, Europe but DON'T LET them come to Australia. Look at what they are doing in the U.K - don't bring that here to Australia because that is their ultimate goal. They succeed by trying to position and insert those who support their one track agenda into positions of power to open up doors to allow them through anywhere they want to go. SHUT the doors to terror supporters.>> <<@aaaaak05 says : Well said!!!!>> <<@RIp-sz6yn says : You wouldn't think it would have to be said.>> <<@Sparky_D says : Don't let ANY musrats into the country.>> <<@Sparky_D says : How about simply don't take any of them. They will hide their support for the terrorists just like they hide the fact they worship a P -doh.>> <<@magentamagenta1274 says : According to Antony Albanese it’s showing support towards humanity to permit terrorists and their supporters into Australia. It’s quite incredible that a man of his age still does not understand the history of the Middle East and the terrorist network that has infiltrated, destroyed and perpetrated atrocities. The PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah are terrorists. Iranian puppets.>> <<@robertfitchett-o6n says : Justin Bassi just said what many seem to ignore that free speech ends in Australia when it's in support of terrorism and is backed unequivocally by existing laws. Look them up, they're easy to find, and there are severe consequences for breaking them. If they had been used immediately after the disgusting Opera House 'celebrations', Labor would not have dared to pull this stunt. But they have and i hope it drains a large number of voters at the election who are still thinking of voting Labor, The greens or The Teals.>> <<@DrAlexisM says : Too right!>> <<@vemister says : We don't have any problems with other races!! BUT WE ALLWAYS HAVE TROUBLE WITH THE MUSLIMS!! DONT LIKE IT THEN BUGGER OFF BACK!!! DEPORT!!>> <<@vemister says : Vote ONE NATION IN time for CHANGE!!>> <<@pm-um3zv says : Australia first>> <<@alangknowles says : They ALL are Hamas supporters. Let NONE of them into Oz.>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : The WORD Hammas Actually Means" VIOLENCE " And ALL these people, in the west are Marching and Screaming in SUPPORT of "VIOLENCE " on our Streets. THINK About that. This is AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺 and we DONT want it here.>>