<<@lachlanscanlan5621 says : its not a big mine like the video shows and its all farmland ... and yet the largest southern hemisphere useless windmill farm is to be built in south australia on top of amazing caves we can never replace>> <<@John-ul4hv says : NSW included>> <<@John-ul4hv says : we have to rid ourselves of the Digital ID Bill, Identity Identification Bill, Misinformation Bill, WEF, WHO, Labors 'Rent to build Scheme' for international investors continue bleeding Aust, E-karen, Australian gov't abuse of power, fraud & corruption from LNP/Labor vote One Nation give them the balance of power in the Aust Senate to rid Australia of sycophants>> <<@dezzodarling says : "Let them eat cake!!!">> <<@JeannineCoventon says : https://youtu.be/ELHOWCT_3kc?si=91OzOLjKboOd4ikG>> <<@patkelly6349 says : Typical bullshit woke albo>> <<@ROSSSMITH-w7c says : Each Way Albo has another team member Each Way Tanya - what she meant was NOT what she stated - Albo has NOT got the balls to front her for a sacking!>> <<@kerry-leeangel1656 says : Good on you mate, premier of NSW. 🇦🇺>> <<@artistickevful says : Didn’t call out the fake Aunty that made the clam.>> <<@stevebroi4425 says : Get out here and see what a small council has done and not done and the failures under health environmental planning and management/mis management and well then there's the Cadia owners new owners and there bid to find a 10 year mine to cap off there books. We still shit and piss in buckets 3.5 hrs out of Sydney and there's no new housing and the ones that are here are not viable under the costs and failures to have affordable housing either our LEP change rendered villages to squatters entitlement to live here and only 40 new housing opportunity's over a large area with the biggest gold mine the biggest dam a massive wind farm corridor but no transport no jobs other than a banana republic focusing..... Cadia mine and the parliamentary committee meeting ??? You know what it's all about dirty deeds on the cheap and costs to be incurred 30% rates increase for 3 years at 10% each year plus the land generals department valuations means rates up to 50% more with in 4-5 years on what they are now and the biggest contributor Cadia... Over a barrel with all the pork chops leaving, gone or waiting to be served up. 🎉❤😊 So say said You so........>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : Grubby Albosleezy and Grubby Tanya whoever!! Again!! Labour Morons!!>> <<@ssdolgolobov3120 says : Time to take all responsibility. I doubt it will be Tanya who will pay for the economy loses. That will be us again.>> <<@dannypolsky1581 says : We need Federal Government to reverse their decision and go ahead with this promising investment which in the future will bring profits.>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : More grubby labour.. Bullshit!!>> <<@radambrose7571 says : Albo and the Labor Party are not serious about Australian businesses. It is all bulldust. If they were, they would start by ensuring that electricity has plenty of base power and the cost is reduced.>> <<@deanhall6045 says : Haha Labour eating themselves from the inside.>> <<@gw5436 says : It's official, EVERYBODY hates Albanese's guts>> <<@ianenglish123 says : So the lies from Sky and the Regis now surface. Plibaseck did not block the mine, she simply wanted the tailings dam in another location, not the headwaters of the Belubula River. This is the type of misinformation Sky produce. Regis spat the dummy and said she blocked the project. If the project is worth that much then relocation of a tailings dam shouldn't be an issue for a professional mining company. What crap. You would think the Blayney locals would be greatful. A leaking tailings dam into headwaters spells the end of clean water for Blayney and local farmers. Gold mining is particularly destructive producing masses of heavy metal leachates, lead for one. Sky news fails with facts, anything to denigrate the Labor party, and fools believe.>> <<@lapidary70 says : A wealth creation industry that the nation needs to help the counties finances , which has already invested hundreds of millions into the approvals & devolopment of the gold mine , just to be blocked by a labor minister trying to pick up some green & teal preferences at the next election,,,,, wow these neo communist marxist socialist Labor green teals have no respect for the citizens of Australia or the health of the nations infrastructure,,, they have got to be voted out and quickly!>> <<@florianiscrown says : Soo. The Aboriginal Corporation is making money amd Australia is not. 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : Poor decision in the first place so expect a back flip soon. Typical of labour governments who can’t think before they act!>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : Every single minister has been called to resign at some stage… When can we dispose of this rubbish government and get a real government? Tanya Blubbershyte has been caught lying…. Time to go !!!>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Well Chris - that's because the Labor Government is run by idiots with Plibercheck right up there with Albanese and Bowen. But you already know that. Now, just toe the party line and move on.>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : "Disapointing" isn't a word I would use to describe Labour.....WEAK, PATHETIC, TRAITORS, & SPINELESS are more apt I think>> <<@Berserker978 says : Oh!! So the Federal Government Overide the State Government when it suits them. Funny about that. And if that's the case, then they can stop all the Treaty Nonsense and Abide by the Referendum Results.>> <<@rickslaven3564 says : Stop being hippocratical nobody would want it next door to them and their families. Wiradjuri sacred area finally gets a small win. Stop getting opinions from koori that ain't Wiradjuri and ain't their sitting place. Only Wiradjuri from that area have any say under cultural lore. Protect country and its health>> <<@tlb2970 says : Plibersek is evil, she’ll be packing her bags at the next election>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Go Chris Minns! He's going to get a few disapproving looks from pinhead Al-pinocchio and Tinkerbell Tanya, it would be worth it though😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : NEVER TRUST THE JUDGEMENT SKILLS OF A PERSON WHO'D MARRY A SMACK TRAFFICKER>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ELDERLY ACTIVIST HEARS VOICES IN HER HEAD. THE ALP OBEY THE VOICES IN ELDERLY ACTIVIST'S HEAD. THE ALP ARE JUST REVOLTING GAR8AGE ON LEGS.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Not a great decision from Plumberscrack, someone who wants to be leader one day>> <<@LJSheffRBLX says : Sky News Australia, awesome content you deserve more views>> <<@madddevil1 says : Tanya needs to be sacked>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Minns could always play Wolf Man now that Jack Nicholson has retired.>>