<<@bottman1217 says : Critics argue that electing Kamala Harris would not bring the progress some expect and could, in fact, weaken the U.S., especially in times of crisis. Her lack of foreign policy experience raises concerns about her ability to handle high-stakes negotiations with global powers like China or Russia, potentially leaving the U.S. vulnerable. Harris’s shifting positions—such as her backtrack on healthcare—and accusations of dishonesty further erode public trust, making her an unreliable figure in both domestic and international affairs. Her socialistic stances, including increased government intervention in healthcare, the economy, and environmental policies, are seen by critics as harmful to business growth and economic stability. They worry that these policies would hurt job creation, stifle innovation, and lead to a bloated government at the expense of American freedoms and economic progress. Critics also believe that her overreliance on advisors could lead to indecisive or poorly executed responses during critical moments. Additionally, there’s concern that she might mislead the public or manipulate narratives in times of military conflict, which could escalate tensions or undermine national security. This lack of transparency, they argue, would weaken the U.S.'s standing on the world stage. While many people may not personally like Donald Trump, his policies—such as deregulation, tax cuts, and a strong stance on foreign adversaries—are viewed by some as having strengthened the U.S. economy and secured its national interests. By contrast, critics believe that voting for Harris would weaken the nation through ineffective leadership, economic stagnation, and vulnerability in international relations. They fear her leadership would damage U.S. alliances and create further instability both domestically and globally, ultimately weakening the country.>> <<@bigsarge8795 says : "She was a very good vice president" No she really hasn't been>> <<@Kingprofit2100 says : Sad , logic has left the chat . 😂😂 To many sheep>> <<@juanitatreadwell7240 says : A Russian proverb translates to “laughing for no reason is a sign of stupidity." In Russia, randomly smiling at strangers in public is often viewed as a sign of mental illness or inferior intellect. So, "How do you think Putin and all the Russians around the world view Kamala Harris and Tim Walz?">> <<@almorrison4298 says : This country is in trouble with people who vote for skin color or because she is a woman. For the sake of this country, please look at her record. If you want a Socialist, support her.>> <<@icanthc says : Kamala the 🤡🤡🤡>> <<@jadenephrite says : Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles has filed articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris for her high crimes and misdemeanors as well as for her gross incompetence.>> <<@officialstoneytark says : Theo Von said she was a good roller skater apparently...>> <<@gdolly166 says : Sad. These people are voting. Crazy>> <<@royscustompaint says : These Brainwashed Democrat terrorists members are disgusting and idiots.>> <<@redsea3650 says : We will all witness history in Nov. A guy with over 90 indictments and 34 felonies will become President again. Dems/America needs to stop ignoring black folks.>> <<@StephenHand-n7d says : Chinese Spys, Islamic Terrorists, Criminals released from Central and South American jails, MS13 Gang members, Drug traffickers and Human sex smugglers are crossing the border. What could possibly go wrong? Not to mention we arr paying a fortune for these people.>> <<@StephenHand-n7d says : Tim Walz is a weirdo.>> <<@ungovernable429 says : democrats govern by weaponing it against dissenters, and at the end of the day, when the dust clears, we will have the government we deserve.>> <<@thefourcornerszone4286 says : 0:01 The 🪰 on the nose🤥 was ready for the BS 💩 answer>> <<@Poly415 says : What's even more frightening is that the retarded left actually believes she's fit to be President. Trump 2024>> <<@denisereed1759 says : I would ask her supporters what is it like to be braindead?>> <<@danstubbs5032 says : The entire sports department at UCLA for $59.95. that was an accomplishment.>> <<@tulaply8457 says : She is a vice president but she didn’t do anything for anybody in America. Only for herself>> <<@robwinter4173 says : the whole world is laughing at the democrats .....america is going backwards fast because of the democrats....rob>> <<@TheGospelTruthHurts says : Tulsi is a true American. KH is definitely not! No American promotes communism.>> <<@TheGospelTruthHurts says : She has no achievers at all. The border czar couch potato. I bet she was fired from her first job at McDonalds.. I bet she had lots of complaints against her for incompetence at even that job. She sure can lie though.>> <<@FlowKio says : 80’000 violent felons being rereleased every year in cali alone and a majority of them are using bail reform 😂 you can call that an achievement if you’re a criminal>> <<@USeeMe2012 says : What has Trump really done other than cause havoc and division?>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : Low-information low-IQ voters voting for a dumb individual for the wrong reasons...>> <<@bobs1356 says : This is who they want for president? Stupid people.>> <<@billbright1755 says : They have switched to adoption for all of President Trumps policies and abandoned any of Biden’s mandates.>> <<@wokeybrokey8006 says : The sad thing is they have a vote. God help us…>> <<@jeffstreet2536 says : Can’t believe people are so clueless in supporting this puppet. Rated the worst VP ever with a 28 % approval rating. Sad that 28 % of Americans live under a rock.>> <<@KenApo-k9r says : Kamala accomplished is … hahaha hahahaha…. If she win here hahahaha for next 4 years. The people’s of USA will cry for 4 years. TRUMP 2024>> <<@Ronald-y3p says : I don’t give a damn if they’re pink green turquoise somebody qualified in there they ain’t senile or have a clue what they’re doing in there>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : Ahh.. mmmm… ahhh a woman… a woman of colour… OMG what a dumb world those fools live in….>> <<@rodrigo53 says : The dems used to be the informed voters…… what happened?>> <<@alexandrevaliquette3883 says : In all fairness, you could have ask the same question to the same person about what did Trump made when he was in office. They would not know. And this is the same with trump supporter. And this is the same all around the world... Most people are pretty much clueless and are mainly driven by emotion. So... If you read this comment, please do a real Fact Check when you hear something against your side or against the other side. And go a little deeper that what you usually do.>> <<@The_Masta says : The ones who vote for her, are just as crazy as she is.>> <<@michaelmendez5600 says : Can you find out how did Harris pass the bar exam? Don’t you have to be smart to pass it?>> <<@randallhenderson6776 says : it would be like giving just anybody off the street the keys to your company and say now your the Boss the one in charge.>> <<@1chuck23 says : I don't think people generally realize how dangerous the prospect of Kamala Harris being president really is. Maybe after they have to foreclose and the general population is in bread lines they'll understand. If not, just wait until we're in WW3, then they'll understand. Hope she doesn't have the chance to prove me right.>> <<@YolandaCampos-g8p says : Wasting money>> <<@YolandaCampos-g8p says : Nothing>> <<@pookeyhutchison7838 says : Honestly her supporters are just pathetic stupid Lemmings who honestly do not have a brain to share between them.>> <<@scratchdog2216 says : The entire political system comes across as a joke which is why I'm apolitical. To see people being blindly passionate about political pawns amuses me to no end and this election is turning into quite a show.>> <<@adrian8inchcock says : The position Kamala would excell at the most? On all fours.>> <<@fileupdates says : i wonder what this woman thinks before she sleeps each night, i wonder if there is a deep regret from their administration for puppeteering such a low IQ person.>> <<@hammerhead1697 says : She did wonders for knee pad sales.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Why didn't Harris make just 1x phone call in 2021 to the US Army and close and control the border like they did so successfully from 1840s to 1940s? Why doesn't she do interviews?>> <<@anushkie100 says : All she can offer is crazy fake laughter>> <<@anushkie100 says : It’s so pathetic>> <<@angelinamiamor says : 😳 Does she have any??? 😳😳😳😳>> <<@adrian8inchcock says : The Democratic Party, its affiliates, supporters and sympathisers in a nutshell: *Vicious • Liberal • Scum • Losers & Screwballs*>>