<<@Afflictamine says : sky news = zionist>> <<@AsifJustChillin says : The Grinch's little sister Rita. Do savage marauding jewish settlers go through civil coury while Palestinians in the Wesr Bank go through military court? You know what two different legals systems for two different people is called? Thats right Grinchess - its called apartheid>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : You do know that anyone with access to the internet can easily debunk your BS right, Doggie? Go ahead. Tell us that hamas is responsible for Israel's invasion of the West Bank. :I>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israel is a terrorist, barbaric, criminal, cowardly occupation force. Israel is a monster, stole Palestinian land. Free Palestine from the river to the sea. Palestine has all right to resist Israel's occupation. Israel is an illegal apartheid settlement.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israel is a terrorist, barbaric, criminal, cowardly occupation force. Israel is a monster, stole Palestinian land. Free Palestine from the river to the sea. Palestine has all right to resist Israel's occupation. Israel is an illegal apartheid settlement.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israel is a terrorist, barbaric, criminal, cowardly occupation force. Israel is a monster, stole Palestinian land. Free Palestine from the river to the sea. Palestine has all right to resist Israel's occupation. Israel is an illegal apartheid settlement.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israel is a terrorist, barbaric, criminal, cowardly occupation force. Israel is a monster, stole Palestinian land. Free Palestine from the river to the sea. Palestine has all right to resist Israel's occupation. Israel is an illegal apartheid settlement.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israel is a terrorist, barbaric, criminal, cowardly occupation force. Israel is a monster, stole Palestinian land. Free Palestine from the river to the sea. Palestine has all right to resist Israel's occupation. Israel is an illegal apartheid settlement.>> <<@Joshysedits says : Yep it’s an apartheid currently a Palestinian Christian with Israeli citizenship is being kicked out of there land by Israel settlers and the Israeli settlers are being supported by the IDF. There are no equal rights stop lying.>> <<@scorpionking4012 says : Just think about how many people in that cult around the world, that the country of Israel is driving them mad like rabid sheep’s …. ❤️❤️❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺>> <<@royalrea2507 says : Zuckeraturd is a gutless spineless worm, who's companies should broken up with anti trust rules.>> <<@RaymondWatson-cy2ub says : ❤️🥰🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🥰❤️>> <<@TheDaffygluk says : This turkey is your typical lying colonial fascist>> <<@20101tom says : Dougles and Rita you will always be welcomed in the holy land we will treat you like kings sends our love all the way from Israel>> <<@terrythekittieful says : Without the freedom of Palestinians , our freedom is incomplete -Nelson Mandela>> <<@JoeShmo8868 says : 6:20>> <<@jkgcank9 says : Apartheid? The family members who were interviewed all spoke perfect Hebrew. They also seemed perfectly at ease in the hospital surrounded by Jewish/Israeli doctors and other medical staff. If that’s apartheid then let’s all be apartheid.>> <<@bandanakabana4494 says : We should stop listening to nelson mandala and listen that idiots on TV>> <<@JsckSzx says : sky continue to work for israel gov pushing their propganda>> <<@EllyMoody says : Why is Australia on Israel's side? The Tehran - Ivy League brainwashed haven't got to them? 🎗️❤️🇺🇸 #BringThemHomeNow>> <<@yoav4705 says : god bless israel>> <<@merav1624 says : The hostage said excitedly: "Suddenly I heard voices behind the door in Hebrew..." The irony... when a Muslim hears Arabic and is shocked and in complete contrast he hears Hebrew and realizes that his salvation has come...>> <<@Whatdoesthismean420 says : Everyday more and more are finding out the truth! Glory to Israel🙏💪>> <<@tdmprofit3708 says : Stop lying Sky! Hamas was financed by Israel in the late 1970's.The leader was Ahmed Yassin. The man in the wheelchair. Used against the Palestinian Liberation Army and Yasser Arafat. Hamas was used as direct opposition. Israel thought they could control the PLA using Hamas. Yasser Arafat eventually came round and was trying to make peace negotiations happen with Israel. Was locked under house arrest until he died. Hamas grew into what it is today. Israel thought Hamas could be controlled. It was never going to happen! Not everyone has Mandela effect! Forgotten history! No wonder they want to censor speech. Control the net. Yell conspiracy theory. Strong men are offended by lies. Weak men are offended by the truth. God bless the innocent Palestinians and Jewish people. Especially the children!>> <<@ramstrong1961 says : Sky News Australia continue to lie about Israel not being an apartheid state>> <<@alexguzz1405 says : Apartheid exists in the Arab world. Jordan, Lebanon and Syria keep Palestinian Arabs in refugee camps for generations and deprive them from citizenship. Palestinian Arabs in Israel are citizens and have the same rights as other people.>> <<@JonathanRLight says : I am confused about which miniority is suppressing which majoirty with state policies.>> <<@Kay-sd1fw says : Anyone with half a brain or a non-colonialist mindset can see that Israel is worse than South africas apartheid, worse than Hitler and are more evil than any terrorist organisation to date !!!>> <<@gao1812 says : Meanwhile, non-Muslims, gays and women are treated as second-class citizens in isIamic countries.>> <<@yl8684 says : ONLY A FOOL WILL DEFEND: A GOD CALLED ALLAH A PROPHET CALLED MUHAMMAD & A BOOK CALLED QUR'AN The Muslims Countries will be Prosper and Peaceful if the UNITED NATION recognise the Taliban Govt, Hamas Govt, Hezbollah Govt, Houthi Govt, ISIS Govt. Jihad Govt. Boko Haram Govt, Al Qaeda Govt, etc etc.😂😂 THE MOST POISONOUS RELIGION THE WORK OF THE DEVIL>> <<@yl8684 says : MUSLIM'S JANNAH 1. 72 Houri imported from Hellfire 2. Drinking wine with Allah 3. Stabbing & bombings eachother fighting for any virgin (old women virgin, ugly women virgin, ugly girl virgin, disabled virgin, ladyboy virgin etc)>> <<@Marie16240 says : “Mostly peaceful stubbing” 🤯🤯🤯>> <<@wayneingram9233 says : Thank you Sky for spreading the Truth>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@Discovery2024-rn8kn says : I lived in South Africa for over 32 years. What Israel did and doing right now to Palestinians is exponentially worse. The old SA government didn't bombed townships, hospitals, schools and shoot kids and children by the thousands. You fools commenting here are beyond delusional, your time of reckoning will come.>> <<@montysouther-f9i says : Funny how his hair & beard was TRIMMED???>> <<@IsmailPatel-w2r says : I'm lying now, listen everyone, listen I'm lying to you. Israel is an apartheid state. As if the world can't see through these fakes.>> <<@acqueenarkpyanne721 says : Such an utter disgrace n shallow usless reporting of nonsence n inaccuracies by these news anchor..so shameful nn utterly biased>> <<@GBInspire says : I visited Israel when I was young. What I found was people of all religions and races working and living without racial segregation. There was no institutionalised separation of races like I had witnessed in apartheid South Africa. Different races couldn’t marry, they lived in seperate areas, went to seperate schools etc. How can this be compared with Israel?>> <<@robertcampomizzi7988 says : Americans don't have free health care. Canada must be an apartheid state or something.>> <<@marwankurdi379 says : It's easy to distinguish who is and who isn't a noise box for a terror state>> <<@jennyrice7921 says : How in aparthaid state an arabic muslim judge can send to prison an Israeli PM - Ehud Ulmert. make it make sense. The left is so ill informed.>> <<@hadesthedarkhelm says : Amnesty international is not lying. Nelson Mandela did not lie. Stop spreading Zionist propaganda.>> <<@MrThune says : IDF are heroes! The best military in the world!>> <<@j2640-q4t says : Glad the gentleman got saved and is safe but as a 45year-old South African that spent half his life under Apartheid and half in the new South African democratic dispensation I can assure you Israel is an Apartheid state, the West Bank refers. And I have millions of my fellow countrymen and women who agrees with me. The parallels are apparent. We can't all be wrong. Even Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of Apartheid said: "Israel, like South Africa, is an Apartheid state." Then there is also the dubious historical relationship between the South African Apartheid regime and Israel. South Africa knew the system was not sustainable and an afront to human dignity and wisely abandoned it. Current day Israel is what would have happened to us in South Africa had we continued on this destructive path. We chose a better way and not a drop of blood was spilt.>> <<@BooglestationTermoil says : See its not apartheid ! this one individual doesn´t look like us,, See.. ?>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : I stand with Israel!!>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : GRUBBY FILTY HAMMAS!!>> <<@Ilforever1124 says : There are Arabs in Israel living alongside Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bedouins, Druze, All are different Arabs. Who are the Palestinians!?>> <<@ianenglish123 says : This is Israeli narrative they want you to believe. The Israeli government is an apartment government its blatantly obvious to anyone whose followed middle easy policies since the PLO and Camp David agreement.>>