<<@youngflashy7181 says : A wise man once said “if communism ever comes to America, it will be under the guise of Liberalism”>> <<@CrusaderGeorgeWBush says : That was pure Brrainrott>> <<@JayDoebler says : Harris seems incompetent for Americans 💯>> <<@JayDoebler says : Kamala Harris seems incompetent she is kinda all over the place with policies>> <<@Cell9074 says : The world is dying>> <<@HAIYANE9910 says : If kamala harris would be elected, could trigger another Cold War with Russia and China. Kim Jong Un and Putin wants trump back, if it's, then America will ended up become USSA or (United States Social America) and NATO turn ito WARSAW PACT 2.0>> <<@PolishUser says : Kamala will not be a communists. She become president she will does nothing the economy will be the worse since the great depression. And she will allow the politicians to send billions of dollars to foreign governments. 4 more years of misery.>> <<@barrymarsh4236 says : THE CZAR OF COWARDIST STUPIDITY>> <<@erichguenter8974 says : Trump Trump Trump>> <<@jmlepunk says : Americans are such clowns. Thinking that Kamala is a communist 😂 I could only wish she was, and introduce some socialised healthcare and mandatory paid vacations every year. We Europeans are laughing at your ignorance and imbecility Fox News!>> <<@debrastanford8761 says : WE CAN VOTE, BUT IN REALITY, THE TOP 5 OR 6, WILL "PLACE" EVERYONE THEY WANT IN OFFICE...IF I'M WRONG, FORGIVE ME , BUT I HAVE LITTLE HOPE, NOW THAT I SEE SUCH DARKNESS AND EVIL NASTY PEOPLE AHEAD...😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮>> <<@debrastanford8761 says : DEBATE , DEBATE, DEBATE, IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SEEEE HER EYES & FACE AS SHE ANSWERS QUESTIONS, PLEASE😮>> <<@debrastanford8761 says : WON T ANSWER THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS😢😢😢>> <<@debrastanford8761 says : Look at the past 3 years, DISCUSTING....😢😢😢>> <<@amandad6104 says : 4:52 He's not lying>> <<@leoaron4455 says : Because Harris runs with the Foxes and also runs either the Hounds… weak character cannot be a strong honest PRESIDENTIAL LEADER … Fake personified>> <<@leoaron4455 says : Because Harris runs with the Foxes and also runs either the Hounds… weak character cannot be a strong honest PRESIDENTIAL LEADER … Fake personified>> <<@IViv4942 says : Ur polls are way off stop gaslighting harris shes a dumpster 🔥 trump is destroying her in every state harris intolerable atrue blue moran!!>> <<@IViv4942 says : Shawn like ur show brother but telll ur boss stop lieng about the polls trump is beating her in every state and its not enough close stop protecting harris shes. Illiterate dumb as a box of rocks she belongs in the 3rd grade>> <<@karenkilpatrick687 says : The democrates have been rediculas for the intire last 4 years they turned oyr world intoba joke and theybtreated the presidency like a joke they are rediculas not serious just like high school spates constantly ,like that is what we oay them for , they want to be our bosses not the y it really is where we are the boss>> <<@karenkilpatrick687 says : Kamalla doesenf even know whybshe believes the things she does she can t exsplain why her ideas are better for americans , at all because her pkans are much worsh for all americans , ya kbow its all well and good to be nice to transfenders but they make up only .ooool % of our population and the democrates , who really couldend care less about transgenders , want the reast of the american population to change for .oooo1 % OF OUR PEOPLE IT IS REDICULAS>> <<@justsaying4352 says : Says the Fascist, Josef Goebbels clone with spray- on hair, LOL!!>> <<@Mastermind111111 says : Stephen Miller for President>> <<@mariyastefanova4336 says : These are all benefits that all of Europe (including the UK) has been enjoying for decades and they are all great - free/universal healthcare, free or cheap medication, free or cheap education, free or subsidised housing for the less fortunate - it's called 'taking care of your citizens'. You should try it for a change. But why do it if you can get donations from big pharma, insurance and healthcare to fund your campaign. Such a great bunch of caring people the Republican are!>> <<@sunnyriver-b7c says : Stephen Miller:👍👍👍👍👍🌹 🈳️🈳️Kamala joined the Communist Party at the age of 16, so Trump called her Comrade. Her solution to the housing problem is to let Americans fight for bricks and turn USA into a land of bricks🧱. Bricks are everywhere in a socialist country!❌🈲😠😡👿>> <<@jp-nd3vd says : Does miller read meihn>> <<@pipermaisiemae1999 says : As long as she isn't a brainwashed republican>> <<@bryanyankulov3162 says : God Bless America 🇺🇸>> <<@leizee1224 says : Communism is popular now, can't blame Democrats strategy>> <<@kellymoore4517 says : Kamala Harris is more confused than a chameleon in a bowl of skittles.>> <<@CalvaryConfessor says : She won't be elected>> <<@lilianacintron4472 says : This elections are the most important in our life. IS FREEDOM VS COMMUNISM>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : Thoughtful insight, thank you for sharing.>> <<@aseyoga says : I blame it on the education system. It's a no-brainer. Harris's past actions will be here in the future. I give it to her, she is playing many Americans, especially women and black folks like a fiddle. Its no way the polls should be even close.>> <<@SimmonsLimmons says : I've looked into the soundbites on Hannity's website, some scary stuff.>> <<@grandaddyoe1434 says : Kamala won’t ever espouse policies for the next four years or she’d be arrested, not elected . . .>> <<@edcosgrove9730 says : Herr Stephen Himmler is showing his political hero rhetoric...>> <<@melehovell says : Kumala ban for using turmeric and paprika>> <<@truthmatters5272 says : DO NOT FORGET * TRUMP wanted his nephew to die. He stopped the trust payment for his medical condition. Cheated on three wives, the 1st time is cheating, but two more times is evil. Stole from charity, wines, and dines with billionaire, many people he worked in the White House, created Plan 2025, even Vance wrote in it. MANY Wants TRUMP to be the first King of America. Read your Bible about wealthy and how hard it is to get into heaven. Read about how God holds people in leadership positions are held to a higher standard. Read what Jesus said about people that say Eye for an Eye, and see what Jesus says about someone who speaks about retaliation.>> <<@edwinaortiz5855 says : FIRE HYENA KAMALA..... THE TRUE AMERICAN PEOPLE DESERVE BETTER..... T.R.U.M.P AND VANCE 2024 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@livingintheforest3963 says : Love Stephen Miller he should be the next Border Czar!!!>> <<@livingintheforest3963 says : Because she floats with the wind, she’s like a wave if she says whatever to get elected and the people behind her or telling her what to do she won’t be ruling. It will be the people behind her ruling. She’s just picked as a straw lady.>> <<@kathyhaindl5799 says : So if she wins She can be absent just like Joe>> <<@kathyhaindl5799 says : Why is she allowed to get away with this?>> <<@kathyhaindl5799 says : What about Kamala stating that she would debate Trump anywhere anytime Play that for viewers She said that right when she started her campaign>> <<@QTEPYE says : On Monday, August 2024, donald trump has released images like the one where donald is seen giving a thumbs-up with his evil and vile s$&t-eating grin while standing on gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery. donald's staff violated Arlington National Cemetery rules of not taking photos for partisan purposes. Cemetery staff member had tried to prevent them from violating the policy, but was physically and verbally attacked by two trump lickspittles. Note for num-nutz like donald and his lickspittles: There are security cameras throughout the cemetery. And, along with designated cemetery staff members, are soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, in civilian attire, are out-&-about taking official videos and photos of events taking place at the cemetery. donald, *_smile_* , show your dental implants, because you're on camera.>> <<@kathyhaindl5799 says : I love Stephen Miller>> <<@magdacska says : Dana Bash interview is pre taped>> <<@helengrim691 says : Have you noticed how tampon tim has his hand over top of kommie kamala and the looks he gives her ... he does NOT like running as 2nd under a WOMAN !! JUST WATCH HIM the hand hold is meaning he wants control !!>> <<@davidgraichen982 says : Slick Willie, then Soetoro!>>