<<@melvan1104 says : Vance is disgusting. He needs some therapy - especially for his issues with women>> <<@danielbutler946 says : I'm sorry Vance but this is a case where that type of talk has no place and this may be a big reason why you guys lose. They were fishing for an apology wither you meant it or not.>> <<@mariatu7452 says : JD, IF YOU THINK THAT TALKING POINT WILL MAKE YOUR TEAM WIN, GOOD LUCK ON THAT. VOTE BLUE FOR SANITY.>> <<@marybhim-rao4696 says : WALZ is so correct- get those gutters cleaned, thats why Trump needs to go. He's blocking up democracy!!>> <<@RashidaJamieson says : I don't think Vance should have kids. He can't love in all capacity. That's really sad.>> <<@istand4america333 says : This network and many others are totally biased. We Americans are tired of networks, deciding that they are going to push their views on with the American people. Why can’t you just say the truth? You don’t produce other information regarding the other side of the political arena? Do you? No you do not. I do agree, that someone who is educating, my child is not to persuade, discuss or give personal experience or knowledge regarding their morals, values, and definitely their gender or their right to decide in elementary, junior high or high school. That is the parental role. As an educator and as a teacher, we are to teach math, science, technology, history, and the beautiful cultures of art, music, etc. It is our job to bring fourth education to promote children all the way to launching into young adulthood education, which will help them to prosper and be astute in the desired Career or profession they choose. So I would say you are taking this, but someone is saying as far as Mr. Vance prior before him becoming VP candidate, out of context. He has a right to give his personal opinion. As though every other single 2000 comments on here have the right. Is that correct? we want our children to be educated so they are intelligent and ready for the future. No school no educator has any right to discuss as I had stated above values, morals, gender, transgender issues. These are not the basis of the foundation of education. Think clearly and CNN do your job stop bringing up propaganda to make others, whether they are on one side of the arena or the other in the political arena stop bringing misinformation. Your bias and needs to make sure you are putting for the effort to bring forth other clips of the other candidates stating lies they promised or even they were the borders are? Yes, show those clips where the president of the United States Says that Kamala Harris, the vice president is the United States borders are. She even says so in mini clips. You do not promote these. You are not promoting the truth. It is misinformation and bias. You were trying to run your network for only one party and therefore, I believe it’s illegal when you do not show or permit the truth and show both sides. we Americans deserve information on the news which is bias. Or else you’re just a rich person trying to persuade people who can’t get on a charter jet and go discuss personally with the candidate running for any political position. You are subjecting your own opinion upon Americans. This is wrong. You are fully funded by one of the one to what 2% of Americans who are creating misinformation and that should be considered illegal and definitely unrighteous and unfair to American Americans. Please stop with the bias, misinformation. It should be illegal and under the federal government, the FCC, you should be cited for illegal activity. The government should not let networks on television or on social media like YouTube and YouTube you shouldn’t permit this. We want unbiased news. Americans deserve this.>> <<@np3671 says : I feel so sorry for his wife, who is only NOW seeing the right Shady side of Vance. She should have left him when he was still in his DRAG time ......>> <<@melissanussbaum4378 says : I agree 100 percent that people that dont have kids have no ideal what we as parents want for our kids. You can love kids but if your not a parent you don't really know.>> <<@laquishadouglas6437 says : What a idiot!>> <<@GuRay252 says : JD said something true because the biological reality backs up his statements. And yes people without children can't truly know the needs of those with children. That's why companies are paying for the oportions 😮. Who really wants to control women, really think about it. Don't fall for the fake news.>> <<@mhartan says : Christ had no children. I guess Christ's views should be discounted according to Vance?>> <<@tenishajohnson9302 says : He is the devils horrible grandson....They need to superglue his lips shut😂>> <<@missinterpretation4984 says : He’s so pathetic when he tries to go all edgy and say “hell.” 😂>> <<@khalilramos3499 says : Another dumb person running for VP position—->> <<@kimcelowy6428 says : This man does not represent the values of our country. He espouses the values of the Taliban. He's banking on trumps age and mental deterioration to be president and put project 2025 in place. He is truly a dangerous man to over half of the humans (women). He needs to be jetisoned from not only the Republican party (if there is any left) but from the country. What he proposes is uncivilized. WE WILL NOT GO BACK!>> <<@murphytn says : Fascism people. It's knocking at the door!! This fool wants to control EVERYTHING! SO GROSS!!!>> <<@Savalatte says : What about his benefactor Peter Thiel? He's gay and has children through artificial means somehow that he shares with his gay husband so is THAT okay with JD Vance?>> <<@mikestalder says : JD Vance, you are so weird! You are Evil with your friends, like Satan and Trump. You have ruined your future and and you have hurt some very nice people who you try to ruin through speaches, and you dont even know these people. Who needs Satan when you have Trump or Vance, as evil and hurtful as Satan has ever been.>> <<@VW-su2bu says : Get your mind outta the gutter 😅>> <<@sc-th8vx says : In my opinion ; I can't imagine being Vance's wife. She has likely never recieved a real apology for anything he has done wrong in their relationship. He's a narcissist. He is incapable of actually apologizing or admitting fault. Always with the mental gymnastics to shift blame. It must be exhausting to be his wife. Constantly gaslit. "Your too sensitive, or it was just a joke, or thats not what i actually said, or its your fault that you interpreted it that way and I'm sorry that you think i did something wrong" kind of shit he says all the time.. Thats who he is. A narcissist who is suckling on Trump's tit in order to use him up so they can try and win. And if they get into power the makers of project 2025 has most likely guaranteed him that uncontrollable stupid ass Trump will be cast aside and Vance will be in charge because he actually is 100% in Favor of their views and plans for America. Trump is just a means to an end, so they get the votes from his cult followers. And they had no choice but to use him because he won the Republicans primary. Trump is old, stupid and will be very easy to get rid of so Vance can step in to the # 1 spot to implement their horrid plans for project 2025. I dont think they have any plans on actually keeping trump around if they win. I think either the assassination attempt was fake or it was done by project 2025 to get trump out of the way at the same time putting vance in the #1 spot running and vance would scream for trump turning hin into a marter in the eyes of his cult followers guaranteeing an uproar in support from his angry voters. Thats my conspiracy theory.>> <<@EdGeman-mr4xd says : This JD Vance guy is a glorified moron. He lacks common sense and he is such a jerk that it can conclusively be asserted that, where he is and his so called accomplishments have not been obtained on the basis of objective meritocracy, but by his identity and the default affirmative action that identity enjoys.>> <<@emjai2122 says : You know who else didn’t have biological children??? JOSEPH (husband of Mary)—according to the Bible that is…. So shall we no let the Joseph’s of the world vote like JD Vance says? 😂 I think not.>> <<@ajbb-h1u says : love KAMALA i come in from india free border we coming in millions will get all americans have big life thank you kamala free housing everything give us more💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🤎🤎💕💕🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎💟💟🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤>> <<@kyrgyzstanification says : He strikes me as a closeted gay for some reason. A pasty-faced ,chubby nerd trying to sound like a tough guy. What a joke.>> <<@kaiarevalo2952 says : Hahahahhahha this dude is WEIRD asf hahahhaha>> <<@steve19811 says : No one trust CNN anymore. Serious propaganda .......>> <<@user-vs6yr7vn8h says : Vance is so obsessed with controlling others. For years he cannot leave childless people alone. Boo.>> <<@EasyPlatinum says : Its amazing how the left can make what he is saying to be something it isnt, he is simply saying that people or woman without children should NOT be dictating how are children should be raised, taught or influenced! Trump/Vance 2024!!! ❤❤💯💯>> <<@josecastrejon1496 says : Feel sorry for his children, since they have JD as a father! 🌈😎>> <<@csandstraveler says : With all the negative comments about hat Vance has spewed towards women. Why on earth was he selected as nominee vice president? My gosh, where is his humanity?😢>> <<@valeriegirelli4740 says : What the hell does having children have to do with anyone’s job? Nuns are teachers! How about that? He has an obsession with childless women! Why???>> <<@SharonHuneycutt says : He is so sick!😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾🙀🙀🙀🙀😼😼😼😼😊>> <<@sloperdad4835 says : V.D. Vance wants to hire more janitors.>> <<@MarkBaldini says : One party wants to look in your daughters pants to see if she has a vagina before she’s allowed to play girls sports in school. That’s the same party wants to make sure that if you have a stalker and they SA’s you, resulting in pregnancy, that party wants to make sure that you have that child. And good luck making sure that you don’t get 100% custody of that baby. This is the same party as “fathers rights” for situation of abuse, including that they fight tooth and nail to make sure that abusive father has access to his guns, even if it is provable that he has been threatening his wife with those firearms. Republicans are the party of families like Hitler is the party of Jews>> <<@sallyprzybil2404 says : Jethro Clampbett ( from the Beverly Hillibillies) just making things worse for himself….doesnt JD just remind you of the dumb character Jethro from that old TV show?>> <<@coyoote5 says : Do you know majority of cat ladies are karens😂😂😂 TRUMP 2024>> <<@jcanyiam8309 says : Hello JD (RED-NECK) Vance, I'm a Childless, Catless and Dogless! SO WHAT, frankly YOU CAN GO TO HELL!!!>> <<@jcanyiam8309 says : Trump would have done better had he chosen his Daughter IVANKA, than a RED-NECK trying to be high class!>> <<@Lucinda-j5e says : Vote blue 💙💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@Lucinda-j5e says : VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@okidokiwi-fq3hj says : J D VANCE ' what can one say I am speechless ! as for DONALD J TRUMP ' I best not write !>> <<@bjornivarant says : well it's rich to watch this spinless broken ventriloquist doll of Trump addressing real people as a problem. what a turd>> <<@Princeps3scorpionus says : He is a sinister punk bully. No female should remotely consider voting for him and his overlords.>> <<@trudyjager5609 says : Taught for over 40 years, was never blessed with children but enjoyed teaching hundreds of children. Mr. Vance pretends to be a Christian. These kind of comments turn off many of us.>> <<@siena3498 says : Nuns. Nuns are childless teachers. Obviously jd vance did not go to Catholic School.>> <<@bwagpdx802 says : Ok Tim. I'll clean my damn gutters. I have to put that moss stuff on there too i guess. The guy is so relatable.>> <<@princellasmith7562 says : This man has so many mommy issues.>> <<@anitataylor7607 says : The most painful moment of my life was being told i would never be able to have children. I taught pre-k for 10 years , have always loved kids and am constantly told that I would have been a great mother. Sadly I was not blessed with the opportunity. I find his obsession with childless people insulting and just weird . I can't help but to wonder what kind of a father he actually is. Does he truly love his family or are they just political props to him at this point?>> <<@jenniferkinney9840 says : OMG - and teachers & pediatricians & OB/Gyn's can't possibly understand or love or care for children if they don't have their own biological children. Notice how he doesn't go after (white) men who don't have children...>> <<@mickcindysal6264 says : He is a sick demented weirdo. I actually feel sorry for his kids. This is a man that should not be around children. My Daddy used to say "Any mongrel dog can fertilize an egg. But it takes a special person to be a good Dad and respectable person".>>