<<@ldc5603 says : California legislature obvious supports r*pe of female prisoners. Did anyone ask the women if they wanted to be threatened this way while incarcerated??? Maybe they need to let these transgender live in the home of these congresswomen. See how they like not having a choice about a male being forced upon you.>> <<@missannie8012 says : Thank you senator Grove! It's hard enough to be in prison.>> <<@The-F.R.E.E.-J. says : Culture of death, rape and perversion, thy name is "Democrat".>> <<@bambam144 says : bild the wall around comifornia too.>> <<@coolname5223 says : Anyone with a brain could and did say what would happen.>> <<@firealarmslegosetc.9810 says : She backed down not really prepared for the talk.>> <<@matthewpredmore6523 says : California is as lost as Britain, France, and Germany.>> <<@ischmel3884 says : People of good conscience should leave Calif...and allow it to go bankrupt with it's absurdities.>> <<@leewalker120 says : The woke are so right they don't need to listen.>>