<<@simplyedd91 says : No one foresee this specially Iran who funded all of this>> <<@catherinewilson9894 says : Why is the US funding a genocide??? AIPAC is EVIL!!>> <<@cdyjv118 says : “Palestinian Ministry of Health” like thats not just a mouthpiece for Hamas>> <<@ucapsalam says : Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “˹It is˺ Allah ˹Who˺ gives you life, then causes you to die, then will gather you ˹all˺ on the Day of Judgment, about which there is no doubt. But most people do not know.” Al Jathiyah>> <<@amerehumsafar347 says : All eye on American hypocrisy>> <<@Kali4Action says : Allah says the punishment is in the act, Waylun (Woe) means something that has already happened or been done and cannot be changed; such as the wrath and punishment of Allah, as a condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction, or grief that Allah promises the criminals. In al-Baqarah (The Cow) Ayah:78 Allah says: Waylun (woe) to those. And there are among them (Jews) `Ummyyun (unlettered) people, who know not the Book, but they trust upon Amani (false desires) and they but guess. 79. Then woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say, "This is from Allah,'' to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby. Abbas - Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs - (Therefore woe) severe punishment, and it is said this means: a valley in hell (be unto those who write the Scripture with their hands) change the description and traits of Muhammad (pbuh) in the Book (and then say, “This is) in the Book that has come (from Allah”, that they may purchase) through changing and altering it (a small gain therewith) a small gain in terms of means of subsistence and surplus of property. (Woe unto them) theirs is a severe punishment (for what their hands have written) have altered (and woe unto them) and theirs is a severe punishment (for what they earn thereby) of unlawful earnings and bribes. Source: https://quranx.com/Tafsirs/2.79>> <<@ucapsalam says : Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I have been forbidden to worship those ˹idols˺ you worship besides Allah, since clear proofs have come to me from my Lord. Ghafir>> <<@Tttttttttthdhdheuusbrueh says : Simple they want land>> <<@AviMotola-x8i says : Fakestinians 😂😂😂>> <<@marvelosas9489 says : This is terror 😢>> <<@ObmChris says : Wooooo go isreal!>> <<@TonyFabris-lb2mg says : The Bastard Israel has learned nothing from the Holocaust. Now they are doing the same thing to the Palestinians . It’s a Genocide .>> <<@aSkibidiRunner says : 🇮🇱>> <<@joegonzales1229 says : Why don’t the terrorist surrender ??>> <<@kennethwilson8633 says : We stand with Israel.>> <<@ritadecassiaguimaraesmonte9719 says : Go ahead Israel !>> <<@tebNsf says : This is so wrong. Israel was ordered out of the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza by a court. If I name it, this channel will remove my comment. The world is watching how pur country covers for Israel as they commit cry mes. Our government and even our news will not say what is really happening. Shame.>> <<@MichaelDemitre says : So yoü kñow, all though I condemn the HAMAS attack of October 7th, 2023, Israel are the occupiers and have basically had Gaza setup like an open air prison where they have treated the Palestinian people atrociously. Since their all out assault on Gaza, they have targeted civilians. I have seen video footage of the atrocities committed to the Palestinian people and they amount to war crimes and Crimes against Humanity. Netanyahu is a war criminal. 😔>> <<@tebNsf says : The escalations in the West Bank are shameful. Israel is violating every treaty and law of war. The I C C ordered Israel to leave the West Bank and they agent.>> <<@Dessert-Storm says : North Atlantic Terrorist Organization N.A.T.O>> <<@GotoHere says : I remember world peace with President Trump.>> <<@josephsonora3787 says : fjb & hidin'harris SAID SURING THE DNC C0NVENTI0N THERE R G00D PE0PL£ 0N B0TH SIDES!>> <<@connortilson7141 says : From the Atlantic to the Pacific, America must be FREE, from AIPAC!😊>> <<@hochinglee8966 says : Who started the war ? Now it's retariation No doubt 👀 ⭕>> <<@IndiaBharathindustanIndia says : Isarael ❤love india>> <<@itrulybelievedoyou2660 says : Izntreal & ALL that support it WILL one day get your share, remember that!!>> <<@steve1340 says : “Operation in Gaza”. CNN employees don’t understand or afraid to say “genocide in Gaza” ???>> <<@shannonhardee5449 says : I pray For Isreal . ❤❤❤>> <<@sansajune8004 says : Alternative title: Israel launches terrorist invasion of the westbank>> <<@thomasbone8645 says : United States needvt9 stop supplying Isreal. They do no5 want peace.>>