<<@melvinieborden9998 says : At least he showed up!!!! Our so called President and Vice President didn’t care enough to show up. Trump never missed a memorial at Arlington Cemetery. We need Trump back as our President. Harris will put us more in debt just like Biden has.>> <<@twohandsandaradio says : Shame CNN has to delete comments that don't fit their narrative.>> <<@hi.everybuddy7560 says : Could you have found any more of a blowhard cnn? What about when Obama took pictures of himself laughing in section 60 at Arlington Cemetery and release those? Don't you have the pictures that Hillary who was never even president released of herself laughing by grave sites in Arlington Cemetery what about John McCain's full length campaign ad professionally produced? Shame on you and shame on this general he should turn in his stars and his retirement pension>> <<@jblcva says : Trump was INVITED by the family's to be there. So was Ka Ka and Beach boy Biden. Ka Ka was less than 10 mins away, in her mansion. Joe was to busy vacationing at the beach. You like me is a Veteran. I am calling you a low life. Just as Trump was excoriating you traitor Generals.>> <<@phillipjohnson1459 says : All that matters is that the families asked him to be there he didnt just show up just another sign of tds>> <<@creepyoldhouseexplorersclub says : NPR is BS Here is Facts https://youtu.be/ZfgDCNjS48I?si=SAiT4SSqcNOtcx8p>> <<@totallydougie9386 says : I mean, haven't Republicans always politicized the military? Now we just have a guy who doesn't give a s**t and actively dislikes his voters. It's a crazy time to be alive.>> <<@abelhernandez2099 says : CNN is trash and that video was doctrine by trashy media>> <<@Moderator-e1y says : CNN want trump to lose so bad. Desperate freaks>> <<@dewz440 says : Anyone with an ounce of intelligence looks at Trump and sees him for what he actually is. A MAGA republican looks at Trump and sees him for what he says he is. The difference is frightening.>> <<@karlhoppe1974 says : Some 65 American service members died in combat while serving Trump during his time in the White House office from January 2017 to January 2021. There were fatalities every year of his presidency, according to the "hostile action" records compiled by the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS), which is maintained by a government defense agency. Of those 65 deaths, there were 45 combat deaths reported in Afghanistan alone, according to the Associated Press.>> <<@Matthitizidu says : All lies and propoganda 😂>> <<@HMullen-d5p says : Biden took pictures and a video in Arlington so I don’t understand why one president can do it but another cant>> <<@jeriwestrom3550 says : THERE WASN'T ANY ISSUE EXCEPT FOR THE LYING BY CNN AND ALL THOSE WHO ARE DEMOCRATS!!! 🤥👺🤥👺🤥👺>> <<@laurasimpson7211 says : Democrats only speak of this to win brownie points! Trump was invited and the family wanted pictures and videos! Maybe they should have been told about the rules!!!!!>> <<@Kyrieeleison70x7 says : You missed the part about the Gold Star families INVITING Trump, later speaking out in defense of him, and completely denouning Kamala Harris..but you won't report that, will you?>> <<@lynneuribeross2695 says : The general is a disgrace to the uniform!!!>> <<@chriswinters1248 says : CNN Morons !!! All lies>> <<@edwardrodriguez5236 says : Yeah ok. But the family wanted trump there. What the FCK that has to do with anything to fix the country!! Even the family members spoke out about it! FOH.>> <<@shiftd_1114 says : Now we know this shxt was manufactured , what a shocker , but just look how many sheep believed this story in this comment section.... crazy fks>> <<@thunderbolt2145 says : All FAKE NEWS>> <<@GIspecialty says : Trump was invited by the familys, another bs story for cnn.>> <<@themsmidge69 says : Trump thinks all military enlisted are suckers. There’s a difference in ‘being seen’ as some of the families said and being used. Do they really think that if they’re deceased were alive but horribly maimed Trump would have shown up for pics? He has said repeatedly he doesn’t want to see or be near ‘people like that’-so if you think Trump is seeing you and yours, you’re wrong, and I’m sorry you have mistaken being used for being cared about.>> <<@themsmidge69 says : I’m sorry but he says he wasn’t there to make videos for his campaign, but that’s exactly what he’s doing! Why do they have videos (if they actually are telling the truth, which is questionable) of the initial altercation with the Arlington employee? If they were already videoing I’d say that they were going to get as much footage as possible and put it together later in an oh-so touching as about how much Trump cares for America’s fallen. However, as is evident by the small clips that made it for public viewing, he couldn’t fake it for even a minute. All you hear is his big orange maw yapping and ear banging about how great things were going when he was president and how all this was Biden’s fault-blah blah blah. Hasn’t anyone noticed that nothing is EVER his fault?!>> <<@JeannetteBehou says : Thank you General Clack for your Services. You said what others are not saying. God bless you and those who served.>> <<@1grfield says : Biden took photos and video at the same section for political ads.>> <<@AmberBegin says : Seriously? Y’all don’t have any names just “someone said that someone pushed someone else…” 🙄 This is GOSSIP. Trump is not just someone running for office, he is a former PRESIDENT of the United States whether you like him or not. Other presidents have taken photos in sections 60 and even photos laying wreaths on the tomb of the unknown soldier - even Obama but CNN doesn’t hate Obama so no story there. 🙄 He was INVITED and asked to take these photos.>> <<@fromalongtimeago says : The democrat party paid Pravda making political trash. Liars and cheats>> <<@BradleyCooper-f1n says : Martin Anna Smith Cynthia Thomas Kevin>> <<@Carlsings says : Clark sounds like just another Democrat Party hack. CNN lies AGAIN with that FAKE debunked accusation too. There is NO virtue at ALL in being emotionally manipulated... but they're all here parroting The Party propaganda as programed to do. 😵😵>> <<@mikewrangler5438 says : You know when CNN lies? When they televize anything. They stopped being journalists decades ago.>> <<@Lucky-r6j says : Screw the left he was invited>> <<@Lucky-r6j says : You F’s are so sickening! Biden and Harris were invited, didn’t show or respond. Shut up CNN you are jealous!>> <<@jeffjenkins7979 says : Trump was invited and you, CNN know this. Propaganda, propaganda. CIA, Democrat party machine. Lies CNN lies>> <<@highpeaks6542 says : Afghanistan Withdrawal Facts Trump not Biden Negotiated directly with the Taliban terrorists and excluded the Afghan army. Trump not Biden Drew down US forces from 13,000 to 2,500, making them vulnerable to attack. Trump not Biden Ordered the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters from prison, one of whom would become the new leader of Afghanistan. Trump not Biden Wanted to invite the Taliban leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th. Seriously. Trump not Biden Agreed to a May 1st exit from Afghanistan, then bragged that he didn't need an exit strategy. Trump not Biden Refused to brief Biden's incoming team on the situation in Afghanistan. Trump not Biden Shut down every airbase in Afghanistan except one, crippling the US's ability to extract its assets safely. Pay attention to facts, not bullshit.>> <<@Chris05161967 says : Gen. Clark is right!!>> <<@vlbogorad says : I'm going to vote for Trump, but he keeps disappointing me. Why treat people like fools? "I have a plan for Ukraine, but I won't say what it is, it's based on surprise." The surprise is to leave Ukraine without weapons, isn't it? @vlbogorad>> <<@resolute7627 says : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECUxBJonR30>> <<@resolute7627 says : CNN IS FOR MORONS.>> <<@resolute7627 says : FJB FKH TRUMP 2024>> <<@TheAdmiralkrunch says : He was personally invited by the family, and they asked for phots to be taken by the same family which is perfectly legal ....Try trolling elsewhere!>> <<@richardbrennan7288 says : has anyone seen the recent message from the families of the fallen soldiers - they have come out to say they all invited Trump there and no politics was discussed. I think if CNN had any decency they would hold their hands up and apologise. The irony is it is CNN who tried to politicise this. I think we should ALL respect the words and wishes of those families. How dare anyone question their intentions.>> <<@1crackedup says : Maybe CHEETO should be charged>> <<@DrMoto182 says : Screw this General. He’s another Dumbocrat who’s pissed at Trump for making him do his job and wants to discredit him. What lies they tell these sick communist supporters.>> <<@xU7fr1cx says : wow cnn, lying to the american people again, there was no altercation, these are more "vile" words meant to stir the pot of hate that the dems can't stop pouring out. try harder, maybe it was russian collusion 🙄😑>> <<@The54Adrians says : If Trump wins the election he is signing for his death.>> <<@ElainEmail-m7q says : Don-OLD Trump's Republican Party is NOT the traditional Republican Party. If a 3rd major political party becomes the inevitable reality, the USA is no longer the only democratic country with only 2-party political system anymore.>> <<@Prudence-i7u says : To be afraid to file a report due to retribution is super sad coming from home. To be afraid in your own country of your own people. Trump owes his grand life to these men and woman who have died to afford it to him. It's more than offensive.>> <<@Johnnyboy.-pu6uu says : "Deeply offened" but not at all offened by the hate you spread and directed at the families. Whats inappropriate is criticism of an event you didnt even attend cnn doesnt care about the dead or the ceremony they only think about "trump" and "rules">> <<@leeburkai9830 says : My friend Franklin D. Miller, Medal of Honor recipient, is buried at Arlington. If he were alive today he would probably punch trump in the face. Again and again. Combat Green Beret>>