<<@MinionTomato1 says : Harris’s screwed over more black people than fema. Charlamagne is a fool and ex con>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : Tim Walz is saying to himself I should’ve never accepted this. I believe it’s the downfall of his political career. You see his face he’s not doing that clap no more that crazy nut excited clap because he saying to himself knew she was crazy. I never did this that’s what I was saying.>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : They picked her to get the vote lol yes she did do a lot let millions illegals into this country that are destroying are country yea support the president when his decisions are wrong lol she locked up 1000s our people>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : Look at Charleen’s face he’s so uncomfortable saying all the stuff because he probably got threatened. He knows it’s not the right thing and he doesn’t know what saying this is going to bring his his radio show. I believe he’s worried that he’s gonna lose ratings himself.>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : Charl come on pal ur rich buddy>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : lol she was joes vice president I believe trumps up 100 percent>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : How many times has she been to the border ?>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : Yo, these people really are freaking sick. You guys got to stop like this woman’s nuts too. She’s running the podcast. It’s very scary. Very very scary but what do you like? You’re going against your own people to u betta tell a union memba>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : Well Charmaine whatever his name is the same reason problay got threaten to take his show off>> <<@petedarminio7873 says : Y didn’t she talk to them u betta>> <<@andrewtexas3318 says : Fake News will do anything to increase their 1.5% of market share! Lmao>> <<@andrewtexas3318 says : What a clown!>> <<@andrewtexas3318 says : I sure miss days of low crime, 1.99 a gallon gas( even before the pandemic) , making other NATO countries paying their fair share, moderate inflation, SECURE BORDERS, when women were women, and men were men, not paying off Billions of student loans that add to the national debt, and generally world stability-NOT being on the verge of WWIII( major issues with China, Iran, Russia), even if it came with an occasional MEAN tweet or stupid comment once in a while. Why is all this stuff happening on the current administration’s watch? First the screwed up withdrawal of Afghanistan that led to death of 13 US military personnel and left 100 billion dollars worth of us military equipment to the Taliban! What happened to American First, today it is America Last and I AM sick of it. You dont have to “LIKE” the personality or demeanor of a Presidential candidate, this is not ASB High School President election, this is election for the safety of America as we know it. Compare your life from 2016- 2020, to 2020- 2024! I rest my case.>> <<@andrewtexas3318 says : He is worse than James La CHINA!>> <<@andrewtexas3318 says : Charmalane the FRAUD !>> <<@alginyes says : Kamala aint the right woman to run this country. Unfortunately, America wants to marry Donald Trump. The moral cavity of the this country, is in complete obvlvion.>> <<@robertacollins3205 says : I don't care about economy or jobs. I want my adult children to be able to afford a house, groceries, and medical care.>> <<@asel3049 says : Great interviewer!>> <<@BarbaraVire says : Charlamangne is a puppet hes a puppet bought by the powers that be? whose his handler?>> <<@belindasimpson7695 says : VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! PREDICTIONS ARE NICE BUT WE STILL HAVE TO VOTE BLUE! 💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙>> <<@trinawilliams7413 says : Charlemagne is not God, he is a very sick person>> <<@tbone8839 says : The fact that almost half the country is going to vote for this woman is all the proof you need that our species is doomed. You have people who are going to vote to make their own lives harder to live by voting for Kamala. I never thought i'd see the day. RIP humans>> <<@6ixspeedstang186 says : Who is this Angela Rye? I’m as black as they come and it is rather annoying that this woman is pretending that there are just “imaginary” black people that are voting for Trump. Lady please hop off. At this point the only black people I know voting for Harris are black and over the age of 50, a pookie/ray ray, hoodrat females, and gays.>> <<@jamessmith-zh6zw says : Who has this guy speaking for us>> <<@tumix671 says : I wish he would drop that name because he is not a God and he hardly speaks for all black people. Only those who allow the Democratic party to use them for votes.>> <<@drizzdrizz5532 says : Political mainstream media including CNN is pretty effing stupid... the average person with common sense is much smarter than these elitist Eggheads who do nothing but Pander to fascist corporations, and there fascist executive board.... you're smarter than these so-called educated people who cannot fact-check anything live.... it's just a show... a bad propaganda show... they care nothing about you. you're just a customer>> <<@LaticiaS-pz9tm says : Never take the opinion of a man that wears eyeliner seriously, when it comes to political advisory.>> <<@whatyoutalkingaboutwillis8545 says : He SA and spiked a drink and took advantage of someone>> <<@humilityisnotstupidity9622 says : You are right. Some of those media are the same liars as he Donald Trump. We need to monitor our enemies machines like Elon Musk X, Russians who are here with their machines during this election. Including all those helping in Campus protesters also in the streets. All those Republicans for Harris/ Walz need to join them in campaigning. So those undecided can join.>> <<@rmaree10 says : Imagine Trump infront of that high school band 😂😂😂>> <<@anonymousperson7889 says : Charlemagne is the mental ill silly ninja neighbor that lives down the street....the one that his mom lets outside everyday in his super hero costume to point imaginary weapons at cars. Today he decided to dress up as a political commentator.>> <<@stevestephens6155 says : Woah... "a more competent republican"? WTF?! Why she coming for him? 😂>> <<@armandomenor8442 says : All Those Ladies Looks Dead Like Their Fallower Dumm Trump The Loser We Not Going Back We Not Going Back We Not Going Back We Not Going Back Kamila & Big Tim 🇺🇲 💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💯💯💯💯💯💯2024>> <<@thaddeusburnett2331 says : Who the F is he to say? How many presidential campaigns has he won?>> <<@prettyricky6856 says : All of you like me who are black...remember that Angela Rye called you invisible. I'm betting a lot of you know a lot of invisible people just like I do. Let's make sure we're seen in November>> <<@dave0051 says : Bahahaha>> <<@Mark-lf8ox says : Calling himself Charlamagne tha God is offensive. Can you imagine if a white guy called himself Shaka Zulu tha God?>> <<@lisettegarcia says : "why" Harris has to do? CNN threw out grammar along with the facts 😂>> <<@menardtexsampson3745 says : You know what I don’t understand why CNN keep reaching just read the comments CNN if there was a fear reporting the Democrats would get truthfully 30% of the Americans vote but because of all of the misinformation CNN and the mainstream news media spreads that’s why it’s possibly a close race unlike when Trump and Hillary was running the whole time they was saying he cannot win. It was all lies misinformation this information. It’s all projection from the media to the democrat/liberals are going to lose.>> <<@WindaleTate says : Stop It!>> <<@toddgoza3522 says : Data can be a tool to us but I wouldn’t put a lot of efficiency in it!>> <<@toddgoza3522 says : Ralph Ellison invisible man I caught that!>> <<@toddgoza3522 says : What the God & Rye a team now!>> <<@CLGrant-jr7xd says : So one poll is right and the other wrong?>> <<@blaq7892 says : Lessor charge Lenard the pedo has arose to speaking on how to win an election. Good thing that girls mom aint wont her to testify in his Grape case.>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : Love 💕? You or donate to your bank account>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : Got job and home paid for>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : Job for who boy USA 🇺🇸 Selected>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : Ooooo and realistically America 🇺🇸>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : Nothing Burgers>>