<<@LeonardoGuerra333 says : LA GENTE INTERPRETA MAL A VINICIUS. EN NINGÚN MOMENTO SE REFIERE A TODA ESPAÑA. EN EL VIDEO SOLO HABLA CON ALGUNOS FANS. LAS PERSONAS NECESITAN APRENDER A INTERPRETAR TEXTOS.>> <<@CO7isMe says : The fact Vini brought this all to himself is crazy, how's he playing victim>> <<@malvarez8484 says : This guy is a joke, new woke hero totally out of touch with reality. Literally every player on Madrid is black and you have to ask yourself why he’s the only one being singled out. It’s because he gestures to the crowd and stands, is really mouthy on the pitch, complains a lot. Just a typical woke blm guy who sees his whole life through the prism of race. I actually think he’s racist to be honest or at least xenophobic towards Spanish people>> <<@franchi1234567890 says : That’s guy hates Spain for some reason. Please stop insulting Spain . Vinicius is the racist one. He is calling a whole country a racist just because some fans dislike him not for the color of his skin but for the way he is.>> <<@Yungki1966 says : Nice to hear him speak very well in Portuguese!!! God Bless You, just ignore stupid people…>> <<@kevggggg says : Boy weak as hell, soft as Cheerios>> <<@Sonnypaul1 says : I lived in Brazil. If you just have one single brown spot, they called each other all kind of Knick names of the n-word.>> <<@kingmonde says : When Griezman dances after scoring, nobody says a thing. But when Vini does it, they say he's antagonising the opposition fans. I call bullshit. Let the man dance and have fun. It's just a game. Why do people have to attack his ethnicity?>> <<@EricDennis-ct9np says : Sad that in the 21st century, people are still so hateful and ignorant. The whole team is amazing and they should all walk off.>> <<@MormSineng says : Thanks 🫡🥰🤝🤝🤝🤝>>