<<@teodora7219 says : Romania will not be dragged into this war!!! This is the war of USA with Russia and we want nothing to di with it!!!>> <<@user-iz4vs7kr4d says : RUSIA VA RUMANÍA GRACIAS A PUTIN VAN ASER LIBRES>> <<@Fyrlss says : "You speak english with a weird accent.... is that russian?!" ... too soon?! >> <<@k.s.333 says : Lithuania>> <<@Paulus-e9s says : Romania, which has always had a faulty diplomacy, chose the wrong ally again. Romania should have understood that by playing America's game, it exposes itself to dangerous situations with its powerful neighbor, which is Russia. Russia, which was Romania's comrade in arms against the Ottoman Empire. Romania, which, like Russia, is an Eastern European country, considered by Western Europeans as a second-hand country, and with which it shared a lot of history and many cultural similarities. Romania allied with the US, which is more than 7000 km away, which has always betrayed its allies, which sold Romania in the Yalta treaty and which in WWII bombed Bucharest and Pitesti killing thousands of civilians, most of whom were children.>> <<@RomeoUrsu-fy9qo says : At this moment,Russia barely can defend itself. And they lucky that other countries didn’t invade Russia…I’m talking about CHINA ….Russia still has territory of China. And Japan…a good chunk of land. But if we look around Russia,pretty much all their big land are from other little countries.>> <<@mikeblackist says : Three things about my Romania. 1. We never had slaves… 2. We never conquered other lands… 3. We always defended our country. Why does God love us? I dunno, Connect the dots!>> <<@williamgreen575 says : FYI - update- Romania is aquirung F-35 . Abrams tanks. Israeli drones, including production rights, has a license to produce HIMARS and missiles. Six Patriot missile sysyems. It makes it owm MRLS and helicopters. Most of all it has the American 101st Airborne Division and an Aegis Ashore anti-missle system. There are only two in the world - the other is in Polamd. We also about six other NATO countries with military components in our country.>> <<@superstrongr says : This is propaganda..:. Romania would never fight alone against Russia…if Russia would attack Romania ( a NATO country ) the other countries would have to attack Russia not just send aid like the do with Ukraine. So saying Russia would attack Romania it’s like saying they will attack USA or UK or Germany..because the outcome would be the same.>> <<@ciuzdamm says : "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." H. Kissinger>> <<@danilalaurentiu8337 says : Slava Ucraini! 😊>> <<@mirceavolosen2876 says : Romanians will never fight The rusians>> <<@mirceavolosen2876 says : This is propaganda>> <<@coloursandviewsromania7766 says : 54 Himars, 48 F16, 7 Patriot ,Aegis ,and more ....>> <<@hjb4304 says : 🤮stop leing>> <<@johndmitrikozak2441 says : The biggest asset Romania has and everyone ignores is the few remaining, but still plentiful patriots. We are all geared up and waiting to enlist when the moment comes. Also, all the Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali veterans, trust me, they won't stand idly by and watch while Ivan roams around. "Pe aici nu se trece!" was always our motto!>> <<@atanasnikolov9634 says : Russia has no interest in invading Romania let alone a NATO country that would only happen if the west attacks first which would leave most of the world in a nuclear waste. If Russia dies the whole world dies with Russia that simple so there really is no risk for Russia to risk triggering a war that could potentionally end the world for almost nothing. A lot of people dont even know the thruth behind how the war started very few people have heard about the discrimination and genocide against russians in Ukraine yall really bielive that Russia would start a war for what? Resources? Land? Not that they dont have all of that in huge amount already why start a war and waste so many men so much equipment for something that they obviously dont need? The agression isnt coming from Russia its coming from the west that is just trying to ruin Russia's economy for their own gain more specifically the US because theyre using NATO members as their own pawns wich they would just leave behind in ruins once theyre useless to the US just wait and you all will see the thruth when the world goes to shit because of greediness...It has always been about money always...>> <<@Daniel-lh4do says : HIMARS WILL DEFEND rOMANIA AMD ALSO AIR FORCE>> <<@tachel356 says : Russians are wellcomed to pass through romania and go for othets. No romanian will fight for nato or EU because we were robbed of our resources by them all these years.>> <<@psihopedia says : I'm not worried that Russians could get to Bucharest. My 1st concern is that they could take control of our Black Sea natural resources. At the moment, Ukraine's military forces managed to clean up the sea, which I couldn't thank you guys enough for. Ulrainians are my heroes and, sadly many of my fellow men, Romanians, don't really acknowledge and give you credit for that.>> <<@nmihnea2630 says : We don't>> <<@cristi378 says : Romanian guy here: Our army is literally T R A S H>> <<@livianmarin2386 says : First of all, this sounds more like fake news then reality! Second of all, using a Russian accent to quote Romanian authorities is offensive. Third of all, Putin is not so crazy to start a war with NATO. China showed it will not back him up. North Korea can't give enough support for such a war!>> <<@StackND says : romania? army? youre joking right?>> <<@Yglous says : Romania is a latin speaking country, why do you read captions with a Russian accent?>> <<@matrixwz says : Romania can't even hold against her own people stealing from it...>> <<@zznug2837 says : This is insanely funny given the fact that Russia is already well established in our country, being one of the top sellers of oil, gas and gasoline 😂>> <<@NicolePauna says : Russia is a joke>> <<@firstclass8981 says : I didn t saw Putin to attack Nato yet… They attack Romania or Poland, they attack Nato. They attack Nato, i see in the end going nuclear…>> <<@septimiufly5134 says : nobody wants war ... Stop the propaganda ,history is past ,we can all be friends>> <<@MrDujmanu says : I appreciate your concerns about Romania and romanians, however - before we'll ever have any trouble with the russians, how about you start by protecting the autonomy of the romanian minority in UA (and any other minority for that matter), stop digging around the romanian teritorial areas of the Bistroe channel...etc; In hindsight, we wouldn't be having this discussion had you implemented the Minsk accords, right?>> <<@GhegheBerloggi says : Romania's goverment is a puppet gov.>> <<@1cent396 says : I am telling you how,by donating all the weapons that we have to Ukraine, stupid government that we have🤦>> <<@bogdib4326 says : Romania is another league. They have the Danube Delta on the east, the full Carpathian Mountains and the forests for defending, in the south the Danube, the Transylvanian Hills, the Oltenian Sahara... The geography is their biggest shield. And they have great army equipment. On the other hand, even Ceausescu, trained the Romanian army against a russian (on that time a soviet) aggression and confrontation. When it comes to Moldova, Romania and Moldova must Unite and became only a single state, because they are the same ethnicity, same religion, same language, same traditions, same superstitious, same folklore and same values. So in my opinion Romania is one of the most underestimated states in the whole Europe. Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and even the western part of the russian federation is very flat, only plain lands. The geography of Finland is also plain, but they have a lot of lakes and many swamps.>> <<@SXsoft99 says : the only problem is that the russians doesn't have that much in terms of sea landing capabilities, also the logistics would be non existing>> <<@AlexZaharescu says : Also Romania and Poland side by side on 2 war fronts with Russia is not going to be easy for Putin's millitary and i think that is the end of their agression on this lands if this happens...>> <<@AlexZaharescu says : Romania is also buying 35 airplanes F35 from USA worth 6 billions dollars.>> <<@seemenowudont7244 says : Defend against who?>> <<@iovanpaul8935 says : Get lost>> <<@papaszem44 says : BS>> <<@romuluspojoni says : We are in Eu and NATO ….but not in shenghen and nobody tell us what to do without referendum when Ucraina is not member NATO and article 5 is not for all …we are enough with orders from others …think about that ….not shenghen not appreciation 😊in Europa for our hard work 😓 and now you want to fight with Russia because Europa is cowards 😅….not yet 😊>> <<@romuluspojoni says : We are very strong 😂😂😂our lord Dracula 🧛‍♂️ tell us never 👎 to mistakes with our neighbours and they knows that before they even think ….we are magical something happens die for cancer ♋️ blood pressure and something like normal soldiers they don’t see …we don’t eat tanks but blood 🩸 go very wired whe you just think to think to conquer Romania 🇷🇴 or others please look 👀 after you guys God have always protected us ….all world 🌎 must to think to defence yourself for Russia …>> <<@flavius2884 says : To know what you must do, see what Putin hates the most.>> <<@iuliuli4352 says : Soviet reich having problems?>> <<@GGYBRTTOPpsSkcSEC says : Japan 1904,Poland 1939, Finland 1939-40, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania 1940,Hungary 1956,Czechoslovakia 1968, Afghanistan 1979, Moldova Transnistria 1991,Chechnya 1999, Georgia 2008, Crimea 2014, Ukraine 2022.>> <<@crazylordbc3347 says : H`hhmmmm relax .. They celebrate victory after the tragedy they themselves started (the Hitler-Stalin alliance of August 23 and the aggression of September 17, 1939).>> <<@solmyr2 says : Who is next ?lmao you are just warmongers fueling the war machine . It's like a bunch of kids pocking at the bear wondering who the bear will attack next.>> <<@llaliberellalibere9732 says : Didn't they make a PARADE with the washing machines "stolen" from Ukraine?>> <<@GGYBRTTOPpsSkcSEC says : Putin: „Toți sunt atât de proști, iar eu sunt șeful lor”>> <<@Attackx_ says : Peyshama-sy pe Pyddaraztia Ru. H`hmmmmm>>