<<@NorettaQuiroz says : He desperate for votes ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Donโ€™t vote for a hypocrite. Itโ€™s 8 weeks not six . ๐Ÿ˜ข>> <<@phriedokra6158 says : Does Trump have all his court fees and fines ordered to pay UP TO DATE so he can vote in Fla?!>> <<@avenue8822 says : He is a resident of Florida. He is being honest, and would vote against the State law as a resident of Florida. He is consistent in his support for State Rights in deciding Abortion laws. What part of that do you Democrats not understand?>> <<@FredMalatesta-k8h says : Flip flop trump will his base put with his lies much longer>> <<@FredMalatesta-k8h says : Going back likes trump wants would mean my parents and grandparents couldn't afford the cost of drugs they need to live>> <<@FredMalatesta-k8h says : Going back likes trump wants would mean my parents and grandparents couldn't afford the cost of drugs they need live>> <<@ToxiCisty says : Kamala always loved fracking, I SWEAR!>> <<@sarahmccoy1941 says : Someone please explain to me where Donald Trump stands on abortion? His three Supreme Court nominees were instrumental in voiding Roe v Wade. He has been an advocate for a national ban on abortion. Now, he will vote against the abortion measure on the Florida ballot. Or has he changed his mind on the measure? Is he Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? He seems to waffle back and forth. Those who are Pro-Life and want a national bad on abortion need to know where Trump stands on the issue? He needs to choose A or B. There is no C alternative.>> <<@Bill-vo1wn says : The deep snake media is the enemy from WITHIN. Why not cover the biggest ELECTION Fraud SCAM EVER at the SOUTHERN BOARDER. WAKE up AMERICA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ>> <<@jeffdeluca1153 says : Let's get real here people... Trump is a convicted felon under our rule of law. Debating abortion like this should be some normal Presidential race is inconceivable. He's running to stay out of prison and will sell this country out in a heartbeat. Think America, think. This 30+ year Republican will vote BLUE ๐Ÿ’™ and when my grandchildren ask me if I supported the felon when i should have supported America, I'll be able to look them in the eye with Anerican pride. Regret is a cruel taskmaster.>> <<@jeffdeluca1153 says : It's abundantly clear to any American still able to reason... Harris is our only choice. The majority of the GOP is off the rails. We view BLUE good people. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™>> <<@wizben3135 says : ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@Chris-pj4wh says : People think that an abortion is like going to the dentist for a cleaning. Its not. 13 inch grabbing clamps and pull out the fetus one piece at a time. I don't think most people would do that to a dog.>> <<@Chris-pj4wh says : Abortion is currently not high on my priority list. Your gonna need more abortions in the future because people can't afford to feed themselves much less a child.>> <<@์šฐ์‚ฌ๋ฏผ-r3c says : What sane woman would trust Trump (a convicted felon sex offender) and JD Vance (who constantly derides childless women) with their reproductive rights?>> <<@Dude2Abidez says : Trump just has soo much crap coming outta his mouth, he cannot keep tract anymore... It's a different thing every day, one day he is against , next day he is for. Not just this issue, it's everything the moron says, just lies , lies, and spew-age.... Then he has his tantrums where he just makes crud up on people to throw shade .. This is not a rational man, who is thinking clearly, and def should not b working in government , politics, or "gasp" , pres.....!!!!>> <<@sheabarber1176 says : So convicted Felons can vote now,,,,>> <<@Yourdeadmeat69 says : Trump has no credibility, his fans inexplicability still think this convicted felon deserves the nuclear codes, it's INSANE.>> <<@viliamipasilitiaholelei4659 says : Remember Trump is a pathological liar. He cant say anything seriously.>> <<@bird65413 says : ....after birth abortion?.... hmmm...what state was Turdump born in?... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ>> <<@January. says : THE *STUPID* REPORTER WHO INTERVIEWED TRUMP DIDN'T TELL HIM THAT 9-MONTH OLD FETUSES ARE NOT EXECUTED IN THE U.S.>> <<@DragonLa554 says : Why do you think it matters what Trump says ? Just lies, but if he is reelected he will use his power to take peoples freedoms, specially womens. And just because he can !!! He is a sociopath, who only cares about himself, hurting people doesn't effect him, just doesn't care ๐Ÿคฎ>> <<@adelldazeem says : Can felons vote in Florida?>> <<@cguy43 says : That CONVICTED FELON says a lot of things but that doesn't mean he's going to do it another thing he always lying I feel sorry for his supporters that believe in his lies>> <<@marcc.m.1726 says : Congratulations magats, you played yourselves! ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@jean-pierrebartier3114 says : Can anyone tell that idiot trump that killing a baby after birth it's call murder. It's incroyable that idiot don't know what he is talking about.>> <<@TaxTheChurches. says : Evangelicals got him elected in 2016, but he doesn't need them in 2024. He has a cult based wholly on his personality. And once he's in office, no way will he ban abortion and have to send the National Guard out to attack women protesters. Do you think he's going to water down the power of his name by acquiescing to a bunch of ambitious Catholics?>> <<@bostoner3627 says : Trump wants welfare moms, baby drop-offs & orphanages. His Stock DJT is down the toilet he wants to trade us to the highest bidder. I cant wait for the Harris/DonOld debate Sept 10th>> <<@Evan-f8p says : If you say those are lies, then you have to have evidence to support your claim. Did he present any concrete evidence visible and tangible?>> <<@murphytn says : So. Who's the flip flop? I don't want to hear ONE MORE ACCUSATION from these fools because the guy is a lying prick!!!>> <<@magnumjd130 says : Trump says what ever the hell he wants and it doesn't matter if there is no facts, evidence, or proof. Trump worshippers believe him at face value. Infanticide happen NOWHERE in the USA. Satan is the Prince of Lies just as Trump is the Prince of Lies. Yet his so called "Christian" followers encourage him to lie and believe his lies without question.>> <<@TheBrownIsland says : VOTE THIS MAN OUT and STOP Listening to him Say whatever he thinks will Benefit him at the Moment, then goes back to the intended REPUBLICAN EXTREME AGENDA.>> <<@Caa310 says : Olympic level back flipping>> <<@MarkFrey-u7p says : LIES! Trump is TOTALLY against abortion. Trump got RvW overturned. Step 1 of step 2 - national ban. Anything he says to contrary is a lie! Trump lies continuously to get what he wants. Trumps wants to go back the "good old days" when women had no rights. He is a liar and stealer of rights.>> <<@DanYule-u8s says : Its amazing how these people can read Trumps mind and it always happens to help their argument. Its a joke.>> <<@thomasmassenburg2837 says : He got that PHD Reverse Uno brain function. Alternative truth projection with each breath of a lie.>> <<@yolandajohnson7356 says : Donโ€™t believe him. Just want your vote>> <<@anthonyarce2654 says : Trump not bragging about over turning Roe v Wade now>> <<@NakiyahLaiDae says : If yall are males stfu yall donโ€™t get a say so on a females body if it ainโ€™t yours>> <<@wacobob56dad says : Going for the hippie vote.>> <<@Lucinda-j5e says : Freedom for our kids future, vote for Kamala Harris>> <<@Lucinda-j5e says : VOTE BLUE ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™, Kamala Harris>> <<@idstandard says : Youโ€™ve got to be kidding. Heโ€™s always playing to the audience. He has no inner convictions except crowd size.>> <<@kingsukumar2164 says : No more monkey business. Vote blue . ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™>> <<@kgames1748 says : Since when can felons vote??>> <<@dnapier9511 says : Will he even be allowed to vote (being a convicted felon and all)?>> <<@user-xw9ci7vg3x says : When trump tells these baldfaced lies why doesn the reporter call him on it right there? Why continue to aฤบlow himto spew rhis garbage>> <<@ChrisBrown-hv3cg says : Even if the number 150k was correct that is 150k to many>> <<@loribryant884 says : LMAO ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ He's such a liar>> <<@monstervan says : Finally!!! CNN fact checked trump. Good job!>>