<<@skrq9167 says : women approached the Prophet in public many times and asked him questions. It says in Islam "there is no shyness in religion"... meaning ask the question, no matter how embarrassing.>> <<@Darkfury47 says : Westen liberal utopia 😂😂😂>> <<@devilinthebelfry7292 says : That's not just dystopia. That IS Islam>> <<@devilinthebelfry7292 says : Oh yeah but ship those people with those beliefs en mass to the West where we are the antithesis of those beliefs......yeah that won't cause any problems.>> <<@SeanRhoadesChristopher says : We need these laws in the USA!>> <<@rizwanali649 says : 40,000 women and children butchered in Gaza. World turns a blind eye. And you come up with this pathetic nonsense There is no weight in the nonsense that you people come out with>> <<@richasmarie says : You are still a Muslim right? Go and read your scriptures? They are doing Islam asks them to do.>> <<@richasmarie says : Well that’s real Islam! That’s what women want and are expected to do exactly that as per the hadiths. When the women protest hijab and burka - that’s what they are saying is what they want!>> <<@donnahilton471 says : Don't forget, tRump signed the papers for our removal.>> <<@donnahilton471 says : THIS IS THE WORST IT HAS EVER BEEN, ANYWHERE, EVER! THOSE MEN DON'T DESERVE THE PRESENCE OF WOMEN EVER.>> <<@hellno495 says : Now all those pro Palestinian won't say a single word 😢>> <<@Baskerville1000 says : Appalling and infuriating, I can’t imagine the mental pain and suffering women are forced to endure in this country. No human being and no religion has any right to practically enslave and imprison another due to their gender differences, let alone 49.5% of the population. General human rights should be a mandatory basic law in every country irrespective of religion. It’s a horrendous crime that leaves me in shock and disbelief that conditions like that are even possible in our modern world. If males are aroused or offended by a female voice they are the ones that need psychiatric oversight, not the females.>> <<@Pennywise.18 says : Wake up world>> <<@anjusingh-sr6gg says : First they will call everyone Islamophobic and then will cry for help them. Confused people 😅. This is what these people want for the entire mankind but when they are getting their greatest religion to the core they are feeling oppressed.>> <<@aliaoun2000 says : Why isn’t anyone talking about the 20 year time frame 2001-2021 where there were opportunities for advocation and advancement specifically on an economic level to prevent this situation we are currently in from existing. More so curious to find out about efforts that were made or lack there off to counter Taliban operatives in the last 5 years or so leading to 2021. The Taliban had free rein to negotiate the surrender off or make new allies with many provincial governments especially the northern provinces which were under the command of the “Northern Alliance” who were allies of the West.>> <<@nandansingh4419 says : I think United States should be concerned about Bangladesh what minority people facing lots of sexual harrasment and vandalised house and killing people hell where is United States human rights spokesperson can't speak about Bangladesh minority people, is that United States involved to vandalised president of Bangladesh and try to radicalies people of Bangladesh is very worry about people of Bangladesh they can try to bargen give me money so sad whole economy collapse next pakistan made>> <<@nandansingh4419 says : We are very concerned about United States humans right why they don't stop gun system lots of students killed each other i think United States should be learn from India democracy>> <<@alitani5045 says : Its a myth you can not have islam and freedom of woman afganistan is the exception cause the taliban has chosen to ignore and misinterpret the Sharia to ft their own agenda. There is nothing in islam and Sharia law that prohibits girls' education.and those who say otherwise are themselves to blame>> <<@Proud2bejewish says : And the common denominator is….. https://youtu.be/CIg0PNbI4Ig?si=kuhIAul0FqCxHZFO>> <<@dextarwilliams4818 says : This from the Quran dammm Muhammad worshipperz>> <<@mojojojo7923 says : That’s right !!! Vote Democrat and support Kamala and Omar. We don’t need these “women” speaking out ! The Democrats support this behavior! They support Muslims and Omar.>> <<@MdHridoy-vg1zb says : I think Afghanistan will be improve first then other countries>> <<@najibullah224 says : I am from Afghanistan Our culture is different from the western culture Our people do not want democracy, they only want Islamic❤ law>> <<@LMNHIJ says : These are the real refugee, not the ones you found in London/Canada, international students turn into asylum seekers? Some kind of indian humor.>> <<@snehashispanda4808 says : Importance of Separation of church and state>> <<@fractal4619 says : And they are exporting this to Europe. 35 shariah law courts in UK. Look it up. Fact>> <<@KarenMcBride-p9v says : I agree the women in Afghanistan are being persecuted just because they are women. What do you expect the world to do? How do you change the world view of people who believe this is the will of their God? And want the rest of the world to be like them. How do we in the west behave when Muslim men believe they have a right to aggressively confront others not of their faith?>> <<@kristinab1078 says : Worse than N. Korea, if you are a woman. Deeply, deeply depressing...all those hard fought gains now lost. The human bondage and misery of the 90s now reigns again.>> <<@smurxxx0910 says : "Women should just sit this election out. Sharia law is the only thing them Muslims got right." Hillbilly Elegy>> <<@paulahutcherson1045 says : This is not GOD like. It is satan's work.♥️🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇦🇬🇧🙏😇👍>> <<@Kevin_geekgineering says : america is heading to become just like those countries, vote for reps and conservatives, soon enough, you get women living in same condition as afgans>> <<@Jayzilla-jr4fr says : Under Islam, women are property. Stuck in the year 700 AD.>> <<@meenagetsy8292 says : Those who are supporting hamas they are shameful this is the real face of their religion>> <<@Yash_K999 says : Thank you God 🙏>> <<@kowalski6266 says : So all cultures around the world have to think and act like us, got it.>> <<@otisbaffo9264 says : Why are you complaining, you love Islam. Enjoy>> <<@redtale6527 says : With bases in Iraq and Afghanistan the US just about had Iran surrounded. It was never about women's rights.>> <<@debdebsinspiration8129 says : This is coming to the west this is Muslim beliefs and religion so people need to wake up around the world>> <<@finefelinegirl says : Uh oh… men are the worst. Karen’s in America have cancelled men a long time ago. Wake up Islam! Only women, and men who say they are women, have ANY SAY in how stuff is done. And do not bring up Jesus!>> <<@JamesRasul-ls4to says : 1) the best religion is to be a better human. 2) I can’t believe how easily we give back Afghanistan to Taliban. 3) I can’t believe how we got out of Afghanistan from Kabul airport, Why not to use Baghram airport that we built and left almost the whole equipment for Taliban. Very sad.>> <<@loki9333 says : 🎉>> <<@Sad_00atK_-ln3kf says : That place is Church...>> <<@lekruse1 says : How do they see trans people?>> <<@humairakakar2821 says : Talibans' holy mission is humiliating ISLAM>> <<@alinaafghan3470 says : This has nothing to do with foreign countries it's a problem that Afghans need to solve with the taliban. The foreign interventions have again and again made things way worse than it was in Afghanistan.>> <<@Existential_Bengali says : US, UK, Pakistan, China, created Taliban to fight the Atheist Soviets and communism... Now this corporate shithole media CNN showing their fake concern, Bustards.>> <<@Attaullah.k1986 says : Free Palestine 🇵🇸 stop genocide>> <<@rospinnata says : "The 'Taliban' is right to defend themselves"..??🤔🙄 common language by westerners..>> <<@tj3398 says : Well this is what you guys want right? don't start complaining now!>> <<@Theluckypessimist says : You mean the taliban didn’t keep their promises to Biden and Harris? Shocker.>>