<<@Protectiontoisrael says : Former President Trump said Monday he believes abortion policies should be left up to states to decide, ending months of uncertainty over his position on the hot-button issue and declining to endorse a 15-week ban as expected, as abortion rights has consistently become a winning issue for Democrats since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.>> <<@kelli2842 says : Trump has nothing to do with abortion, he's said many times 4 years ago, its up to the States! Harris where have you been, you're in power and have done nothing for women! Harris still is doing these rallies about abortion and project 2025. There is no Trump abortion ban! Wake up this woman lies constantly! Still has not closed the borders!>> <<@MrDeuce1956 says : CNN is repeating the lies that ABC stated in the debate - there are SEVERAL states that allow killing a baby after it has been born (failed abortion).>> <<@sarasotomayor1899 says : OOOH PLEASE , STOP THIS ABORTION IISSUE AND VOTE FOR WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT... ECONOMY AND SAFETY! TRUMP 2024 THE BEST OPTION FOR USA! KAMALA WILL CONTINUE TO RUIN OUR COUNTRY... I DONT NEED KAMALA OR ANYONE TO HELP ME ON MY REPODUCTIVE WHATEVER.. THE ONLY THING KAMALA HAS DONE FOR USA IS LETTING MILLIONS OF DANGEROUS CRIMINALS ENTER ILLEGALLY AND ALSO GETTING THEM OUT OF JAIL.... WOKE UP PPL... WE DONT WANT WOKE WE ARE AWAKE!!!! TRUMP 2024!!!.>> <<@dinadc1 says : Conspiracy News Network. Did you guys hold Kamala on the southern border? Shame on you.>> <<@Golden-Eagle781 says : Abortion is murder if 15 weeks, 6 weeks or even 2 day. The child of rape is just as innocent as any other person.>> <<@brettricia1 says : September 26 – Federal Prosecutor will charge DonOLD Trump with crimes of conspiracy>> <<@RabriarRabriar7 says : ​@Robert-uo5cq Show your stats indicating your claim. You are the one claiming Mexico paid for the border, prove it buddy. Get the copy of the check Mexico sent for the construction of the border wall which was not built. The burden of proof is on you for making false claims. Just cause your god Trump pulls it out of his ass, does not make it true. Your cult has some serious issues buddy, including detachment from reality. Good day.>> <<@dadablue says : His stance on abortion is almost like being both black and Indian.>> <<@prun8893 says : I am a staunch supporter of abortion rights for one reason. According to the National Institute of Health, African American women are 5 times more likely to have an abortion than white women. We all want to lower the incarceration rate of people of color in this country. The above statistic is the most important step in achieving that goal. I'll be voting for Harris this election. Limiting access to abortions is wrong and not good for the country.>> <<@MoireFly says : I'm not impressed by how the host interviews Marc Molinaro and just lets him spout lies and evade questions that are essential to the ability of a republican government to function. Not a great interview; disappointing waffle by the congressman.>> <<@optitom9033 says : Good God Brianna your still on the air? Thought after tour viewership dropped off so drastically you'd been sent packing>> <<@stephaniemorgan2862 says : When will CNN stop carrying Kamala Harris's Campaign? When will CNN STOP LYING AND GASLIGHTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE?>> <<@leostawicki7283 says : TRUMP HAS FLIP FLOPPED ON 100 ISSUES SINCE 2016....>> <<@RabriarRabriar7 says : ​@PineyJustice My argument is not against tariffs. I understand thr need for them. My argument is against the notion of Mexico paying for the border through tariffs, which is simply not true. Good day.>> <<@sarahmccoy1941 says : Someone please explain to me where Donald Trump stands on abortion? His three Supreme Court nominees were instrumental in voiding Roe v Wade. He has been an advocate for a national ban on abortion. Now, he will vote against the abortion measure on the Florida ballot. Or has he changed his mind on the measure? Is he Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? He seems to waffle back and forth. Those who are Pro-Life and want a national bad on abortion need to know where Trump stands on the issue? He needs to choose A or B. There is no C alternative.>> <<@bodhimedia1 says : MAGA sucks! Trump is a bumbling idiot!>> <<@shannonvanscotter8481 says : His waffling should be no surprise to anyone. He’s a con artist who would sell his soul to the devil if the devil stroked his ego and paid him enough.>> <<@paulyosef7550 says : Welcome to the United States of South America Pendejo.>> <<@PaulD-t5i says : He's voting as a citizen, not as a public official. Like all of us.>> <<@angusmcbean4449 says : Trump is 100% pro life.>> <<@doriabutler6337 says : if anyone is killing babies after they are born like Trump claims, it's the republicans for not supporting WIC and other programs to provide infant formula, diapers, and other critical necessities. the man is so f*ing delusional!!!>> <<@nicolebowman5727 says : He's not waffling. He's listening to the people, like always.>> <<@MrLeonel1974 says : Wow after birth is a lie πŸ˜‚ wtf>> <<@marshamccarthy2054 says : Why is this guy allowed to soap box and not answer the question presented? CNN let this happen again. Get a backbone!>> <<@theresavanriessen1269 says : If Trump is struggling to come up with a policy that sticks well maybe that's a sign that decisions of that type are best made by the person most affected by that decision--the woman (or child) who is pregnant, with her seeking counsel from whoever she trusts.>> <<@chadl1876 says : Why do you let these people come on and lie without stopping them CNN???>> <<@kimleemoon says : Trump is lying about paying for IVF. He’s trying to win white women voters. How is he going to pay for it? That’s what they ask about every Democratic policy that is meant to help average Americans.>> <<@Ron-Ayres says : In the UK, we'd say Trump wants to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. There will be bloodshed, someone will get torn to shreds, and ultimately eaten. Sending fortitude and stamina from Across The Pond. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ>> <<@DYAyala-c6i says : He's crazy doesn't even know what he's saying anymore>> <<@ehianeta64 says : He's not wrong, he's LYING AGAIN! say it like it is CNN.>> <<@johnm_o_ says : Trump looks so weak. Has no morals, values, or policy ideas. So easily bought, manipulated, and bullied.>> <<@chrisgonzalez1030 says : Why are all Republican such scuzzy liars!?!? Who is this one? He lies through his teeth....they all need to be voted out to allow the Dems to finish fixing things (as ever after a GOP government... and we need to throw out the corrupt Republicans from Congress as well....>> <<@CoachVGarrett says : The idea of springsteen playing in the background, which is written by a country singer about a singer who obviously does not support trump is, it's very funny!>> <<@taproot6225 says : we r on the left, so we want LGBTQ+TRANS+ABORTION, etc. Oh, & sex ed. in elementary schools too. Furthermore, we are the PROUD ones.>> <<@roberthildebrand5986 says : CNN always shows a picture of Trump when he smiling or Photoshop instead of his real mean toad vengeful miserable disgusting hate field face that he usually has FUCNN>> <<@JamesScar-eo1ch says : Better do yr research, 6 states do have legislature to do this...do the research don't wait to find out.>> <<@bioluminescentrobot3840 says : WAR must be fought by ONLY women for equality. NEVER die in a war for a women.. its womens turn to earn their right on the battlefield. Stop signing up for the military me .. women NEED equality>> <<@dawnconrad1893 says : Name 1 thing Biden and Harris have done for our country...>> <<@dawnconrad1893 says : It's so hard to understand how people are voting for a person who has proven they hate our country. All because you don't like President Trump's name... make that make sense!!!! There is no way you can be that ignorant and be a functioning human being. Trump helped this country, regardless of how you feel about him. Biden and Harris have destroyed this country.>> <<@LincolnBowling-vf5cf says : Trump will be king again soon>> <<@KylieAngell says : PS there's no way that IVF will be free- insurance companies won't let that happen and Trump has no budget or plan for how to make this happen.>> <<@KylieAngell says : Trump is a hypocrite and SO anti-women and anti-family! NO ONE, democrat or republican, does elective 9 month abortions or execution of newborns! All but two republicans just refused to vote to support IVF...Unbelievable.>> <<@mrtankt5693 says : When they say leave items to the States….especially if they care for life & death …it sends an inconsistent message. They even admit that Ohio is not Mississippi, and Arizona is not Florida. For women as a group….this messaging seems reckless and careless. Surely unfair. As an independent why is my next door neighbor worrying about my family? Why is my neighbor worrying about what I do with my genetic material? Why does and why should my neighbor care?>> <<@MartinaPaulinodelarosa says : Grupo ladrones Donal tronp kamala jarri adoni Romeo Santo mentira emegensia amenasa>> <<@evelyncoburn9578 says : He has no morels he will say any thing that will get him in the White House,he belongs in prison,and people are fed up with his lies VOTE πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™>> <<@evelyncoburn9578 says : Don’t believe trump is a liar,omg he is so crazy,please don’t vote for trumpπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™>> <<@evelyncoburn9578 says : Agree with you ,>> <<@evelyncoburn9578 says : He is a liar,don’t believe him 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑vote blue πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™>> <<@evelyncoburn9578 says : Don’t believe him he is a liar,πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ€―πŸ’™>>