<<@5678plm says : EVEN IF YOU DELETE THE COMMENTS, THE TUNNELS ARE STILL OPERATIONAL, HAHA FUNNY GIUS>> <<@MiMiiViVi says : Wasting American taxpayer money. It will make a nice roadway though for the Palestinians to get from Jordan through Gaza,>> <<@SharonOguda-u7b says : Problem with isrealiets they cannot have their own decisions until Amerikia and hypocrites Europeans decide.>> <<@bmzo0016 says : Egypt is behind this. Egypt is becoming a threat day by day, the US and Israel and their allies should back the RSF and take control of Sudan and see after that.>> <<@assconnazi says : Bible - Revelation 2:9 - "I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.>> <<@BenedictOkeoma-n5l says : MOSSAD, IDF, KNESSET, WAR CABINET, SURRENDER RAFFAH AND THE PHILADELPHI CORRIDOR AND YOU SURRENDER THE SOOVEREIGNTY OF ISRAEL. DEMOCRATS IN WASHINGTON ARE ON THE PRAWL WITH THEIR OBAMADNESS. IF ISRAEL RELEASES RAFFAH AND THE PHILADELPHI CORRIDOR, THE STATE OF ISRAEL IS GONE. PROTESTERS MUST REMEMBER HOW THEIR ANCESTORS REBELLED AND DID PROTEST AGAINST GOD, MOSES AND AARON AT MOUNT SINAI AND THE CURSE THAT WENT WITH THOSE WILDERNESS PROTESTS. ISRAEL MAY BEGIN TO SEE NETANYAHU AS THE LAST MESSIAH MUST THEY SUPPORT USA TO DETHRONE BIBI. JOHN 1:11... HE CAME ONTO HIS OWN, BUT THEY RECEIVETH HIM NOT. ISRAEL MUST NOT USE NETANYAHU TO REMIND AND PROVOKE GOD ON WHAT ISRAEL DID TO YESHUA-JESUS. ISRAEL MUST SEE THE HOSTAGES ADCA BAIT TO SURRENDER HER FUTURE AND ISRAELI SECURITY. RAFFAH IS THE NECK OF HAMAS. IDF IS CHOKING HAMAS AND STRANGULATING HEZBOLLAH. ISRAEL MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN FREEDOM OF A FEW HOSTAGES AND THE ETERNAL SAFETY AND PEACE OF THE WHOLE ISRAEL. IDF ARE HUMAN BEINGS. THFY HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES BECAUSR OF THIS WAR. PROTESTERS MUST NEVER PROVOKE CHAOS IN ISRAEL TO THE ADVANTAGE OF THE USA AND HAMAS. ISRAEL THINK!!! WE ARE NIGERIAN JEWS.>> <<@BenedictOkeoma-n5l says : MOSSAD, IDF, KNESSET MUST GET IT VERY CLEAR TO ISRAELIS. DEMOCRATS IN WASHINGTON ARE THE POLITICIANS HOKDING ISRAELI HOSTAGES NOT HAMAS. AMERICA INSISTS THAT ISRAEL MUST SURRENDER RAFFAH FOR HOSTAGE RELEASE. AMERICA DENIED ISRAEL INTEL ON HAMAS SECRET HIDEOUTS. AMERICA WAS OPPOSED TO ISRAELI ENTRY INTO RAFFAH. AMERICA BETRAYED ISRAEL AT THE UNSC. AMERICA DELIVERED HUGE FREE ARMS TO TALIBAN TERROR REGIME IN AFGHANISTAN. AMERICA. AMERICA DELAYED ARMS DELIVERY TO ISRAEL. AMERICA RELEASED HUGE FUNDS TO IRAN FOR NUCLEAR PROJECTS. AMERICA SPONSORED CONSTRUCTION OF TRTROR TUNNELS IN GAZA AND RAFFAH. AMERICA TRIED TO ASDASSINATE TRUMP BECAUSE OF TRUMP SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL. AMERICA INSISTS THAT ISRAEL MUST SURRENDER RAFFAH FOR HOSTAGE RELEASE. WHO IS FOOLING WHO? YOU CAN DECEIVE SOME OF THE PEPPLE SOME OF THE TIME, BUT AMERICA CANT DECEIVE ALL JEWS ALL THE TIME!!! WE ARE IBO(HEBREW) THE BIAFRAN JEWS TRAPPED INSIDE NIGERIA BY BRITAIN. SHALLOM ISRAEL.>> <<@berniebonvoisin1695 says : Israel terrorist state>> <<@wlloydnfernando says : It must be very clear to anyone with average good wisdom, people who care for the well being of hostages by a militant group would not be hostile towards hostage takers as the life of those hostages in the hands of the hostages. Israel has carried its barbaric hostile campaign against Palestinians and Hamas with minimal to no regards of the lives of the hostages. Israel is a murderous regime that needs to rooted out by its roots. Israel has exercised Hannibal directive on its own hostages to avoid compromise his objectives against Hamas and Palestinians; and then, continue with its genocidal ambitions against Palestinians. Israel Prime Minister has clearly stated to Russia Foreign Minister that he was only interested security of Israeli state in response to proposed two-state solution. Israeli military has a history of killing its own hostages inorder evade bargaining with hostage takers. Hamas has denied killing of the hostages - hostages were killed by special Israel military unit just before alleged finding of the dead bodies. Hamas would not take a unilateral decision or act that would tarnish its image - keeping hostages live and well was primary objective of Hamas; otherwise, it would be a defeat of the purpose of taking hostages. Apparently, Israeli Prime Minister has been discussing with his closest the ways in which to quash the hostage issue and put the blame on Hamas for killing hostages. Ref : Netanyahu Exposed By Own Defence Minister? Gallant Fights With Israeli PM In ‘Most Difficult Clash’ | Hindustan Times (31 August 2024) [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/khj6Z76CQ4M?si=0kglQk6U7UlzCiIG [Accessed 03 September 2024]>> <<@hafamihanif7285 says : If only israel have brain, get out of occupied territories immediately>> <<@kap925 says : How the hell could any level-headed Israeli/supporter of Israel, support giving up control of the corridor! This isn't exactly rocket science (no pun intended).>> <<@John-f3s4n says : What cowards and traitors the left is in Israel. I am a Christian would the left please remember the holocaust!>> <<@JerryBlock-w1h says : So now we have to take the word of these generals that were in charge on Oct 7th? How naive can people be??>> <<@amramhakohen3923 says : HaMitsreem = ha-Oyev. Meod pashoot!>> <<@jacquimoolman8021 says : Let us face it, and let the world understand …. THE PHILADELPHI CORRIDOR IS NON-NEGOTIABLE ‼️‼️‼️ And we believe that is how it should remain… Amen 🛐✡️🛐✡️🛐✡️🙌🙌🙌🙋🏼‍♀️🥰🥰>> <<@Shiningstarudr says : Only body come from Gaza 😂😂😂>> <<@dofou1672 says : ❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️>> <<@HusseinDoha says : You can control the corridor after a hostage exchange deal. Duh!!>> <<@thomasallina2014 says : All this because Egypt plays a double edged game, not wanting to close the terror tunnels because they make money out of smuggling weapons to Gaza, terrible, and the bad guy in this story is of course Israel, just pathetic!>> <<@lanre007 says : About the Philadelphia corridor, HAMAS is basically saying: "gives us back our weapons supply route and the means to kill more Jews and we will give you back a handful of hostages. Take it or leave it">> <<@dennislevy3603 says : Deep tunnels here are probably impossible because of water. They will collapse.>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Why Ms.Kammala-Harris ( American President Candidate From The Democrat Party ) To Can't Condemning About A Israeli Hostage Conditions Into The Hamas Tunnel's Bunker When American-Hebrew From A US Jewis Community Tobe The Extrimist Massacre Victim's In There Because This HAMAS-HEZBOLLA-HOUTIES Are A Real Truly Religious Gangster With The Anti Semitism & Anti Crist Ideology Like A Neo-Nazi Movements History 😈👺☠️ Where If The UN Assembly & ICC Institution To Also Not Condemnt About A Racist Violence Activity In The Moeslim Population Country Like A Bangladesh Largest Riots Event When The Hindu Minority-Community Group Who Killed By A Local Islamist-Radical Gangster In There Anytime ☠️👆 If A Iran Proxy Government To Want Making The Total Scale-Regional War's Then Possibly This A Teheran Dictator Regime To Having The Big Trouble Crisis Like A Iraq Tragic Case By The Saddam Hussein Ruler In 1991 When The Iraqi National Guard Army To Invading A Quwait Neighbor Country To Result The Iraq Damage Destruction Inside On A Gulf Wars Conflict By The Dessert Storm Opperation of A Largest Coalition Strike! 🤖🌍🔫 ISMAEL-HANIYEH Is Death By A Time Bomb Detonation From The Iran Military-Building Complex In A Their Secret Location Nearby The Islamic Revolutioner National Guard Base With A Intensive Plan's Design For Along Time On The Internal Behind Agenda From Them Selves Versions ✍️📓📐🧾 Stand & Pray For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protecting A Israel Nation People's With The Fighting Spirit Never Give-Up Forever On A Lion-Heart Warrior Anytime , Shalom Aleichem God Bless To All of You For The Peace-Harmony Every Where ! 🕊 The Origin of Anti-Semitsm Ideology By A Iraqi Moeslim Ruler ( IMAM ALI MUHFTI ) As The Brutality Nazi-Germany Leader { ADOLF HITLER } Partnership Alliance To Want Destroy A Western Democracy State Such As The British Empire & A France Government In The Middle-East Peninsula After A Turkey Ottoman Collapse On The World Wars 2 1911-18 ! 😈👺🕌 Mean While The Iran Syiah Regime To Want Helped By A Putin Dictator Tyrant To Will Destroy The Western Coalition Alliance Like America , European-NATO & Israel Government , Okay Go Head If A Teheran Islamist Chaliphate To Making The Global Scale Conflicts Tobe A World-Wars 3 And Then Ali-Khameini Leader To Probably Death Like Ossama Bin Laden or Mr. Sadam Hussein 😆👏>> <<@dloui5214 says : giving pc control to hamas , means allowing the islam brotherhood to re-arm hamas in 6 months from the unholly egypt . and the cycle start again ! means gallant is a traitor and deminishing the sacrifice of mighty idf to defend israel future .>> <<@connortilson7141 says : A English man pretending to be from the Levant ? Ridiculous !>> <<@AbdulkarimBirigigi says : This corridor is between Egypt and Gaza! Why should Israel stay here?>> <<@ishmaelsunday1791 says : It l{ks shameful that Egypt is playing politics politics and politics with lives of citizens of Gaza and Isreal>> <<@ishmaelsunday1791 says : Shame to Egypt Egypt is in support of Hamas Egypt is sopporting Hamas indirectly Isreal IDF should never use Philadelphia corridor as a tool for peace talk>> <<@rogerjohnson2562 says : Not only should Israel NOT leave the Philadelphi corridor, Israel should retake the Sinai since Egypt has obvipusly failed the agreement. Isreael could then move the Gazans to some remote stirp in the Sinai bordering Egypt.>> <<@louisavondart9178 says : Has Hamas even turned up for these " Peace talks " ?>> <<@jacksonoduol919 says : ❤from kenya, the IDF must secure philadelphia corridor at all cost>> <<@ishmaelsunday1791 says : Politics politics politics International politics on the Gaza cesse fire deal PM Natenyahu never and ever allow any compromise with the philadelphi corridor Lies lies lies Egypt lies>> <<@shaz3724 says : Egypt is complicit...what a SHAME>> <<@shaz3724 says : Just shows Egypt has no shame>> <<@antonioramos7139 says : Clearly, Israel cannot rely on Egypt to stop smuggling arms, building materials and terrorists into the Gaza strip. They have evidently allowed the building of dozens of tunnels crossing into Egypt, but claim to be mediators for peace? Egypt cannot be trusted.>> <<@worldnews11426 says : Leave occupation from snatched land of Plastine and You all occupation should go back to Germany and European countries. FREE PALASTINE.>> <<@extanegautham8950 says : Muslim Zionists stand with Israel>> <<@extanegautham8950 says : No compromise on the Hamas smuggling corridor.>> <<@pascalmendes3943 says : After destroying it the tunnels install sensors in the ground so if in future digging you will come to know of new tunnels>> <<@SalimDulmar says : Israel 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 should control the Philadelphia corridor for ever.>> <<@leonb.e7530 says : The corridor is very important to hamas, otherwise the would not have insisted on having it back. They understand that if IDF keeps it, then measures will be taken to locate activities underneath the corridor and stop it.>> <<@yoppidarmadefrisa5110 says : israel babi🇮🇱🐷>> <<@yoppidarmadefrisa5110 says : 🇮🇩FREE-FREE PALESTINA🇯🇴🇮🇩FREE-FREE PALESTINA🇯🇴🇮🇩FREE-FREE PALESTINA🇯🇴🇮🇩FREE-FREE PALESTINA🇯🇴🇮🇩FREE-FREE PALESTINA🇯🇴🇮🇩FREE-FREE PALESTINA🇯🇴🇮🇩FREE-FREE PALESTINA🇯🇴>> <<@adesunloyerasaq7967 says : Israel don't want them to smuggle weapons into Gaza yet they treated them with disdain and brutality. If they are treated nicely and your settlers didn't take their lands there won't be any needs to smuggle weapons or fight the Israelis. But when you supported your settlers attacking them without caution or restrain they would protect themselves at all cost. This is what any normal resistances across the world would have done. Treat them like human and don't think you are superior to them when you have the backer of stupid super powers in the world. Do you Israelis think they would fold their arm and be looking when their people are being killed? They won't .>> <<@dmenace9288 says : No point to loss control of the corridor since it’s the source of all weapons and aggression.>> <<@jafrizain9654 says : Daylight Robbery....shame on Hisrahell>> <<@jafrizain9654 says : LOL....new fascist & imperialist...shame on Hisrahell>> <<@ranilodicen4460 says : no wonder people in gaza are starving.. hamas spent all their resources in making tunnels and armaments>> <<@myberney says : WE CAN'T TRUST EGYPT>> <<@rb368370 says : Re-occupy Gaza, offer Israeli citizenship to non-Islamic terrorist Arabs, send the rest to Allah.>> <<@larachelarache6024 says : Hizb lah il faut l éliminé et détruire le Liban guère complète contre le Liban est necesere>>