<<@matthewtenney2898 says : Policy means nothing if you can't trust moral character of the leaders to carry out policy. Trust is more than a quart low on moral character. Trump is always seeks superlatives for himself, well, least trust worthy is one award I think he should get.>> <<@هذةصورةكوكبالمريخ says : ثم جاء إلي "ريتشارد هاريس" (هذا الرجل يشبة كيس زبالة أسود يحترق مملوء بداخلة بكومة من العظام) فقال لي : ها قد عرفت ما هو مقامنا في عالم يحتوي على الأضاءة بالطاقة الكهربائية ويعرفون فية أن القطب الجنوبي قارة بها حياة ويسكنونة ويبنون بة دولة (مقامهم أنهم أبناء ممثلات أباحيات في العالم الذي يحتوي على الأضاءة بطاقة كهربائية والناس يسكنون بة القارة القطبية الجنوبية ويبنون بة دولة جديدة ولكنة لم يقل ذلك بل أكمل كلماتة قائلاً ... أنا المووووووت) المهم أننى أستيقظت ثم نظرت حولي في السرير فرأيت فالينة تيشيرت سوداء خاصة بي بالقرب من وسادتى فقلت لعل هذة هاريس أختبأ بها أثناء نومى ثم نقل أفكارة إلي لأنهم يتقنون فن "الأنتقال الظلي" وهو فن من فنون النينجا يستطيع بة الواحد منهم الأنتقال عبر الأشياء السوداء المحيطة بالنائم أو الظلال المحيطة بة حتى الأقتراب من رأسة لأذيتة فأخذت التيشيرت الأسود ورميته بعيدا برة الغرفة وأنا أفكر في ذهنى كيف من الممكن للواحد منهم أن يتخذ أشكالاً في قماشة مثل هذة أثناء ممارسة الأنقال الظلي للأقتراب من عدوة النائم .. فيتخذ أشكالاً صغيرة جداً ويختبيء بين ثنيات قماشة سوداء مثل هذة أثناء نوم الأنسان النائم للأقتراب إلية .. يتخذ شكلاً يشبة المرسوم في لوحة أغنية "ماندوس بمملكة الخواتم" تلك اللوحة التى يقوم فيها شخص ما بكسر أناء منير ويوجد حولة شياطين مختبئين قابعين .. نعم ولكنهم لا يتخذون هذا الحجم بل أنهم يكونون مختبئين بين ثنيات أي قماشة سوداء تكون موجودة في الغرفة بأشكال وأحجام صغيرة جداً لا أعرف ألا القليل عن فن النينجا(النينجا كلمة مش حلوة) المسمى "الأنتقال الظلي" (عرفتة من Gpt) وأطالب بكشف المعلومات الخفية عن هذة الأساليب . يعنى ريتشارد هاريس ورولينج وتيوليث ودانييل رادكليڤ وأيماواتسون وبونى رايت كانوا داخلين الفيلم دة من البداية غيظا أنة سيتم من بعدة بفترة الأعلان عن وجود حياة بالقطب الجنوبي وبناء دولة بة قالت الممثلة الأباحية جيسيكا بنت رولينج : بناء دولة في القطب الجنوبي مماثلة لأمريكا ؟ بعد كل اللى عملناة في أمريكا يطلع ناس كمان تبنى دولة مماثلة لها بالقطب الجنوبي ؟ ماذا نفعل هناك ؟ نقول مجدداً الشمال ضد الجنوب كما قلنا في أمريكا ؟ كلهم جنوب هناك>> <<@هذةصورةكوكبالمريخ says : أسمعوا تكملة الحوار : جيسيكا بنت رولينج : القطب الجنوبي يحتوي على حياة وسيتم فية بناء دولة ؟؟ أنا لاااا أريدها سلامة وجهي في الدنييييييييا التى يتم بها سكن القطب الجنوبي وبناء دولة بة ، أنا لاااا أريدها سلامة عينى في الدنييييييا التى سيتم بها سكن القطب الجنوبي وبناء دولة بة ( تقول أنها ستجعل بوي فريندها يعطيها علقات ساخنة يضربها فيها بالبوكس في وجهها وبالبوكس في عينها) هه هههه ههههههههههه عموما يا بنت الممثلة الأباحية أجعلي الـ 6бб بتاعك يفعل ما تريدينة بكى في مكان بعيد عنا ولا تظهري من جديد للعالم البشري ولا تنسي أن تجعلية يلف أداة التعذيب الخاصة بكى في يدة ليصبح وجهك أكثر أزرقاقاً ليصبح أزرق مثل زرقة البحر في وقت ما بعد الغروب عندما يجلس الأنسان أمام الشاطيء شاطيء البحر الازرق الحبري اللون يتنفس النسائم النقية ويغنى أغنية "لما كان البحر أزرق" (هذا طبعا أسلوب ساخر .. (ليس فقط أسلوب ساخر وأنما أيضاً أنا بغيّر الموضوع هذا نوع من أنواع الدفاع العقلي ضد الأفكار الشريرة الغير طبيعية أو الغير آدمية الناتجة عن أفراد قَتَلَة أو شيطانيين مالنا أحنا يا بنت الممثلة الأباحية بما ستجعلي بويفريندك يفعلة بكى ؟ )>> <<@هذةصورةكوكبالمريخ says : أسمعوا أيضا الحوار الذي دار ما بينى وما بين جيسيكا بنت رولينج قبل هذا الحوار الأخير الذي تم كتابتة للتو قالت جيسيكا : لقد كنا نجعل البويفريندز بتوعنا يعطوننا علقات ساخنة كانت الواحدة منا تجعل بوفريندها يضربها بالبوكس في عينها بسبب أنها "لم تخنة" فأذا خانتة وجعلت غيرة يمارس معها الجنس فأنة يصبح يتعامل معها بشكل أهدأ هل تعرف لماذا ؟ حتى نسيئ إلي جيل من الأجيال أطّلعنا علية في هذا الجيل كل شخص يحبب فتاة فأنة يسميها جيرل فريند وكل فتاة تحب فتى فأنها تسمية البويفريند بتاعها كان لديهم جهاز ذكاء أصطناعي خارق يسمى المصباح الجهاز أكثر تطورا بكثير بآلاف المرات من جميع أجهزة الذكاء الأصطناعي المعروفة والمتاحة لدي الشعوب اليوم كان يجعلهم يرون ما هو في عصور أخري أو يرون ما هو في عوالم اخري فكان مما رأوة جيل من الأجيال فية كل شخص يحبب فتاة فأنة يسميها الجيرلفريند بتاعتة وكل فتاة تحبب شخصا فأنها تسمية البويفريند بتاعها .. ليس هذا فقط ما رأوة بل أنهم رأوا أيضا بواسطة الجهاز دنيا غريبة موجودة في الشمس الأرض هناك فيها "أسطوانية" بالطول كساق الشجرة العملاقة والناس يعيشون فوق هذة الأرض كأنهم نمل صغير جداً يحيا فوق ساق شجرة عملاقة .. الناس هناك لهم أجساد من طاقة تشبة الكارتون كارتونية الهيئة وليست مثل أجسادنا .. أحد هؤلاء الناس قرر خوض رحلة طويلة ليري منتهي هذة الأرض الأسطوانية التى يحيون عليها فظل يمشي ويمشي حتى مشي مسافة = المسافة التى يقطعها الضوء خلال ثانية واحدة .. وهي مسافة طويلة أستغرقت منة عدة سنوات حتى عندما وصل في النهاية إلي منتهاها فأنه رأي .. رأي فضاء وفراغ من ضياء أصفر .. لا شيء آخر .. ثم قرر العودة .. قيل أن هذة الأرض التى يحيون عليها تسمى "شعرة الشمس" .. ومن بعد حصولهم على تلك المعلومات بواسطة الجهاز فأنهم صنعوا عمود معدنى وجعلوا الممثلات الأباحيات بتوعهم يقومون بالرقص على هذا العمود أزدراءا لتلك المعلومات يوجد بالشمس أراض كثيرة مماثلة للأرض التى تسمى شعرة الشمس هذة الدنيا بالشمس كارتونية وكل ما يوجد فيها من حياة فهو لة أجساد من طاقة كارتونية الهيئة كان الفراعنة يصهرون اللؤلؤ مع الياقوت الاحمر ثم يصنعون بة جوهرة متحدة أذا مرروا عليها التيار الكهربائي (كان في ذلك الوقت يسمى التيار الكهرمائي) فأنة ينطلق منها أشعاع يجعل الجالس بجوارها يدخل بعقلة إلي دنيا الشمس . الأمر يشبة نبات "الآيهوسكا" ولكنة أكثر تطورا منة بكثير .>> <<@هذةصورةكوكبالمريخ says : مرحباً كان هذا نص الحوار الذي دار ما بينى وبين جيسيكا بنت رولينج : جيسيكا : كُل ما يريحك .. كُل ما تشاء .. سوف أجعل البويفريند بتاعي يعطينى بالبوكس على عينى .. لا بد أن أضربها عين القسوة .. عندها لن يظهر لي شيخان من شيوخ الأظلام متفقان واحد يعمل نفسة أنة ملتزم بالورق اللى عندة يقول {وأضربوهن} والآخر يعمل نفسة متعاطف معايا ويقول "رفقاً بالقوارير" أو يطلع متحضر زيك ليقول "لا لضرب النساء" فأثناء وأنا باكل أرتسمت على عقلي علامات أستفهام .. عموما أكملت أكل وأنا أفكر 💭 "آية عايزة منى بنت الممثلة الأباحية دي دلوقتى؟؟" فقالت جيسيكا بنت رولينج : هيوقعوا أتفاقية سلام ما بين فلسطين وأسرائيل ؟؟ كُل ماااااا تشااااااء براااااحتك أنا سوف أجعل كل هذا العنف الذي كانوا يقولون أنة يدور بين فلسطين وأسرائيل تتعرض لة عينى أنا سوف أجعل البويفريند بتاعي يحطم وجهي فقلت لها : لا تنسي أن تجعلية يرتدي أداة التعذيب بتاعتك يلفها حول يدة قبل أن يديلك بالبوكس في عينك .. أحنا مالنا أحنا يا بنت الممثلة الأباحية بما تنوين أن تجعلي بوي فريندك يفعل بكى ؟؟ فقالت : من أجل أن تنظر المرأة العربية وتظن أن لي قضية .. لتكن هذة هي القضية الجديدة بدلا من القضية الفلسطينية فقلت لها : المرأة العربية لن تنظر إلي هذة الأخبار .. خاصة أن كانت عن وجة أمرأة من الممكن أن تفتعل جريمة حرب هي و الـ 6бб بتاعها الذي يقوم بضربها بأداة تعذيبها .>> <<@julia-v2d6g says : California and Minnesota have been run into the ground. Think about that….>> <<@kingsukumar2164 says : Trump did not do any debate during the Republican primary. MAGA was very comfortable with the debate drought that time. Why jump up and down for Kamala interview now ! Vote blue 💙💙💙💙>> <<@deborahmuller7559 says : I am a voter and what matters to me is that I never want to hear trumps lies, or know that anyone is being sucked into believing anything other the truth: trump has no interest in what's best for the people, only interest in his power, adoration, and wealth. Whoever pays him the most, gives him the most attention is who matters to him.>> <<@mohsenzarrinkamar2574 says : یه ایرونی وسط صحبتهای کامالا میگه آفرین❤❤❤❤>> <<@samirgogoi5846 says : TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@elwerouno1 says : MAIN STREAM MEDIA TRYING THEIR HARDEST 😂 SO OBVIOUS ALL THIS BOTS LIKE THE CRYPTO VIDEOS 😂 BROTHERS FOR TRUMP WAVE 24❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸 & RASMUSSEN GOT HIM WINNING❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸_____>> <<@elwerouno1 says : BLACK WOMAN FOR TRUMP WAVE 24❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ....>> <<@elwerouno1 says : ❤️TRUMP❤️ AFGHANISTAN/UKRAINE/BORDER/ECONOMY/INFLATION/HOUSING MARKET/ ETC.,ETC.,ETC., THE OTHER SIDE HAD THEIR CHANCE!!! BLACKS FOR TRUMP ONLY OBVIOUS OPTION 24 & RASMUSSEN GOT HIM WINNING❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ,,,,>> <<@hwnsrfaboy43 says : Why should anyone care what the “trump camp” wants? They are the camp of insurrection, attempted coup, sexual abuse, financial fraud resulting in 34 felonies, charity fraud…shall I go on? Fake electors,RICO? Who gives a fck what “trump camp” wants>> <<@FactsAllowed says : What issues, Trump vs Harris, two Enter only one comes out.>> <<@enampositivity8864 says : You call that tough interview?! No wonder CNN was called the fake news network by many. 😢>> <<@bruble5196 says : MAGAts out in force without bothering to listen and think for themselves. Very sad. No wonder they feel angry, depressed, lost. Red states are the poorest in the country yet they continue to vote red. Isn’t that the definition of insanity?>> <<@bruble5196 says : Kamala Harris: For The People 🇺🇸 Donald Trump: For Sale💰>> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : *Mothers* whose family budgets have been decimated by the 40-year high Biden-Harris inflation need to ask - are you better off today than 4 years ago? The typical family has to spend another $1,000 A MONTH just to afford what they did under Trump. Biden-Harris declared a war on oil. EVERYTHING moves by train or truck to get to the stores where we shop! Not to mention our own gas bills for our cars are double what they were!>> <<@catsaresweet5036 says : Kamala has been in Office for 4 years..yet she feels she needs 'Change' from her last 4 years. Because she knows her 4 years have been a failure. Due to Jo Vegetable and kamala...we have the worst Inflation in 40 yrs.  Time for Real change..bring back Economic Powerhouse Trump! He will fix all the damage Blden Kamala caused.>> <<@Forge17 says : love Phil Mattingly. He’s always got a good analysis of what’s going on.>> <<@wangmeng-dye9455 says : CNN is supporting Donald duck!!🤮🤮🤮>> <<@sandraintexas6959 says : CNN: "THERE'S NO EVIDENCE THAT MIGRANTS ARE CAUSING A CRIME WAVE!" MEANWHILE.... Two days ago, Colorado Democrat Gov. Jared Polis dismissed armed Venezuelan gang members taking over apartment complexes in Aurora as figments of our "imagination." Now he says that he is taking the situation "seriously." The only person taking this seriously is President Trump, who will deport all criminal illegal alien gang members.>> <<@sandraintexas6959 says : Imagine bringing in MILLIONS of illegal aliens & then acting as if SHE and BIDEN didn't CREATE the problem that they are now declaring that they will solve! Guess how you raise the price of EVERY single house in America that you have to pay property tax on? Give people who have saved NOTHING for a home $25,000! We are clearly living in an age where people no longer understand Economics 101! This will be known as the DUMB AGES in the history books!>> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : *Mothers whose family budgets have been decimated by the 40-year high Biden-Harris inflation need to ask - are you better off today than 4 years ago? The typical family has to spend another $1,000 A MONTH just to afford what they did under Trump. Biden-Harris declared a war on oil. EVERYTHING moves by train or truck to get to the stores where we shop! Not to mention our own gas bills for our cars are double what they were!*>> <<@Evan-f8p says : BUT DID IT WORK>> <<@tedrohe9048 says : Harris for President!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@pzkpfw6864 says : 3.5 years of her doing nothing but NOW she will. Just vote for her, she PROMISES.>> <<@standbyfortones5554 says : No comparison...Trump's much better on the economy and immigration! Kamala, not so much!>> <<@NemesisDawn says : 3 1/2 years of Biden...Name any standout accomplishment by the Biden administration (including Kamala Harris). All I have witnessed from this administration is failure backed by more failure. Illegal Immigration and the economy both are the issue at the top of the ballot. The Biden administration has failed on both of those fronts.>> <<@donaldsinden934 says : Has Harris got any policies?, or is she running on the same old, do not vote for Trump he is evil, and you are too, if you vote for him. The Democrats keep going on about democracy and division, but they have been in power for 12 out of the last 16 years, at what point are they goint to admit a little liability here?>> <<@Tcb0835 says : CNN is now beyond redemption. Appalling.>> <<@toddwinegar7365 says : Always know where to fund all the Turmp supporters throwing tantrums about the fact their chosen candidate is an 80 year old man whom has been campaigning to be President for like a decade now. The fact that the other side adjusted their route, known as a course correction. Meanwhile their guys is 80 years old and just goes on about the same stuff that he has been doin forever now. Kickin and screaming all the way down the well. 😊>> <<@cheersmodreams691 says : I'm stopping at the 4 min. mark because this, and most CNN coverage of this election, makes me want to puke. No.1: They continue to treat Trump's words, the words of a compulsive liar, as meaningful. No.2: Most of their coverage treats this election as a typical campaign of policies when it is in fact a battle a battle between two potential Americas: A Harris W.H. that worships the law and fights for ever day Americans and a Trump W.H. that will, to the extent they can, overturn the Constitution. Policies schmolicies, the state of America is at risk. Hello MSNBC.>> <<@jaygibson5057 says : There is no such thing as a Harris "campaign". It is a coup.>> <<@Maximum1A says : Dana Bash Is Much Different When She Interviews Democrats vs. Republican. But that’s true with ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, etc. https://youtu.be/dJS4rn8xz7Q?si=3ObX5znA2EoOKF03>> <<@jaobidan2358 says : Will democrats support a border wall now that Harris is in favor of it?>> <<@grant-i7t says : Fake News, We can't stand you.>> <<@M.H-r7r says : Kamala Harris' policy is lies and deception. She is a crazy woman who does not understand anything about domestic or even foreign policy, which will drag the United States into a third world war.>> <<@Engr.Hisham says : Trump 2024 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭>> <<@ronkirk5099 says : TFG's campaign is circling the drain so he is now pivoting toward efforts to overturn the results when he loses. Sound familiar? Make this a victory that is too big to challenge when you vote in Roevember!>> <<@UknewiwasmagabeforeIdid says : A real report would touch on the fact that America has the highest GDP and lowest inflation of all major economies in the world,, CNN sucks as bad as fox and MSNBC so that's not included in this half-assed report,, I started listening,, then realized this was going to be about gaslighting Americans,, CNN,, many online media outlets are messing up with inaccuracies,, stop being traitors to democracy in America and you might gain viewership>> <<@punchthem4582 says : I bet tampon Tim and CNN's Phil Mattingly could have a bonding moment of tampons in the men's bathrooms and how they both use them.>> <<@GaryOsmond says : Donald Trump was unhinged again today at his Johnstown, Pennsylvania rally. Let’s recap it: He showed up late. Again. He has zero respect for these people. JD Vance is nowhere to be found. Why doesn't he want to campaign with his running mate? Weird. People in the crowd, teenagers and elderly folks, are wearing brand new hard hats. They’re holding signs saying “fight, fight, fight.” Looks totally like non-violent programming. He had issues saying “Venezuela,” “come,” “great,” “does,” “barricades,” and he butchered two people’s names that he was introducing. Stable genius, he is not. He cries about the media and not being able to “use sarcasm.” Donald Trump doesn’t know what that word means. He’s bragging about RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard endorsing him. It’s not a flex, old man. He said the word “progressive sounds so good.” Weird. He whines that Democrats never talk about the American flag. We do. We laugh at you people totally b@stardizing it by turning it into shoes and bed sheets. He says he’s going to imprison people for a year who burn the flag. So much for upholding the 1st Amendment. He whined that the Democratic Party needs to “change its name” to “Democrat" because he doesn't like it. He cried that nobody listens to him when he says that countries are emptying their prisons into our country. Gee. Wonder why? He called us “a drug-infested nation.” This is a new way to disparage us. He said CNN’s Dana Bash “is so nasty.” He praised her in the past few rallies for being "fair" to him. Donald Trump just said he’d solve the drug problem “in one week.” How TF does anyone believe this man? He’s crying that she’s beating him in the polls. He claims that people won’t vote for her when they find out her dad is a Marxist. He says he loves people in a baby voice. It was super weird. My skin is crawling. He talks about women in the crowd who follow him around the country are “very wealthy” and their “husbands allow them” to tag along after him. He talks about Biden and Harris being incompetent because people died in Afghanistan. 45 soldiers died in Afghanistan under Trump. He’s whining about Biden a lot. He misses him dearly. He’s crying that people say that he rambles…as he’s literally rambling… He said English professors say that he’s brilliant at telling stories. I snort laughed. Surprised he didn’t say that they have tears in their eyes. He’s back to Afghanistan again claiming we "left Americans behind and nobody knows what happened to them.” Donald is a deeply senile man. He tried to do an Afghani accent. He failed miserably, as you could expect. He claimed that we had airplane landing strips that are “8 feet deep.” Uh. He’s babbling about listening to Elvis and Elton John with the Gold Star families. He claimed that the soldiers who died in Afgahnistan are “the loves of our lives.” Why hasn’t he visited the 45 who died under him? He’s whining that the media is talking about how he used the dead soliders for PR. He blamed President Biden for the media coverage (funny, because he keeps claiming Biden isn't working and that he's sleeping on the beach). He’d pay to have less media coverage. This may be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. That narcissist live without attention. He claims he knows “everything about” the soliders that died. WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF!?!?!?! His cope about the Arlington incident is VILE. He used a baby voice to say he’s looking foward to debate VP Harris. He’s lying. He’s terrified. He thinks VP Harris will be “wearing a MAGA cap” soon. Bro’s mind is mashed potatoes. He said “we should blow them out.” Yikes. He said he had a “beautiful life” prior to running for office. His wife won’t even sleep in the same bed as him. Again with the dog whistle that we won’t have a country if he loses. He’s talking about “tic tac toe boards on” people’s “foreheads.” Da fuq is this escaped mental patient trying to say? He called VP Harris and POTUS “pathetic.” That might be the biggest projection yet. He’s crying about AK-47s and AR-15s. Funny from the man who didn't GAF about kids getting gunned down in schools. He said cops are losing their cars, wives, and pensions because they “talk rough” to criminals. Uh. No. He said “everything she’s touched has turned to shit” about VP Harris. Weird, because the saying is “ETTD.” He says Melania tells him not to swear and then he cries about how he loves to. He’s whining about the fracking thing again. He said that if Pennsylvania doesn’t have fracking then they “don’t have a commonwealth.” He’s babbling about Winston Churchill’s helmet? WHAT? He said that Germany is “building a coal plant a week.” Not true. He implies that Byron Donald is one of the smart Black people. VILE MAN. Some random came on the stage and claimed that “the technology isn’t there” for EVs. The rando claimed we’d have to cover “2/3 of the country” to power them. He said that the worldwide “war on energy” is out of control. Where does Donald find these clowns? He claims President Biden has “no IQ.” Funny coming from a man who, amazingly, is dumber than George W. Bush. He’s bragging about getting along with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un and says “it’s a good thing.” No, kissing our enemies’ asses is not a good thing. He claims Harris “doesn’t give a damn about you.” His projection is seriously off the charts today. It’s amazing that the people who write the speeches he’s reading actually believe this. He claims that Harris wants to “outlaw” gas trucks and cars. Nope. He weirdly thinks that VP Harris “wants Washington” to tell people what medicine they should take and which treatments they should have. He said that VP Harris doesn’t respect anyone. Funny from a man who insults everyone he dislikes and can’t be bothered to show up on time at his rallies. He’s claiming that teenagers are being “cut to shreds” by gang members. He claims again that VP Harris doesn’t care about sex crimes with minors…again, she made an entire department in California to deal with child sex crimes. Meanwhile, he was hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein. He claims that he has the crowd’s “best interest at heart.” That man has only ever cared about himself. He said “we love warriors, that’s what we need.” More violent dog whistles. He claimed Congressman Mike Kelly “is not that pretty to look at.” He really needs to look in the mirror. He then weirdly said he doesn’t want to see Mike without a shirt. Uh. Was this on the table? He praises some dude named Bob and babbles about golf. He’s mad that Bob is filming him instead of “listening to every word.” Donald is a stereotypical narcissist. He brings up two Puerto Ricans on stage because “it will be good for the Puerto Rican vote” and claims that “every Puerto Rican is going to vote for Trump.” A guy with neck tattoos says that Trump was the “best president that we've ever seen.” Hard to take him seriously. The other guy comes up and reads from a speech saying that he likes that Donald tells it like it is. I remember when Donald threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans. He praises his friend Steve Witkoff, another dude who has had a whole bunch of lawsuits filed against him. He claims that Harris will bring in 100 million criminals and mental patients if she’s elected. Seriously, the only mental patient I'd love to have deported is him. He claims we’re not energy independent right now. We are. Guy who added $8 trillion to our debt and bankrupted multiple casinos said he’s going to bring down our debt. Funny AF. He said he’s not gonna allow foreigners to take our jobs…meanwhile, his Trump Media company begged to get special treatment to bring a man from Macedonia to work for them. Epic hypocrisy. He claims that the UAW is building massive plants for China. Uh.... Methinks he's lying here. He’s touting his proposed trade and tarrif war with China. Because that didn’t totally eff us the first time. He’s bragging about deregulation. Make Cancer Clusters Great Again.🙄 He’s whining that VP Harris stole his “no tax on tips” idea when he stole it from Ron Paul and Democrats in the first place. This part always makes me laugh. He’s once again pushing his decision to have the government pay for IVF (treatments cost between $15k-30k). Can we call him a Marxist yet? He’s ressurecting the “you won’t be able to say Merry Christmas” hoax again. The desperation here is sad. He claims tourists who go to see the Washington Monument “get stabbed.” He’s so sweaty that it looks like his nose is running. I want to hurl looking at him. I’m pretty sure he thinks the Iron Dome is an actual dome made out of iron. He claimed "every day will be filled with joy and opportunity and hope.” He can’t come up with his own campaign slogans. I mean, he co-opted "America First" from the KKK and the Nazis. People look like they’re falling asleep. People left early. And I'm so glad this old mofo stopped talking. - Is the media gonna talk about any of this or nah? I'm so tired of them failing to even bother to attempt to do their jobs.>> <<@ellisonlowrimore7751 says : 🤡 News Network won’t show the WHOLE interview! Why? Because they know that Harris is in over her head and has no clue!!>> <<@Mail-ke3kj says : As a new voter i’m doing my best to educate myself on both the candidates>> <<@Brian13-nz4pv says : Voting for Kamala because you don't like Trump is like burning your house down because you saw a spider.>> <<@davemathews7890 says : The only issues that matter to Americans are football, beer and getting laid. And most MAGAs gave up trying to get laid a long time ago.>> <<@ابومحمودالخوالد says : Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.🙏🙏🙏اللهم انصر الشعب الفلسطيني>> <<@ابومحمودالخوالد says : Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.🙏🙏🙏تحيا فلسطين والقدس عاصمتها الابدية الى الابد>>