<<@gidget2145 says : Poisoned drugs are a mark of a take over of our Republic , been happening f awhile, worked w opioids a long time ago>> <<@jillgiachino8086 says : Kevin, gop taking away Medicare and Medicaid ?>> <<@bodyme says : We the American people want accountability, stop pussyfooting hold them accountable?>> <<@bodyme says : Americans are not stupid when you going to hold them accountable>> <<@trueauthority3489 says : This guy must be a Russian Japanese French German spy>> <<@shawnz127 says : Americans kneel to God and no one else>> <<@travistodd7443 says : Thank you Kevin>> <<@grandmadynomite7 says : USING TAX PAYERS DOLLARS TO GIVE THEMSELVES AN INCREASE, WHEN THE ECONOMY/PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING - VOTE THEM ALL OUT>> <<@leonidaas2000 says : ITS ALL CHINA>> <<@terireischman9947 says : Im so extremely Sick AND TIRED OF THE DEMOCRATS TAKING OUR MONEY EVERYDAY FOR THERE CRISES.THE BORDER IS COSTING EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN IN EBERYWAY THAT DESTROYS THE COUNTY AND US AMERICANS.THERE INCOMPETENT DISGRACEFUL CORUPT AND THEY SHOULD ALL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND REMOVED.>> <<@johnbrittingham4471 says : Joy Reid: Turns Out McCarthy Thinks The Same Way About Trump As I Do>> <<@billpool1217 says : There is no inflation. If there was, every business in America, wouldn't be posting record profits!!! Are you Trumpanzees really stupid enough to fall for this??? Hey, question for you Trumpanzees, how did Biden raise feul prices, and cause inflation, EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD??? I'll wait patiently. HAHAHAHA>> <<@maryboron0701 says : What’s going to happen next???>> <<@maryboron0701 says : You go Kevin, you are always telling the truth.>> <<@JFL7707 says : My social security increase was a decrease of pay because of fuel and groceries. Tired of Demonbrats bull crap!>> <<@jimjamieson9346 says : weakly said>> <<@183charlesspiva says : Putin needs taking out.>> <<@thomaswhite4609 says : I disagree about putin. hes responding to nato shenanigans in ukraine. its too big a threat to russia if ukraine is too friendly with ukraine. people are acting too emotional about it. its national security to russia. what about when we invaded iraq based on financial interests. he is no worse than american financial meddlers.>> <<@sallanurkkala8065 says : Could somebody find my husband? Im married to him by Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and Father! From a Seraph.>> <<@dvorok499 says : "Carry on...Gerry Owen Sir"!>> <<@raddishraddish3329 says : This guy is another McConnell... Speaks out both sides of his mouth and his feet/ action don't match his words>> <<@fishfire4429 says : Holy F... that's what my drinks are being spiked with... the Big F. My BQS also been slipping it in my drinks at parents. Druggie Btch>> <<@albertvaron278 says : . . impeachment .>> <<@albertvaron278 says : Yeah we can rip on Joe till the cows come home but the damage is being done while we do nothing>> <<@mikehaaglund3625 says : We the people don’t believe anybody out there preaching we want to see some teeth if there’s no teeth in Congress that mean both say they’re corrupt>> <<@mikehaaglund3625 says : If you don’t hit the ground running Kevin you better look at all Congress and everybody that been lying to the American public even you as you sit there behind that podium could be lying we don’t believe none of you if we have no teeth in what we say there’s no value in with you>> <<@toddflanagan9402 says : Biden says that inflation is going up and the American people need to suck it up which is b******* he needs to start doing the policies that were set in front of him instead of with the pan cutting them all off>> <<@jasoncod3337 says : It's time too lace Biden and his family food and drink with fetnol and let God and the devil deal with all corrupt government politicians give the all fetnol they are the biggest criminals of all America 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🤔🤢🤔>> <<@OOPS2468 says : mccarthy is pathetic .he is a close second to the orange cheeto as the most disgusting slimeball on the planet.oh and put pucker carlson in there also>> <<@christybultsma7900 says : And thanks for NAFTA you jerk, Clintons, Congress!>> <<@terrilawson2559 says : DEMOCRATS MUST BE REMOVED AT ALL COSTS IN NOVEMBER (INCLUDING RINO'S)>> <<@stevouknow8408 says : What this administration has done to our Energy Independence is Sickening!!! Get these GD Democrats out of office! Stick some Green New something up their Backsides!>> <<@stevouknow8408 says : Adam Schiff is the most Discracfull Politician to ever be in Congress! This so called Man...."I doubt it", is such a Lying Stinking Pencil Neck Corrupt Politician he makes a Freedom Loving Americans SICK!!!>> <<@eliminatecellulitekates9757 says : The BORDER,BORDER,BORDER,BORDER,BIDEN,BIDEN,BIDEN,IMPEACH, IMPEACH, CLOSE THE BORDER, CLOSE THE BORDER, CLOSE THE BORDER!!!!>> <<@michaelrobinson912 says : I love this guy, Alberta will need a good governor in may 2023. He knows how to relieve the pain at the pumps..>> <<@jVorensky says : Wake-up, Wise-up, Rise-up, Speak-up, Speak-out act to contradict Fox network’s propaganda. Fox and its networks have a history of supporting Putin/Trump authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial, anti-democratic regimes. Know the former President has mainly supported, encouraged, empowered Putin and stated at the invasion that he’s a “Genius”, “Smart”, “Savey” (Shrewd) and sucked-up, kneeled down, bowed down to Putin in Helsinki, Finland! Trump attempted to extort dirt on Biden in exchange for supplying Ukraine with weapons (reason for the first impeachment)! Know, Putin is a murderer of the Ukraine people. Biden confronts Putin as soulless, killer, and war criminal! The oil and inflation is significant but know iit's deceiving because it's being used as a distraction to the hypocrisy!>> <<@takosha5366 says : Yes everyone is oppose to Putin Now what,? Appose to What's going on here, now what". Circling Around getting dizzy 🤕>> <<@icosium1icosium957 says : OPEP&OPEC ,,,a total oil embargo on US,,,dear,,dear,,Ooo my dear...US will be crying&begging like babies for oil...US will not riding horses but DONKEYS...OPEP&OPEC do it.>> <<@jaypirrelli970 says : Macarthy I think is as in trustworthy as Maconnel.>> <<@maryannweldin4633 says : The country’s biggest question is. Why didn’t these rhinos stop them back then. Mc Carthy is all tAlk and no action always has been always will be>> <<@AdamofCA. says : Business Insider reports (3-20-22) that kevin mccarthy promises to remove the lying adam schiff from committee. that can't happen soon enough. Schiff needs to be in jail for all the leaks to the press while being chairman of the intelligence committee.>> <<@jwilliam2255 says : Too bad Kevin and all of his RINO friends for the last 50 years can see the problems but can never manage to make real changes to anything. No campaign $$ for RINOs.>> <<@rodneydockins3485 says : RINO.... Nobody with any sense trusts this guy he will turn his back and run at the first sign of danger>> <<@cameronizatt3293 says : Inflation is Biden’s Fault. The Democrats are partially responsible as well.>> <<@robertarnold7187 says : Biden has a lt of blood on his hands. He doesn't care what or who comes through the southern borders.>> <<@GG-pr3yo says : Never mind Putin's genocide.>> <<@mbaldwin8063 says : BIDEN is bringing SHAME ON AMERICA BY DOING NOTHING!>> <<@loro3849 says : The dems are anti American.>> <<@bizzirker says : Already they are making it hard for me to drive my mustang,,,, And I want to drive my mustang,, ^$%&&!>> <<@ricardocavazos7114 says : Brandon's corrupted family and DeMoRats 🤡🤡🤡🐀🐁🐀🐁🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁 sure are building their wealth under number of crimes stealing from every American familys and companies tax payers ... Tham nasty rats>>